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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. Good god! Don't just lock this one up! BURN IT!!! :mad: :eek: Oh, and: HI MOM!!
  2. Guys, I am working on the breifings today. You will have it by tonight. (I haven't forgot about you Chad ) No more testers needed. Thanks everyone for your support!
  3. Chrono, Welcome to the forums. 1. I belive you can select ground conditions in QBs, but am not sure on this one. 2. I can run Medal of Honor at high resolutions and full graphics with zero slowdown, but with CM, I get a little chugging as well. I think the game engine's limitations are starting to really show. 3. Think of mods as a set of paintings for your CM battlefield. Each set of bmps is a new paint job for your CM units. If you drop one set of them into the bmp folder, they REPLACE the existing ones. So make sure to back up the original bmps first, just in case you don't like the mod once it is showing it's colors in the game. [ October 07, 2002, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  4. Okay Louie (my brother's name BTW), I have already receved some good feedback and am making a few changes. I'll get it to you tomorrow night. You'll be a second stage beta tester, okay?
  5. Chad I am working on one right now that is getting some good marks from the beta testers. You want to give it a shot? Small city map, 3000pts per side, mostly armor, 1943, dawn, clear weather. I need to do a few tweaks and write the breifings. I could have it to you tomorrow night. You would be a second stage beta tester.
  6. Nevermind. [ October 07, 2002, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  7. I have 256MB RAM and a 128MB Geforce 4 card on a P4-1.5Ghz. I think I need more RAM myself. I tried dropping to 800x600, but still get a some what lower framerate just like in the higher resolution. I think all of these low frame rate problems on strong rigs may just be a limitaion on the CM engine itself. Any thoughts?
  8. Louie, 25+ turns. Most of the pts are for armor. This is a light and med armor bash in close quarters. Without spoiling anything, it does not have huge amounts of units due to most pts being allocated to tanks. Don't expect a battalion of infantry, 10 uber tanks, and three heavy artillery spotters. Still interested in helping? PL, Since I want PBEM testers, I figured a month or so befor most feedback got to me. I'll send it to you right away! Thanks! :cool: [ October 07, 2002, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  9. Juju's Small Arms pack and Tanks-a-Lot's Bunkers (both at TCMHQ), rock!
  10. I am with you. Has to be the most tired argument in WW2 circles which comes to mind... </font>
  11. God. It has been so long since I have played with counters on a map.
  12. And you need to understand that there is more than one way to interpret what is read. I'm fairly well-read and -informed about the totality of WWII, and I draw a different conclusion than you do. Sidelining the Soviet effort is ridiculous, but sidelining the other Allies' efforts, both economically and militarily is also ridiculous. The Sovs could not have won that war alone. The non-Sov Allies could not have won that war alone. -dale</font>
  13. lol So, I see you're seeing Frown now. Does he have a sister?
  14. You're first post wasn't the friendliest in the world, and I took it as flame. anyway, whatever, end of "discussion".</font>
  15. No, you stay away from my action! You can have confused, but roll-eyes and embarrassed are mine. You think you could attract wink your way? He's been bothering me and I don't like him much. Damn it! There he is again!!
  16. I'm also seeing the embarrassed smilie on the side. Don't tell roll eyes though. AO, I'm not trying to attack you. It's just that if I see another CDV or camera rotation thread I'm going to rip out all of my hair!! All I am saying is that doing a search would have yeilded the what you wanted to find out. Crap, that wink guy is trying to move in on me!
  17. Nevermind. [ October 06, 2002, 11:11 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  18. Yes, he wants to kiss and make love to it every night </font>
  19. Okay, that's a mild flame, and I'm not going to bite your hook. One of two things will happen to this thread. BTS will state the same thing for the billionth time and lock it up, or it will drop off the front screens in no time.
  20. They have stated their stance on this issue several times! I am not telling you what I think, I'm just restating what you refuse to read in dozens of other threads! You are in fact beating a dead horse. BTS has said over and over that they will not change this. Jeeze. Do a search fer god sakes! [ October 06, 2002, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
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