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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. FINALY! Sheesh. To my earger euro pals: Gotta make a Dr. appt right now. Will test the disks when I get home.
  2. Fire on the Mountain: Units took up their defensive (hidden) positions arond the flags. Stuck mostly to the defalt deployment with a few minor exceptions. Left most of the field guns in thier spots, and put tanks in what I thought were good positions to pummel troops coming in from the opposite hill tops. First turn, I loose all of my tanks but the Sherman 76. On turn two, I rapidly move him to a hedge near the main road in the center of the map for concealment from the guns. I order several .50 cals and all of my 81mm mortars to open up on the guns that have been spotted. Not sure how to employ them, I foolishly leave my halftracks exposed to the guns who finish them off after the tanks. A min later, a barrage of arty and rockets comes down to desrtoy any supporting infantry the HTs might have had. Fortuneately, the HTs has no such support, and for the most part, only the vehcile crews are molested by the incoming rounds and rockets. The .50 cals and 81mm mortars are having little sucess in taking out the hilltop guns. I order my hilltop batteries to assist in the effort. All the field guns I have are destroyed with the counter fire from his guns. He still has suffered no more than two or three guns being lost. My opponent drops a 105mm prep barrage on the hill with the stone wall to soften up any defences for an assalut by an understrength company. The assualt is a sucess. At the same time, he captures the most forward of the villages to my left flank after a burtal house to house fight. My men are just not able to stomach the horrable fighting, and most of what is left flee for safety. I use the Shermie 76 sitting next to the hedge to harrass the village's new masters. A large reinforcement arrives to my right flank. It is a motorized (and strangly AMERICAN mechanized) intantry group. There are some supporting GP MG units as well as an A/C or two. I plan to rush the collum to the lost hill and village, and issure the appropreate orders. On the next turn however, a 105mm barrage comes down on them and turns the whole thing into a clusterf***! Troops abandon their transports as many explode into flames. It was the best use of artillery in CM I have ever seen. Anyone that played the French knew how big that reinforcement was. My opponent made all but one platoon and A/C die or route within a few turns! I decide to make a last despirate attempt to capture the flags I have lost. I order my 81mm and 105mm spotters to drop everything they have on the stone wall hill. I then use my Sherm 76, the last halftrack, the last A/C, and about a platton of men to contest the village on my left flank. After the arty runs dry, I order a platoon to mop up on the stone-wall hill. To my suprise, the massive drop did almost nothing to the defenders! My platoon is routed in a firefight that had a slight advantage towards his men. The second assault force makes their attempt on the village. However, the troops are too shaken to begin with, and the run when the Germans say "boo." The 76 is Ko'ed by a 20mm flack at close range, but I am able to get the HT and A/C in without dying. They are able to contest the flag when the battle ends. Resutls: A heafty victory for my Axis opponent. It was the attrition he handed to me that did me in more than the flags. I learned some valuable lessions on deployment.
  3. No. Bakersfield is a major cross-roads for two thirds of California's major cities. We are also a primary mail distribution center for the USPS in sothern California. However, I am getting my shipment UPS. If I get it on Monday, then UPS has failed to get my package to me in the specified time of their ground service. Today is the last day.
  4. I will check each disk with a full install and test before shipping out. Thanks guys. Now where's that DAMN UPS truck?!
  5. Fanboys! LD, I STILL haven't got it yet!! Can you belive that S&@$?! -Keith
  6. Cap, I ordered o the first day of pre-ordering. My order is in the 80,900's. Sitz, Yes, four. I am more angry at making my euro pals wait longer that I am for myself. :mad: *pours flammable liquids over brown vans* "If I can't have my Barbarossa, then I'll BBQ those brown-shorts wear'n freaks in their vans!!" *lights match and giggles in a disturbing manner* [ September 27, 2002, 03:51 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  7. What ah joke. It seems like almost everyone in the US that has ordered has got the goods. And I still have jack crap. This is getting old. Tomorrow will be the last day before UPS is LATE!! :mad:
  8. I ordered the first day of preorder. Nothing yet. You are not alone.
  9. Cool. That flag will rock once it's got mo' red in it. :cool:
  10. Oooohhh! I hate you. I preordered the first day, and still don't have it!!!! :mad: Well, maybe not hate. How about loathe. . .
  11. Go to WalMart or Target. You can get dozen of the thin ones for about three bucks.
  12. (Note: there's also 75mm rg.) I'm no grog, but I remember noticing the same thing with Steel Panthers World At War. It seemed strange then, but I guess it was developed for paratroopers. But please, grogs, enlighten us!</font>
  13. Thanks Gyrene. Those pics help a down and out (and waiting) CM'er feel better.
  14. Hmm. That suprises me. I have had quick service from UPS in the past. USPS is normaly the organization that gives me greif. Oh, well. Thanks for the vote of support.
  15. I've gone from annoyed to mildly pissed. Somone shoot me. :mad: Oh, well. There is tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, and. . .
  16. Still nothing! Jesus F%^&$#@ Christ! :mad: Okay, I have vented. All is good again. UNTIL TOMORROW'S LETDOWN!! [ September 25, 2002, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  17. Try here: Color WWII Photos The site is Russian, but many of the pics are German stuff. I haven't been through the whole thing, so there might be some of what you are looking for in there.
  18. I know. I betcha the Peagusus distribution center probably had it two days ago. Damn USPS. Ya gotta love our government ran operations here! One-and-a-half hours until my carrier arrives. Here is to crossed fingers, lucky rabbit foots, and praying to god!
  19. Thanks Gary. My spirits (and those euro pals waiting on my order)have been renewed. Think you'll start a new CMBB mod catalogue? :eek: If you are, I will help you with your suiside when you are finished.
  20. Danzig is correct. You're gonna get flammed realy badly no matter how "correct" or "incorrect" your views are. Politics is not a good subject to play with here. Oh, and: HI MOM! [ September 25, 2002, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
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