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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Berlichtingen, your thread title may be technically correct, but from where I sit, Boo isn't far behind.
  2. Shaw, your necktie is too tight again. On second thought, it might not be tight enough. Cinch it up a notch, okay?
  3. No. Why don't you go cook something? Edible, if that's possible.
  4. BTW, Mace, for your information when someone says "flip off", they mean the bird. Da finger. You know, the oddstralian national salute.
  5. Hey! It's working! They said it would give you fits, but, hey, cardiac failure works for me. Well, at least I got a response. So, olde bean, your arm feels like your skull? Reminds me of that travel commercial you're starring in: "please lower your arm, my dear", or somefink. Oh, and Boo? Knock off the "love child" bit, or I'll flood your in-box with baby pictures. He looks just like me, only minature. And, slightly more wrinkled. Like I'd look if you left me in the hot tub too long. Besides, that pic bears no resemblance: Not bald, no paunch, and far too square shouldered.
  6. Boo, great retort. Except for the first two lines (hey, just like your games, you always start lame), it is sig file material. Hey, even a full time loser gets lucky once. Enjoy it, that was your shot. Shaw, couldn't you have forgotten your way back? We missed you like elective hemorrhoid surgery. And now Seanachai. Look who's blathering on about ego. Mr. "Can't say it in one line when ten will do, and another ten will bore even the grogs to sleep". You know? We haven't even missed you even as much as Old Foul Joe. Which is saying something, whichever way you look at it. Always making it a point to get someone banned, even if it is yourself? And picking on Gayload Forker, to boot. Lord of the Lame. Like beating up kindergartners for their milk money. Sure, you can do it, but does it take any real effort? Is it worth your self-esteem? Apparently so. You puddle of putrid piss; to use your own literary device. {You seem to have a strange fascination with bodily fluids. Were you a poo finger-painter in grade school as well? Probably a masochist “whip me, beat me” type, too.} But enough about you, ‘cause you ain’t worth it anymore. It is no longer about you. Just like the legendary MrPeng, who rarely posts anymore, and not it all in here. Which is a shame, but at least he went out at the top of his game. The sacred MBT bears his forum handle, but it is not about him, and will carry on whether he likes it or not. Your drive-by posting is just a last gasp by an old west gunfighter who’s reflexes are not what they once were. Sooner or later, some Lars-come-lately will gun you down. And in doing so, wonder what all the fuss was about. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: You don’t like what’s going on in here, then raise the bar. Stop crapping on that which has passed you by. You miserable old coot. Go get all flouncy with the other pretty boys on your other forum. Throw out all those big words. Boo already said it best, so I won’t belabor the point (See how that works? You should try it sometime). Either stick to it, or begone. Once a month cameo appearances simply don’t cut the cheese. Besides, we have Mace (Sir sheep dip) for “olfactory ambience”. And you never did acknowledge my “mortal enemy” status. As a result, I am thoroughly disgusted with you, and refuse to play you . So there. Ptttttttttthhhhhh!
  7. dalem, stop playing Martha Stewart and open your damn email. I sent you the setup you requested, and gave you the side you wanted. Hell, it's even a city fight, which damn near guarantees you a win.
  8. Working at Arby's, the grease probably was clogging her ears. Then again, she may have been stunned by your thuggish nature.
  9. "You want fries with that, lard-ass? How's about I super size them so your arteries harden faster?" If that ain't customer service, I don't know what is!
  10. I, unlike some others I could mention {cough*Seanachai*cough}, am gainfully employed. For how long is another matter, as the company is considering "outsourcing" for my department. They let me know how long my contract is extended every two weeks. So much for job security, eh?
  11. Never said there was, awfulsir. It was your lack of paying attention that was the issue. Posted by Boo on page one: "Still here? Damn. Very well, if you must post, try to show some wit and vinegar. Challenge someone. Operative word is ONE. Single one person out and construct a creative taunt to entice them to the field of battle. Anything less will be met with scorn, derision and more scorn." So, are you naturally dense, or do you practice?
  12. Speaking of blowing, I seem to remember a scenario that Rune tried to foist off on me. Care to try it? Hey, Rune, a couple of lives over here to destroy. Send it on. Nothing too large, please. My computer is getting a bit long in the tooth, and tends to choke on bigger battles.
  13. Why? Because he doesn't like the whining, grating audio torture that is Dylan? So, you'd kill him for wearing sensible shoes and not tormenting small animals, too? Avoiding really annoying music seems to me to be a positive trait.
  14. I should hope any twats are sackless. Oh, you mean your dates. Sorry, nevermind.
  15. Looks like the only challenge there is getting you to understand the rules, copper. Sit on your nightstick, and think about it.
  16. Oh, sure, save the hard part for the next poor sap. Well, you can both go pound salt, I ain't doin' it. I get paid to be creative, so for free you get diddly. dalem, you want a setup or not?
  17. Stupid UBB. Double gack on you all [ July 25, 2004, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  18. Actually, I was holding the baby so wife could sleep, you unfeeling wench. I post whenever I want, too. You deserve the ants. Oh, yeah, forgot I was in the weenie thread. So: :mad: :mad: :mad: Gack on you all. [ July 25, 2004, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  19. Then you must have been married at what? Six? You can't be a day over 29, at most! (A little buttering up of the boss ladies never hurts)
  20. Okay, Mrspkr. Bring it on, CMAK is mine. And you will be too, unless you cheat. What am I saying? He's a lawyer, the very definition of cheater. Dale, since when have you ever known a woman to fight fair? Not gonna happen.
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