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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Are you kidding? You've seen the pics, right? People would be shooting their TVs. The only thing a telethon like that would help is Sony, Phillips and Magnavox.
  2. Are you kidding? You've seen the pics, right? People would be shooting their TVs. The only thing a telethon like that would help is Sony, Phillips and Magnavox.
  3. Stomped on the 'nads, if there's any justice in this world. One good deed deserves a "kick inna fork", donchaknow. Steve, those have to be the worst rules ever. How is Old Foul Joe ever to enforce what he can never understand?
  4. Stomped on the 'nads, if there's any justice in this world. One good deed deserves a "kick inna fork", donchaknow. Steve, those have to be the worst rules ever. How is Old Foul Joe ever to enforce what he can never understand?
  5. Seanachai, my heartfelt condolences to you and your family. I am very sorry to hear of your sister's passing. She fought the good fight. Know that all of us in this thread stand with you in your time of mourning.
  6. Whose kitchen counter mod is that? Nice models, but a couple of hints: 1. Better focus on the pictures, please. 2. Get rid of the cheap decals. Make a stencil out of tape, and put the stars or crosses on by hand. They don't have to be perfect, but it eliminates that shiny pasted on look. 3. Try some weathering (especially on those factory-fresh Panther wheels!). It's easier than you think, and pretty hard not to improve upon what you've already got. I really like the Panther paint job! Get some mud on it, and it'll be very nice.
  7. Since nobody else has the imagination, I'll field this one, too. Since contestant #3 is a denizen of these parts (i.e. The Cesspool), resemblance to a sauce pan (flat on the bottom from sitting too long, a bit rotund and mostly empty) is a given. Any cesspool saucepan is likely growing all sorts of nasty, dibilitating and infectious (yet cheerfully colorful) toxins. Any remaining material in the bottom is completely unrecognizable as foodstuffs, if it ever were. Any attempt to place it in a dishwasher without hazmat protective gear would be deadly. Not to mention the moral dilema created by the consequences of poluting the water supply. Millions would die a screaming death, and the world would be forever changed into some post apocalyptic nightmare, like you read in those cheap science fiction paperbacks as a kid (and dalem still does). So, to answer the question, yes. Go right ahead.
  8. The Price is Right? Bleurg. (and stop projecting) Damn, I thought I was gonna win a date with dalem.
  9. Uh, Mr. MC, can you get the old ladies in the audience to stop bickering, and get on with the damn game?
  10. If I were your screen door, I'd be sure to close fast enough to smack you in the back of the head every time you came in. You would be the thudding noise.
  11. Too much like shooting fish in a barrel. With a very large howitzer. At point blank range. With canister.
  12. The movie sucks, agreed. I just used it as a visual aid, 'cause I know you can't follow along without pictures. Off to all-night wargaming in the woods (Axis & Allies, D-day edition), and lots of beer and no wives to tell us to stop arguing and go to bed.
  13. Mostly, it started after I stopped playing you. I am taking a large maul and an axe. For firewood (and to settle wargame disputes). Changing the locks won't help. Didn't you see "The Shining"?
  14. The flooding tipped over a keg of my homebrew (also made for camping), and the fall knocked the lid open. 5 gallons of beer (a porter, no less), wasted. That should bring a tear to your eye. On the other hand, I get to go buy Guinness, instead. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  15. Speaking of birthdates and profiles, mine has been visible since I regestered, and not one of you sorry bastards wished me a happy birthday. What did I get? A flooded basement (including the bar). You may all wallow in guilt and shame, like your parents do when forced into admitting you.
  16. As a matter of fact, I'm going camping this weekend, and so will forego the showering. What's one more week, anyway? All the while I'll be guzzling my brothers "special camping edition" homebrewed beer. Hey, it's free, and not bad stuff, provided you like hops a lot. It's usually strong enough that none of us care. No 'leck-triss-a-tee out in the woods, so no turns for anyone. Especially you, Leeo, as you've forgotten to sent the damn setup! Your challenge was as lame as they get, including the wafflers, but I already agreed, so send it on, and I'll ignore it when I return from scaring the hell out of the wildlife. Herr Oberst, anyone who would desecrate an automotive sculpture like that should be shot on sight. Of course, the part about chasing Boo with vehicle mounted pointy bits has merit, so I guess you break even.
  17. I was never a "rebel". Just a foolish drunk, too quick to anger. And too young to know just how silly it all was. And is. I never vandalized, either (except for my models, which suffered brutal home-made bombs and improvised AT weaponry). Now-a-days I'm the quiet type they always talk about on the news. As in, "he was always so nice, really quiet, kept to himself. I never thought he'd do something like that." Question of the day: If Boo and Seanachai both put on jodhpurs and stand side by side, will The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show sue for copyright infringement?
  18. Because I'm smarter than Lars? Not that it's much in the way of bragging rights or anything.
  19. I was arrested more than half a dozen times before I was 30, you overgrown Girl Scout, including once for assault (bar fight) and another for "public lewdness". Unfortunately for all you perverts, the lewdness charge was dropped after it was discovered it was a case of mistaken identity, but it made a hell of a story the next day in high school. Lawyers being the leeches they are, and me being too broke, I walk the straight and narrow these days.
  20. I didn't say it was mine, you dolt. I was describing the vehicle I'd like to see mash Boo on it's headlight (like a moth, remember?). It's all about artistic license, and getting people to see what you are writing. Not that we'd be disappointed if it were, say, a well worn '93 Dodge Dakota with 148K miles on it, but I'd rather not have to replace my headlight, thank you. The good news is that all the watermelon mess and the horde of ants have been washed away by the rain (take THAT, you opportunistic little sugar eating bastards). The bad news is I had to come home early to pump all the freaking water out of the basement.
  21. A rant? You call that limp-wristed, girly whine a rant? More like foaming at the mouth for 20 seconds, and hitting each of the keys your spittle lands on in turn. You wouldn't know a proper rant if it hit you up side the head like a moth on a headlight at 75. {Big-ass Buick, two tone powder blue & white, two yards of hood, gas gulping V-8, wide whitewall tires, tailfins and enough chrome to plate your house} That's 75 Miles Per Hour, for you degenerate metric fools. Now where was I? Ah, yes. Ranting. A Proper Rant leaves the reader feeling like a junebug crushed under the vibrating wheel of the steamroller as it smoothes the still-steaming blacktop. Spindled, folded, mutilated. Drove hard and put away wet. (calm down Yeknodathon. Deep breaths.) A real Rant is fire breathing, full of sound and fury (and in your case, I expect, signifying nothing), hell and damnation. It is the sickening thud of your over-ripe watermelon hitting the pavement because you were just too lazy to make two trips, like your wife told you to do. Even though you really don't like watermelon anyway, and you probably dropped it on purpose, because you resent her enjoying it, and it wasn't on sale like she thought, but she really wanted some watermelon, and alright already, I'll go back to the freaking store and get another one, if you'll just drop it. No, I didn't mean that, I meant drop the subject, but now she knows you did it on purpose, and damn! there's watermelon all over the steps, will you look at all the damn ants. If you can read it without getting out of breath, it ain't a Rant, see? No go back and put some heart in it, boy-o. [ September 08, 2004, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  22. That is NOT Boo, who has more of a "thuggish" look. Plus, the guy in the pic is concentrating, something we know Boo can't do.
  23. Oh, Whore, definitely. I'm a contractor, afterall. We even call our recruiters "pimps". I may be easy, but I'm not cheap. Oh, okay, I'm cheap, too. But not that easy. Unless you pay me. Okay, dammit, I'm easy, too. Satisfied?
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