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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. We do have standards to uphold after all.


    Oh, that was a good one! Coffee over the monitor, the desk, the keyboard! What a freakin' mess!

    Standards? House Rune????

    Other than developing monumentally unbalanced CM scenarios, you mean? Could we see a list of these standards, please? I'm sure everybody here would benefit from reading them. just grab any one of your half eaten crayons and writ... I mean PRINT them out for us.

    Don't want you to hurt yourself.

    That's why we're here.

  2. Ah it is a beautiful thing to see ones tutoring bearing fruit.

    Joe's confused (again) and thinks he's Mr. Green Jeans.

    Now granted sburke had some native talent already,

    from a far distant land

    no question there, but under my inspired leadership he has truly blossomed

    More of the unfortunate plant life metaphor...

    and is matching, and may I say besting, some of the lesser lights around here {snee .. Boo Radley ... ze}.

    Again, this is another example of how Pshaw makes value judgements. i.e. quite poorly

    Once again my judgement is proven infallible.

    Do the unicorns bow to you in your world, Joe? Do the woodland animals gather around you as you go traipsing through the meadows of your mind? Did Fellini, rapidly taking notes as he watched you, mumble, "Oh, I can use this!", while looking over his shoulder, Dali said, "No one would believe this ****e".

    You can tell us, Joe.

    We won't care, but you can tell us.

  3. Well done sparky, yes there are 5 digits on each hand for we humans.

    And it's an interesting thing (or it would be if I cared) that you needed to put your beer down to count over five.

    Because apparently you were counting on your fingers.

    Conprendo, Bozo?

    I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

    Dear GAWD, Pshaw! Where do you find these guys? In what Remainder bin in what Dantean version of Walmart are these guys stacked up like wormy cord wood?

    I'll admit, I had some rough going when I took Nidan to Squire and don't even get me started on Lurkur, but maybe if you wouldn't spend so much time smearing your Rooskie plane all over the landscape and drunkenly screaming "How BOUT them Cowboys" (Little hint: no one cares) every few minutes, this guy wouldn't keep falling off the turnip truck of life and ending up with his skirt up over his head!

    If I want incomprehensible gibberish, I'll read some OGSF posts.

  4. Good thought sburke, it's about time the useless Bastiche makes himself useful around here. Mind you it might well be more of a task than he can handle.

    Your Liege,

    Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT

    You aren't making a "thingy" reference, are you, Joe?

    A "thingy" reference?

    I might expect that from spork, knowing the slap dash way you train your Squires, but I'd hoped you were above such things.

  5. Well I can only believe in this instance it was the instinctive reaction on the part of my inborn desire to maintain a high standard of excellence to only want to quote intelligent people. Which in this case, considering the slobbering drivel that is displayed daily in the CessPool, you being a prime example, would be to quote me.

    Holy CRAP! How do you get that head of yours through doors, Sparky?

    Wait a minute... is Emrys playing a prank on us all and posting under a fictitious name?


    Oh, wait... never mind. All of Emrys remaining circuits would blow and he'd experience a complete shut down before he could force himself to admit to being wrong in any way.

    Carry on, children.

  6. Yeah that his last edit matches the time stamp on his next post shows a distinct lack of perception about technology. Then again he is from Ohio. It was predictable.

    Said the guy who:

    1) Admits to being from Filthadelphia,

    B) Now lives in a town where one of the top-rated restaurants is a Falafel drive-in and

    III) Well really, that's a tough one to top... but anyway,

    ΓΈ) Is Squire to Foul Ole Joe, which should trump just about anything and means that anything he says can be discounted to the point where it'll be at the bottom of the Remainder Bin until the Apocalypso.

  7. It probably wouldn't not do that.

    Wow. speak English much?

    Boo Radley! He who thinks chipping one stone upon another is the highest form of technology achievable. Still in Ohio, the Cuba Gooding Jr. of Midwestern states? Send me a CMx1 turn, if you can wrench up enough courage to be badly beaten yet again. Make it angry, unyielding.

    I don't even know what half this means, but CMx1? Seriously? Why not play a rousing game of Asteroids? Maybe pinball?

    We don't do CMx1 around here anymore, Skeezix.

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