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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. So, we really are going to need 3000m+ LOS maps.
  2. Wow. It looks like one of those post-apocalyptic movies. All it needs are zombies. Amazing work, Dennis!
  3. Oh bugger... I hope I can find the originals to re download. ^%$^%$^^!!!!
  4. Uh oh... I think I may have changed some names cos I thought they were wrong. Had no idea that "cyrian", "ryrian", "pyrian", "zyrian" etc. could be legit names. I thought maybe they are "alternative" mods that would need renaming to show up in-game. Any explanation re what the naming system is and why? (What happens if I rename em to "Syrian" like most of the others?) Am adding my inf mods back, one at a time slowly and so far all is well...
  5. Wot I wuz trying to say is that it could simply be a playability abstraction is all.
  6. Question for Mord or anyone who knows. Why are some of his mod files labeled "zyrian..." Is one supposed to change the name to "syrian", or is "zyrian" an actual default file name? BLIMEY: Some of your inf mods are named "pyrian..." or "ryrian...". Again, is that intended and required, or have the names in my files become corrupted somehow? (If so should I simply rename everything to "syrian..."?)
  7. What will be critical that BF enables authentic accuracy at long ranges. I recall that on the huge maps that were possible in CM1, that 88mm guns and Nashorns etc became increasingly and unrealistically inaccurate as ranges approached and exceeded 1,000m. I recall experimenting with making such weapons Crack or Elite in order to get them to perform historically.
  8. Extra: Re CMSF, I have now also found mods for Africa scenarios, Israel, Ghurkas, the French, Australian, India, Afghanistan and Twilight 2000(!). While you can't model many "foreign" vehicles like the Merkava in CMSF, it does allow one to mod infantry and light vehicles for almost all the above forces.
  9. I wonder if it's more an abstraction of their effectiveness. Rockets make a lot of bangs but in CM2 games, do very little damage (unless you have a LOT of them). A mortar can be used in CM2 with pinpoint accuracy and very few shells can do a lot of damage. Small caliber CM2 arty can be similarish to mortars. Larger is less accurate.
  10. IIRC FO's and HQ's can always call arty even with no radio or C2 link. It's an abstraction to aid playability.
  11. The game itself works fine. It's just that with my "personnel mods" some of the mercenaries and UNCON troops look like featureless black "holes". I think that in a rush to locate mods to answer an earlier question here, my fingers may have "slipped" and made a strange mouse click sequence that did something weird. I keep all my "personnel mods" like uniforms in a separate folder (Z UNIFORMS). All the mods work other than the Z UNIFORMS folder which has been removed. Now, I shall individually put back the "uniform" mods and see what happens (each time). It may be that it is all about the order in which those individual mods are loaded. It wasn't so bad with CM1 as once you did it, it was ok for the entire game era. Now with 5...6... 7... and more families on the way, keeping up with mods is becoming more time consuming than playing. PS: I have ALL Mord's and any other UNCON mods installed... heh. I love the mish-mash look.
  12. What sets CMSF apart for me is that the WW2 titles are very similar to play aside from graphical treatments of new units. CMSF is completely different. Aside from the era, preservation of force and ammo is a major objective. Plus the CMSF maps a are very open with long LOS and it's enjoyable to be able to use long range weapons. If you play the fully patched CMSF plus the xnt mods available, you can sim all sorts of scenarios and campaigns. Right now there are mods and scenarios that enable one to play in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, and even Europe etc. and as many NATO allies or regional govt or UNCOM including ISIS, FSA, Liwa al Islam, SAA, Al Nusra Front etc. CMSF is amazingly versatile. Check out the CMSF forums and see some of the screenshots.
  13. "This does of course require you knowing which one caused the problem." Ah...
  14. As a different POV, I think ISIS could be the best thing that's happened to us as all the ME groups will end up fighting each other and no time to worry about the west. Note how the ME countries are anxious to involved the west again in "boots on the ground" so that they can continue (in private) to assail us as "The Great Satan" etc.
  15. BTW Saferight: I noticed that the default "Mercenaries" have black boots which may be better than the US desert boots in your mod - assuming you cannot give them sneakers or sandals.
  16. Have been using the same res forever with no problems. I did something weird with my mouse when I was looking thru my files to find mods suitable for ISIS game. I did remove my Z folder - and I get normal UNCOM. I put back Z except for my Z UNIFORMS folder and no black outlines there either. So, it appears that certain mods must be interfering with each other. What a pain. Wish I never touched those files as it was all great b4.
  17. I may have somehow messed up my Syrian mods and I am getting "black hole" silhouettes of what are supposed to be UNCON or Mujihideen types. The following are some examples of the Syrian and UNCON mods I see in my Z folder. I wonder if the names have been accidentally changed thru the magic of accidental clicking... If so, what should they be named? "Kopia av Syrian-specforces-uniform.bmp" (I have similarly named bmp's for vests and pouches.) "pyrian-specforces-vest.bmp" etc. "ryrian-specforces-uniform.bmp" etc. Tye above however, are uniforms for army rather than UNCON's. But, I wonder if there is some conflict or something has simply gone missing. "syriafighter 1" etc. I wonder if someone changed the names of CMA UNCON's for CMSF and I had that mod?? Hope some mod wizard can help me figure out what mods or graphics fill those UNCON spaces...
  18. Found BTR 70/BTR 80 desert mod if useful to anyone...
  19. Wot? No authentic sneakers?? How can one possibly simulate ISIS without Reebok and Nike? Seriously - the rest looks terrific. Impressed you managed to get all this done so quickly.
  20. yeah... sorry about the rant... watching too much news...
  21. Looks terrific Saferight. (And how often do we zoom in that close?) BTW: I think I screed up something when I was examining my ME UNCON mods. Now my "Mercenary" fighters are simply black cut outs. Anyone know what mod was used for "Mercenaries".
  22. Looking good snake eye. And your month away will provide you a breather to regain objectivity. I would not be surprised if you return with some new ideas to include.
  23. "...open borders and uncontrolled multiculturalism is a recipe for disaster." Yup. It's destroyed my beloved L.A. And when I go back to London, UK I can barely recognize the area I grew up in. It looks like India-Pakistan with storefronts in foreign languages (and a bit of East Europe mixed in). You hardly see any Anglos in certain areas. "Maybe they want to lure the US into another costly ground engagement in the Middle East." Again, it was a brilliant strategy to help bankrupt the US and take the west into economic tailspin. Why not try it again? (The greed of Wall Street, Banks and Real Estate pros also contributed of course.) We're heading into the fight for our lives and our culture and we're still playing "political correctness" games. When will our wonderful leaders in the west wake up? (Yes, it's hard to believe I am also an immigrant and the child of immigrants/displaced persons and I have always been considered quite liberal/progressive.) Stagler: Thanks for the clarification. I misread the 105mm from my CMSF game. CMSF is where it is designated 3M btw.
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