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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. You want to know who's posting here??? Take a look around. There's about a half dozen or so who still wander in to bay at the moon on occasion. And the operative word is "occasion". This thing slips onto page 3 and beyond on a regular basis. And then, like some cataclysmically drunk guy at a party who's been comatose for the last hour and a half, a couple of random synapses fire and the thing lurches up, spews some nonsense around the room, giggles, hiccoughs and then sinks back into oblivion.

  2. Boo Radley, step forward and remind me who is worthy enough for me to address.

    You're kidding, right? You get all likkered up and before you can say "Boo's your uncle" you're hanging off of clueless Japanese tourists, crying like the gate guard at the Wizard's Palace in the Emerald City, telling them about your dear old Aunt Em.

    Get a couple of Cuba Libres into you and you suddenly become everybody's best friend, inviting yourself over, declaring their drinks cabinet as your personal fiefdom.

    The thing is, you may be a tramp, but you're OUR tramp.

  3. So how's the leprosy thing working out for you?


    So how's the whole doddering old man thing working out for you? Got it down pat by now, I'd imagine. You've been at it for such a long, long, long, endlessly long, one day slowly, inexorably grinding into another, time, eh? Know the meaning of entropy inside and out... literally... I would say. Come to realize pudding is your best friend?

    But I assume you've also come to embrace the concept of truly how liberating adult diapers are.

    Good for you, Michael!

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