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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I think CMRT was the best so far "out of the box". But I enjoy playing all of em (including CMSF and CMA). It depends on my mood. I am disappointed that we only got one Axis and one Allied campaign with CMRT and no user made ones since CMRT came out. (Campaigns are the best way to play imo as one needs to be concerned about ammo, manpower and equipment/vehicle conservation like in RL.) Maybe it's the increasing complexity is discouraging campaign-makers. Will we see a time when we need to pay BF for good professionally made campaigns? It would be worth it I think.
  2. The Taxi is by M1A1TC. Unfortunately there are no other README files to ID the makers of the others. Send me your e-mail and I'll try attachments. They're about 4 MB each.
  3. I think there are some pretty good ones. I have versions for FSA, Liwa al Islam, SAA, Jabhat al Nusra at least. Some already have black squares on the vehicles with white Arabic writing, so even look like ISIS vehicles and insignia (obviously different writing). No flags unfortunately. The UNCON mishmash "uniform" mods have black outfits as well as yer regular Islamic fighters. I also have an xnt beat up taxi mod. I tried using FRAPS to take screenshot, but I can't get it to work.
  4. There already exist quite a few vehicle/taxi/pickup mods for various Syrian and Iraq scenarios. So, you don't have to start from scratch - or use for inspiration. Check repository.
  5. I interpret it like modern fighters yelling "Allahu Akbar!" to give themselves comfort - others might hum, or whistle in the dark etc.
  6. "Honestly I am looking more forward to CMSF2 than I am CMBS." It is a surprising statement... and now that I am rediscovering CMSF, I find myself agreeing with you. When CMSF was the only CM2 title available, (after it had all its patches), designers had reached a pinnacle of skill. More than ever, I now appreciate the amazing mods, scenarios and especially the campaigns that were produced in the year or so before CMBN came out and took away the attention. Just look at how few campaigns are now being made - esp for CMRT. I think we may reach a point where BFC has to consider charging for additional good quality campaigns to be designed. I just wish we could overcome the "squeamish" actor, and have Israeli-Arab etc games. Playing the amazing "Zawiya Uprising" (Gaddafi in Libya), I think we may have the ability to mod other conflicts like ISIS vs Kurds, Iraq and Syrian factions.
  7. It's purely a psychological phenomenon that we can happily play wargames about ghastly situations that happened "x+" years ago. But, there is squeamishness if the war depicted is "x-" years ago. I don't understand it personally - especially when it doesn't affect our families (in the west and southern hemisphere at least). Yes, I understand it would be upsetting if you were in Ukraine right now. However, there are genocides and massacres being carried out in many parts of the world ALL THE TIME. If we are to stop having games depicting violence because it may be happening right now or in the recent past, we would never have any wargames made at all.
  8. IIRC if the soldier is using his 2ndary weapon you won't see him carrying his primary weapon (rifle in this case). However, the rifle should still appear in the weapon window seen in the bottom right of the pic. That's where you need to look to see what primary weapon he has. What puzzles me is that he appears to have 30(!) panzerfausts according to the equipment window. That doesn't seem possible.
  9. Niiiice system! Am getting ready for either a major upgrade or all-new system to get ready for all those huge scenarios we'll be getting. (Sorry Jason and Jon. But, many current scenarios seem small to me. I am sure there will still be small ones for you guys.)
  10. Love your AAR. Brings back happy memories of that scenario. Am really enjoying playing CMSF myself again.
  11. "...must manually place the craters when making the scenario..." I know that must be a pain, but that would definitely improve the look of the poorly maintained roads. The default shell holes I see in my CMSF roads after shelling look almost perfectly like potholes. (I don't mean huge craters from IED's or large caliber HE shells, just 81mm, maybe 120mm.)
  12. Is it possible to "bomb" a road on a map and import that into a scenario so one has pot-holed roads?
  13. YES.....!!!!!!!!! (I mean, "I do hope so...") See also my notes in another thread re using arty to create the pot-holed look of most ME roads.
  14. In RT, one can a) split a squad into teams, board multiple teams into a vehicle, c) acquire, d) disembark, e) reconstitute to squad for resupply in a couple seconds (with pauses). Not realistic or desirable imo. If 30 secs is too short make it a 60 second wait - or whatever you want. You seem to miss the point that to do a) thru e) in WEGO for a large number of units is a PITA and not realistic. I am only concerned about taking away the dumb aspects of CM2 so it's easier to handle the UI and play - certainly NOT dumbing it down.
  15. I had another thought re ME roads. When I was playing "Zawiya Uprising" I realized that the roads were wonderfully and realistically "potholed" through the effect of bombardment. Is it possible to create a damaged road mod like there are for buildings? If not, is it possible to damage roads with perhaps 81mm and 120mm arty and then somehow copy that map into a mission? That would create almost perfect-looking secondary highway roads.
  16. I think the CM2 game/engine is pretty good. There is a demand for larger scenarios. What is getting harder is coping with all the units in a large scenario. I thought I would start a thread re "ease/efficiency of play" issues. NOTE: This is NOT about dumbing down CM, only about reducing the number of clicks and steps it requires to do certain things in CM2 so as to speed up/make more efficient the process/mechanics of play. Players want to focus on decisions and actions that are fun, rather than fighting an inefficient UI to get certain actions accomplished. To start, these are my suggestions and desired improvements which I think would greatly speed up play, and possibly even increase realism: 1) Revamp ACQUIRE process. Units can swap ammo and equipment from adjacent units. A TIME DELAY (eg: 10-30 seconds) would be required when acquiring and only a "REASONABLE QUANTITY" OF AMMO EQUIPMENT COULD BE ACQUIRED/SWAPPED. (Don't allow a two man team to run away with several thousand rounds plus rockets etc. is regularly done now.) However, the min amount of ammo that could be acquired would be reduced to a 100 rounds so that snipers etc could get an appropriate amount of ammo. (Currently, the min amount of ammo acquirable from most vehicles is usually 500-1000 rounds until the supply is greatly diminished.) 2) SELECTABLE WAYPOINTS AND LINES. When you have large numbers of units being moved several hundred meters from the location of the actual units, and there is a bunch of waypoints/lines close to each other, it is a PITA to have to go back over the map to locate the desired next unit in order to select each unit, then move back to the end waypoint to change its location or add more waypoints. Bring back the CM1 ability to simply click on a waypoint or line in order to select the next unit. 3) COLOR OR ICON CODE TEAMS OF A SQUAD. In a high density scenario it takes time to locate the teams of a squad so that it can be recombined efficiently, and also to ensure teams of a squad are kept reasonably together. Currently its easy to get teams of one squad mixed up with other squads' teams and it's a PITA to sort out the mess. 4) ONE CLICK 180 DEGREE ARC Bring back the easy CM1 one-click 180 degree arc. With armor especially you often want the turret to point in a certain direction. It is a time-wasting PITA to change the covered arc of a dozen tanks with the current system. Am sure you all can think of many other ergonomic issues that would greatly help speed up play - increasingly important as the CM2 scenarios become larger.
  17. There is nothing "realistic" about squads or teams having to wait in a line by a vehicle for ammo, while being unable to exchange ammo with adjacent units. I think the CM2 game is about as good as it can get or needs to be. What I hope BF can put more focus on in the future is making the ergonomics, the practical UI issues or how we play CM2 somewhat more efficient and easier (NOT dumbing down the game/sim itself). I will start a sep thread re ergonomics...
  18. Note my post on CMBN forum re the link seems to d/l your muzzle flash mod.
  19. Only for one squad. And the colors (or whatever) would pop up when any team of that squad was selected. So, you could immediately and easily see where the component teams were. Very valuable in a higher density battlefield.
  20. When I try to d/l I get you older Scipio Muzzle Fire mod. Nice site you have btw. Am pretty sure I have those other CMSF and CMA mods already, but I downloaded em again just to be sure. Beautiful work! PS: Any chance you'd do mods for CMSF re the current ISIS situation? I posted a msg about that at CMSF area as am really enjoying "Zawiya Uprising" campaign and it looks perfect for the current situation in Iraq/Syria. Just needs some uniform mods (and flag) mods.
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