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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. I just wanted to say that I'm not happy with the term "regions". It implies more than one and sounds quite larger than "area" or "patch" or "corner".
  2. There's this little warm, glowing feeling right in the pit of me bowels whenever the Justicar is proven wrong, wrong, wrong.
  3. Erm, well it would matter if yer from the Cocos Islands where half and hour is very important and since Nidan1 hasn't specifically stated that he is not resident in the Cocos Islands or Afghanistan or Mumbai or certain parts of Australia it is quite conceivable that a post could differ by half an hour? Besides, his grammar is still rather timeless.
  4. [... and as the winter sun of hope sheds a wan pool of morning light across the hard, vast acres of cold eternity there is brisk activity from behind the Paddock shed with something dark and heavy and a rather well-used rubber toy] *snort* Good morning Mr Gnome! Truth and Justice, Truth and Justice, Truth and Justice and a sponge bath. A cold, wet, frosty sponge bath for you!
  5. May be it needs something else for the Tibetan market? Sherpa?
  6. If the Mormon wives had crabs too, that'd be crab on crab... that'd be more than polygamous and crustaceonally crabtastic.
  7. ... I was just contemplating a frenzied attack on garlord with plastic flatware...
  8. Somehow, the thought of a crab preying on gaylord and then NG cavscout feasting on the same crab has a sort of grotesque neatness that is rather pleasing.
  9. And besides, there is always a comfy, warm and cosy Peng thread place where bugs can be extracted with complete discretion and privacy.
  10. dalem sounds very much like Darwin. So I wouldn't expect him to be on the Dover PA board and I might expect him to fall off the edge of the world.
  11. Yes, I have often considered messypoxie one of the most impressive. But I fear that without a Heidelburg press to hoof I might have to resort to a common hammer to extract the odd, smattered morsel of erudite wonderment upon which we might feast? Of course, this will preclude yer resident vegetarians so I'll pass in favour of a thistle. Damnable shame...
  12. Well, that is an interesting thing to offer. See, I have never, ever seen a millipede with a dingle-berry. Not one. Sort of makes yer wonder?
  13. ... and I shouldn't want to be a millipede in a tundra region because me buttocks might get frozen into the permafrost. Sort of puts Woolly Mammoths into perspective. Their butts were well above ground level but it is quite likely they had an issue with dingle-berries.
  14. ... of course, millipedes have the ability to burrow. And that would strongly suggest subterranean asshole activity which sheds a completely different light on the matter as yer can't get lower than subterranean.
  15. No, that would be an octopede. Besides, after much observation, if the millipede were to raise its butt.. it might not then be the lowest asshole. .. but only for a short time before gravity took affect. Which, I suspect, would be like the impression of impending inevitability and unremitting tedium that one would encounter before getting to the point where the foresaid millipede might want to crawl over and offer an opinon. Butt and all.
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