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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. A regime what? You too busy trying to link words in some kind of order that you forgot again that sentences have to have structure to provide meaning?

    Oh, now that's amusing! Especially coming from a guy who's posts look like they were either assembled by a random word generator, or who types by standing across the room, pegging tangelos at the keyboard.

    Well done! That's the first truly funny thing you've written!

  2. Good point. Your supposed father certainly didn't have scaley skin did he? Should known that unblinking stare of yours had nothing to do with acquired poker skills, after all one can't just teach oneself to have a nictating membrane.

    I'll have that previously mentioned person do a write up on you in his blog. Your 15 minutes of "fame" as it were oh wanna be Justicar.

    It's interesting (In a completely non-interesting kind of way), but this reads like you originally wrote it in English and then ran it through Bablefish into... I don't know... Samoan, maybe? Tlingit? And then translated it back into English.

    You must have an inordinate amount of time on your hands.

  3. Since when has a '5 minute squire' with only 2 wins to his name (against Watcher no less...talk about a gimme) get imminent elevation to the Kniiggetthood??

    Back in my day, a squire had not only to win practically campaigns-worth of battles BUT also post the AARs (screenshots included as proof) AND prove one's mettel in the 'parry and thrust' world of high level, heavy-duty taunting.

    I recall having to play Croda on a huge sized ME, at night, in heavy fog whilst raining. I had 150mm artillery and no FO or target markers and at one point our tanks passed each other going in opposite directions (easily enough done with only 15m of visibility).

    Now that is where a squire earns his stripes, not by bringing a shiny apple to teacher's desk every morning and being a supreme butt-sniffer.

    Now as for YOU, Watcher...I've had quite enough of your mewling, 'fair thee well met', honor in defeat odes to sburke. It's sburke fer feck's sake! He didn't beat you...you were cheated! No squire should ever admit defeat, it is the AI's fault, gaminess on the part of your opponent or your addiction to drugs/porn that is to blame. The Cesspool was built on hate...HATE godammitt and that is whats kept it going lo these years. Seanachai, (may he rest in peace) has only our hate to thank for keeping him from being consigned to a cardboard box in a pauper's grave. You'll never do well to be nice to your opponent, oh no...

    That's what I'm talking about! Why before ol' Croda made me a Kniggettt, I had to fight RLeete in Crodaburg (Brrrrrrrr... that was painful!) AND write an ode (an ODE fer cryin' out loud!) to the "beauty" of the scenario!

    THEN I had to fight AussieJeff in JABOS! (I think that even someone with your flattened brain pan can appreciate the pants-dampening horror of that!).

    AND THEN I had to fight Yeknod in some... fecking... abomination cooked up by Berli and I think it was Rune, saints preserve us, where I had green mountain troops climbing down snow-covered mountains at night to try to stop his panzers along a narrow road.

    I think the game ended before my troops even got down the freaking hills!

    But for some reason, Pshaw seems to think that the tradition of the MBT (Long May It Wave) is best served by coddling (Yes, I said coddling!) these n00bs, so about all we can do is repeatedly tell him how wrong he is, and I for one have no problem with that.

  4. Sounds like a task for that stellar Squire, Watcher.

    There's a good lad, do some research and find the other houses besides House Rune, the Shavian House, Croda, and JD Morse(?).

    Is that last one really a house?

    Anyway, do a bang up job of it and I will propose you be advanced to Kanigget.

    Oh My Gosh..... Dosomefink.com is still an active community..... I... I just have no words.

    Croda is not a House, you quarter wit. Croda is OF the House JDMorse. He was Squire to JDMorse, just as I was Squire to Croda.

    It's not that freaking difficult, man!

    But then, I forget you were a latch-key Squire, left all to yourself and really... using yourself as a role model... nothing good could ever come of that.

    And I have NO idea what this whole House Lex nonsense is about. It sounds like something Joe would make up because he couldn't remember the true name. Sort of like how Harpo Marx would call everybody "Benson" because he could never remember names.

    Where did that questionable reference come from, anyway?

  5. (Inconsequential vomitous dribble)

    Oh, Joooooooooooeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy!

    Your new little ankle-biter has gotten off his leash again and is annoying those who are his betters.

    Which means everybody alive, Oddstralians notwithstanding.

    You should probably hit him in the muzzle with a rolled up newspaper. One that has a lead bar in it, hopefully.

  6. I'm sorry, was I even talking to you? Let's see... is my chin all covered in drool? No. Are the neighborhood dogs all howling with dismay... nuh uh.

    Does my brain hurt? Nope.

    So apparently I wasn't talking to you, so don't you have some other direction you can be pointing your loathsome, caries-infested gob, Skeezix?

    I'd tell you to go pound sand, you cur, but seeing where you live, you'd think of it as just another day at the office.

    Oh, DEAR GAWD! Will no one rid me of this annoying hairless Howler Monkey???

  7. Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House.

    Somebody kick him... he's stuck.

    Or just kick him.

  8. I personally give thanks to the Dutch for their contributions to English culture.Just in the area of linguistics we have these memorable phrases that have added so much to our language.

    “Dutch OVEN” is a term for when one farts in bed and pushes one’s

    partner’s head under the covers to enjoy the atmosphere

    DUTCH TREAT: A meal, amusement etc. at which each person pays for

    himself, that is, a false treat, not a treat at all

    DUTCH DEFENSE: Retreat or surrender (no defense at all). It is also a

    legal defense where the defendant seeks clemency by deceitfully betraying


    DUTCH DUMPLINGS: Buttocks. A homosexual expression from the mid to

    late 20th century.

    DUTCH EXIT: To fart just before leaving a table, car, elevator, or room and

    leaving the stink with others

    DUTCH UNCLE To be spoken to “like a Dutch uncle” is to be scolded, to

    receive a stern lecture or comments given with unsparing severity and


    DUTCH WIFE: A prostitute.

    So I for one thank you PutzerMike for all the great things your little province of Germany have given to us.

    You forgot "Dutch Rub" (Also known as the "Noogie"): To rub your knuckles rapidly over another person's head, while holding holding their head under your other arm.

  9. Ah, Pampered Tyke (Neither spelt nor bolded), changing a post instead of the more difficult and creative way of using one's own words to mock them. How like a Dutchman, staggering through life with their silly bobbed, blonde hair and clunky wooden shoes to match their clunky wit.

    There's a reason they're called the low countries, you know.

  10. Oh... Joseph, you try so very hard, but as always you end up piddling on your own feet.

    As it said on the website you found (Oh, and I imagine you were so very pleased with yourself when you found it! You were probably beside yourself with joy, which means there were two of you and that's 12 too many): "Akron After Hours is an Emmy-award-winning sketch comedy show created and run by students at the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio."

    But being A. From Mormon-Land and 2. Working in the banking trade and III. Well, just being a tremendous git, really... you completely lack an understanding of humor.

    Which is ironic, seeing how clownish your antics are.

  11. You waste of human flesh,………. you air sucking organ bag, I post to you, you walking amoeba through tears of pity. Do you realize you're one stupid post away from living the rest of your life with 10 cats?

    Virtual women are what you consider an achievement in a relationship with women? Bet your drooling to buy the Ocular Rift 3D headset, what a mess for mother to clean up. Have you ever talked to a woman without having to give your credit card number?

    Look I can barely tolerate you but for heaven’s sake man, snap out of it. Stop going to strip bars and at least try to engage real females in conversation. And if you must frequent the Bada Bing Gentleman's Club at least remember these few items.

    Stop holding that one dollar bill in your hand with a death grip and waving it around at her like it's the deed to the Trump Towers... what the hell do you want her to do, marry you ? It's a freakin dollar, put it down on the tip rail already.

    Stop asking her if her boobs are real. They’re as real as her affection for you.

    Stop asking her out. You're a smelly, fat loser and the only reason she smiles and coos at you is because she wants your money. Outside of the club she wouldn't even fart your way.

    Seriously no, her name is not Vixen Blue.

    And a general rule to abide by is don't try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other. So get it together lad and face the real world. Although you might want to get the ok from your liege Joe Shaw, as he must be beaming in admiration at another fine inductee into the Shavian House.

    Now, you're being quite unfair to the poor lad. I'll bet there's a distinct possibility she might fart towards him.

    You know, that if given the option, she'll choose to face away from him at all times.

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