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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. "Man, i really hate to hold up our counter attack, but could you pull over, i gotta take a dump"
  2. No problem man. Looking forward to your marder mod and any other mods you decide to make.
  3. Nicely done tracer, thats on my dl list. btw, your "Grille(sIG 33 auf Pz38t) mod is great. Just got it the other day. 1 problem though. It shares bmps with the Marders, which makes them look awkward. Was just wondering if you were aware of this or if you already changed the Marders to match the Grilles.
  4. As for the mortar tubes, I have 1 word. * * * * * * ** MOD **
  5. Welcome aboard. Hehe, kiss your social life good bye!! :eek:
  6. Lars, thanks anyway, but im aware of what it says in the readme file. It just didnt say anything about whether games saved in 1.0 would or would not work when loaded into 1.01. Was pretty sure it would be fine. Otherwise im sure they would have clearly stated that all 1.0 saved games wouldn't work with 1.01. Thats all, no biggie, answered my own question. Already installed patch and 1.0 games load fine into 1.01. Thanks anyway Lars.
  7. Just wanted to make sure that the 1.0 saved games can be loaded with the new 1.01 patch, is this correct? Im in the middle of a huge battle right now and i just wanted to make sure that my old save files work with 1.01. Im aware that you can't load from 1.01 back to 1.0 like it says in the readme file. Can someone confirm this for me before i install the patch. Thanks.
  8. Why don't you use a download accelerator? Thats what i have to use since im on a 56k modem. I download huge 160mb demos often. I use the download demon.
  9. LOL, Good 1 Tracer As for the patch. Sit back pop open a beer and play this great game. My point is that this game is great already. The patch is gonna make it better. So whats the rush?
  10. Interesting......... I think im gonna hold off on dling anything. Im in the middle of a huge scenario right now. So, Since the older save game files wont work with the new patch. Im gonna wait to finish it before i install the patch. [ November 21, 2002, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  11. Something ive noticed which is very annoying. When the HQ is hiding 20m+ behind his squads, which are hiding in ambush, only to pop up and start firing. Even when the enemy isn't really in good range nor much of a danger to the HQ or his squads. This also happens even when the enemy isn't in his cover arc. Too bold and dumb of the HQ. But i find that rotating the HQ and putting up a very small cover arc to facing the opposite way from the oncoming enemy helps remedy this.
  12. Thanks PK, just dled it along with the Stalingrad map pack. I must have missed this one. Looks good.
  13. Great job man. Is it me or is that the sniper(Jackson) from SPR. -"my high tower and my deliverer. BAM" I just have 1 question though. How in the hell do they carry and aim their weapons with no fingers? Their hands or should i say stubs have always bugged me. Too bad their hands can't be modded. Again, fine job.
  14. Id say it would literally flip tanks upside down. Its practically a bomb. Btw, are there any scenarios out there with the usage of the sturmtiger? Any that came with the game?
  15. **bump** Curious about the mines mod!
  16. Hell yeah. Looks fine to me. "she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not, she lo..... whats that noise, KABOOM" = arty shell
  17. What in the hell does this post have anything to do with CMBB? Have i nice trip to the general discussion forum.
  18. Are there any mods for the AT/AP mines yet? Or are the cmbo mine mods compatible with cmbb? Hard to tell the difference at a glance. FYI. Was playing the other day and had a 150mm infantry gun pounded away at some troops near some AP mines. After about 4-5 turns the AP mine graphic went away. So obviously explosions will set off some mines and can completely remove the minefield. :cool:
  19. Yeah, what the hell is the deal with all these pioneer troops? Im gettting them like 80-90% of the time. A few days ago i tried a little test out. Basically put everything on random and generated several QB's to see what the AI would pick for me. Guess what, everytime i had pioneer troops. Also, the times that i do play out a QB to its end, the ruskies also have some pioneer troops. IMHO, this is pretty lame. But hey, its still a great game!
  20. Yeah, i was a little bummed too when i first fired up CMBB to find that theres no intro. But hey, didnt they release the CMBO intro in the first patch? Correct me if im wrong. It does a good job to get ya in the mood for some CM. Any word on whether there will be a intro done for CMBB?
  21. LOL, that struck me funny! The ultimate idea for solo play down below. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | V Must be over the age of 21. Sit down at your computer with a shot glass and a big ole bottle of your fav liquor. Get absolutely ****faced and fire up CMBB/CMBO and play 1 turn of hotseat with yourself. Now just do the same thing the next night as the other side. Odds are that after your 18 hour nap u would have completely forgotten what u did the night before. [ November 07, 2002, 05:43 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
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