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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. What version of SC is this for? Also can you send me a turn where I can see this repeat? Send to support@furysoftware.com
  2. Generally naval units are placed at safe ports that start closest to the capital and by safe this means those that are not threatened by enemy land, air and other naval units as determined by the internal game engine logic. On top of that the AI usually tries to balance out unit placement by checking the highest active sea zones, i.e. if we are thinking globally and if the pacific is where there is an imbalance of enemy units then the US AI may try and place their units there. Alternatively if it is the Atlantic then it will try and place on that side instead. If you want them to come into a specific location and not depend on the general AI logic then I would recommend using the UNIT script event instead. Hope this helps, Hubert
  3. Unfortunately just the one GOAL POSITION per event.
  4. True, there is a priority put on the least valuable regular land unit which is the Corps, then it goes from there to Army, Tank etc. to fulfill the scripted Garrison position. It can work with an HQ, AT or AA etc., i.e. special units, but these usually have to start on the GARRISON position in question. Even then they will only stay there so long as it cannot be replaced by a regular land unit. It is a bit tricky but you'll get the hang of it after a while, Hubert
  5. It could be one of two things, either there is an error in the scripts or perhaps not enough units as Bill has alluded to. For size there are some notes for each AI scripts and I would double check these as this is likely the cause of the issue regarding the AI. Here are the notes from the Amphibious script: #SIZE - This value must be satisfied or the event will not occur. For example, if the game engine cannot find enough ; enough units to satisfy the #SIZE requirement the event will not be added to the active plan list. ; Note: #SIZE values refer to the number of Land units assigned to a plan except for HQ, Rocket, Artillery, Anti-Tank, Anti-Air, ; Air Fleet, Tactical Bomber and Bomber units. These units are added to the plan (closest available unit without a plan) ; after all other land units. Therefore, a plan set to #SIZE= 5 would infact end up being a plan with a size equal to 6 ; after the game engine includes an HQ and so on. Essentially, in order to have the plan satisfy the #SIZE requirement ; keep in mind the original count does not include available HQ, Rocket, Artillery, Anti-Tank, Anti-Air, Air Fleet, ; Tactical Bomber and Bombers as these are added in after the #SIZE value is satisfied. If this is satisfied then the AI can run as many operations that there are enough units available for etc. Hope this helps, Hubert
  6. Big Al, To be honest I am not sure I understand the question or the process you are using here. I think you are using the Map Generator utility and when you import the map.txt file into the SC Editor it comes out to 256x128, correct? After that I am lost, what are you trying to do with the iso template.bmp? Just to clarify, usually the iso template is used separately from the Map Generator, i.e. it is a helper to create maps by hand and usually the bitmap for the map would match in size to what would be shown in the Editor. For example, if you lay the iso template over a map bitmap and it fits nicely matching what would be similarly seen in the Editor using the editable tiles then you've resized the bitmap for the map correctly.
  7. Please open a ticket at http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/ and we'll explore another option for you. Thanks, Hubert __________________
  8. Correct, it would be something like this: C:\Games\Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg or in French: C:\Jeux\Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg
  9. Saudade, Let me know if that suggestion helps from Seamonkey and if not please open a ticket at http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/ and we'll explore another option for you. Thanks, Hubert
  10. Very odd... can you try disabling UAC to see if that helps?
  11. My mistake, it is only the '~' that you need to use. If a unit is not selected then it will pull up the AI planning info, if a unit is selected it will show the AI info for that particular unit. There should be some info on the F2 key, as well as the F1, F3 and F4 keys in the User Manual.
  12. If you use the Tab key it will list the cities and other resources that are threatened by land, sea and air etc. Generally it just means does your opponent have the tactical advantage over this area? This is calculated internally based on the general strength and range of enemy versus friendly units. For example if your opponent has 3 fighters in range of a city and you have one defending fighter in range then usually the advantage goes to your opponent... but the normal quantifiers are also in effect, i.e. strength, readiness, morale etc. are all taken into account and so on. For example
  13. Can you try running as an administrator? Another attempt would be to install in your C:\ drive to see if that helps.
  14. The tactical condition range info should be contained in the script header notes, i.e.: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; TACTICAL ID REFERENCE VALUES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ANY= 0 ; LAND= 1 ; AIR= 2 ; NAVAL= 3 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; But off hand and one thing that immediately caught my attention is your cancel position... essentially it is always true and therefore always canceling your event. What you need is the following: ; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no ; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0] I would also suggest making use of the F2 - Debuglogs option as well as the 'Tab' and '~' keys as this will give you information on current plans held by the AI as well as specific plans held by each individual unit. Hope this helps, Hubert
  15. Can you try running the EXE from the installation folder and see if that works. Also can you tell me what the path of your installation folder is? Hubert
  16. 1. Conversion is necessary 2. These should be kept otherwise the game may not run correctly
  17. Can you confirm that the dx7vb.dll has been copied to the same location as the SC2.exe file?
  18. Thanks for the links and a very nice mod for the original SC1 game indeed Before I get into further trouble, perhaps I misspoke when I mentioned SC3 as there really is nothing on the table, officially anyways, for that right now. It was more or less a logical assumption that once all the current SC2 projects wrap up and provided that things go according to plan, my goal would of course be to create an SC3 with ideally a new look and feel. Of course even if that is the case it would be at least a few years off... unfortunately!
  19. saudade, can you check to see if you have the file 'dx7vb.dll' in your SC2 installation directory? If you do not, you can download the file from here: http://www.battlefront.com/versionchecks/dx7vb.dll After that please do the following (customize it for the installation location on your system as it may differ from the one described below): 1) Place the 'dx7vb.dll' file into their Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg installation directory. Typically this would be C:\Program Files\Battlefront\Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg 2) Go to Start and select Run 3) Type regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Battlefront\Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg\dx7vb.dll". Please use the quotes, i.e. "", as indicated otherwise it may not find the appropriate path. 4) If you receive an 0x8007005 error message this means you do not have the appropriate permissions and will need to temporarily disable your User Account Control (UAC) and repeat step 3). You should refer to your Vista documentation for further instructions on the disabling and subsequent re-enabling of UAC 5) Re-enable UAC as desired once the dll is successfully registered.
  20. Big Al, Sounds like something might be off in your scripts as the AI won't actually pull units from a Garrison position for offensives, i.e. either generic offensive planning by the AI or for those that you have scripted yourself. Perhaps your Garrison plans are not kicking in or they are being canceled due to one of your conditions? If it is a question of the units being assigned to an Offensive plan before they are in the Garrison position then this could be an issue as the Garrison plan only officially kicks in as active once the unit is in position. Otherwise un-assigned units are directed towards the Garrison position. If this is the case then you can always set your offensive plans to initiate on condition of the desired units being in their Garrison positions first. In this case it might make it easier to use smaller Garrison plans, one per position etc., depending upon what you are trying to achieve. Hope this helps, Hubert
  21. Borsook, glad to hear the AI is giving you a good run. We spent a lot of time fine tuning the WaW AI scripting and events and while there were some technical improvements to the AI logic for the games that followed I think the WaW AI scripts are probably some of the best as you've noticed. Reason being that the WaW AI was really the culmination of years of feedback and play testing for the European Theater that the other games have not yet benefited from... but that being said the experience from developing the WaW AI will definitely show in the other games as well as the AI is now the least likely of complaints when it comes to the SC series and by comparison to other similar games in the genre.
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