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Everything posted by PiggDogg

  1. Dschugaschwili, You are setting forth the James 'Pete' Longstreet (&, for that matter, other esteemed generals) school of war: strategic offense and tactical defense. Indeed, in most situations (even long visibility battles) it better to rush into covering terrain that dominates the VLs & then hold while letting the enemy come to you. Of course in these situations, the person who is forced into the tactical offensive may know where you are & he may then have big arty (105 mm & larger) pay you a visit. In that case where the big arty might decimate you, you had better get out of the way of that big arty. Further, it is somewhat unusual for regular Brit infantry to defeat veteran German Fallshirmjagers. I suspect that the Brits had a substantial numerical and/or terrain advantage. Additionally, I suspect that the Germans made some tactical mistakes. Cheers, Richard
  2. Here is a lighthearted and, what some may consider, trivial thread. However, this is presented with full, proper, & due respect for the real life personage, Richard Winters, and for his brave compatriots. In HBO's Band Of Brothers, what should one consider Lt/Cpt Richard "Dick" Winters' command rating in CM terms? Do these ratings change over time? Concrete reasons and examples are encouraged for each of the four command aspects: command range, morale, combat, & stealth. Cheers, Richard PS - Should this thread be in the general topics?
  3. Jason C, Thanks for the treatise. I am amazed. :eek: When do you sleep? :confused: Do you type at 180 words per minute? :confused: Also, to all the others on this thread, thanks. The education value is immense. Cheers, Richard
  4. I have had my ma deuces kill german halftracks at somewhat over 500 meters. German halftrack are at a severe disadvantage versus Ami, not Brit, halftracks. Indeed, Ami halftracks and 50 cal teams are nearly as good as it gets as killers of German halftracks. Cheers, Richard
  5. By the way, get your M-8 out of the line of sight of that mortar(s) that is shelling it. Otherwise, a somewhat lucky 81mm on the M-8 top will kill your greyhound. Cheers, Richard
  6. Get out of the way of that arty. It will eviscerate you. Cheers, Richard
  7. Whenever it is done & that is soon enough. If it is released when it is done, it will be plenty good enough & we can be on this web site chatting for years from now. And you know what, that will be really good. Cheers, Richard
  8. My wife likes it when I talk like that. :eek: :eek: Ooooooops, excuse me. This is a subject not appropriate for a virginal audience such as this. Cheers, Richard
  9. Jason C, Extremely well set forth and most informative. I thoroughly enjoy your posts. Please keep up the education. (Gee, I really don't want to sound like a slobbering groupie or such, but the supported insights are most educational & I would like to see more.) Cheers, Richard
  10. Obvious question: where does one acquire Combat Mission Meta Campaign ???? :confused: Cheers, Richard :cool:
  11. A person who is on the short end of a CM should have the politeness & courtesy to finish the game if at all possible. The winner does deserve to have his gratification. Whoever the person was who quit in you game should be thrashed within an inch, well within two inches, of his life. Cheers, Richard
  12. Erwin & I played a Nature's Rage 2 trounament game. Accidently, the game was set for 30 turns instead of the designated 20 turns. At the end of turn 20, we both hit 'alt c'. ending the game at the proper time. Thus, we have an alternate use for the CM ceasefire, a device to end a CM game at the proper time. By the way, the game ended in a draw, 39 to 39. Finally cheers after two weeks, Richard
  13. Thanks for the info that those pesky hetzers can be knock out from the side and rear by 50 cals. Richard
  14. You tactic of a bunch of 1/2 squads was not gamey. If too many of those 1/2 squads get chewed up, then it may not be an excellent choice. No cheers yet, Richard
  15. It is really cool when a jeep is moving fast and gets knocked out. It continues to travel quite a ways. Thus, a use for jeeps - amuesment of the players! :eek: No cheers yet, Richard
  16. I don't think so. Was a thread on this previously. No cheers yet, Richard
  17. One of the most dense, if not the most dense, troop concentrations of WW2 - the German attempt to reduce the Russians as Stalingrad. This would have been before the encirclement of the German 6th Army. No cheers yet, Richard
  18. Gunny Bunny, Are you mad, insane, crazy, or all of these? I can't believe it. Whew. No cheers yet, Richard
  19. The normal ranges of most tank battles in CM (150 - 300 meters) is nearly (but not quite) point blank. Infrequently, have I seen tank battles at 500 meters or longer. Also, in general, CM maps just do not have many lines of sight much over 300 meters except on flat or gentle slope maps with few trees. The above is a large factor why short barrel Shermans might (& I say might) get lucky every so often and wack a superiorly armored German tank. No cheers yet because of 2 weeks ago, Richard
  20. I don't like infantry flamethrower teams. These guys are nearly impossible to successfully employ. You can set an ambush in heavy woods & such & they miss. You sneak them near the enemy, the the enemy hoses them. On offense, they invariably die before they do any real good. Finally, at any range, they draw every ounce of lead that the enemy can employ and they die because they have that big gasoline can on their backs. But you know what, if they draw fire like a magnet in an iron filing pile, they do have a use. They can draw fire away from one's other units. Ah, infantry flamethrowers' one real use - bullet magnets. No cheers yet, Richard
  21. If your men (inf or vehicles) are in woods or in the open and you are about ready to get hit by 105 mm or larger arty, get out of the way. Well placed 105 mm to 120 mm will inflicted large casualties on your men. Larger than 120 mm arty will destroy your men. :cool: No cheers yet because of last week, Richard
  22. Dad, I am probably older than you (I'm 53), and I have seen just about every wargame since 1958-60 & Tactics II. Take my advice, buy Combat Mission. It is not perfect, but it is easily the best game on computer & it is the best wargame ever made so far (CM2 is coming). By crackie. I can remember the good old days when I had to walk 5 miles uphill in the snow to get to school and ... . (Oh goodness, I grew up in New Orleans & we have no hills & no snow in that semi-tropical hell hole with good, good food.) The first smile in 1-1/2 weeks, but still no cheers yet, Richard
  23. CMPlayer, My head is bowed & I am sufficiently chastised. However, you do not have any sources that support my position ????? You just gotta have just one, huh? No cheers yet, Richard
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