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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. All BDLRM turns are out. Time for an update: On turn one: Mike the wino has just started, making him the thirteenth player. Perfect timing, isn't it? Seven turns completed: Thermopylae is sending turns at a rate to make MasterGoodale (the maggot) blush with envy. Either he's moved away or he only plans to play one turn every two weeks. :eek: Lurkur joined after Thermopylae, so I can't give him grief for being the slowest in sending turns. He's only the second slowest. Tugboat had problems getting the scenario set up on his Macintosh at the beginning, plus he has missed game time while sailing the Great Lakes. He has also shown enough sense to avoid the Cheery Waffle thread. Thirteen turns complete: _Uxcva has jeeps driving my machine guns crazy. I can't seem to stop the cursed things. Otherwise everything is under control. Fourteen turns: Robohn has kindly lined up his light armor for me to dispose of it. Coming right up! Seventeen turns: Mike has laid a Maori curse on my machine guns. I've never seen more than one jammed in a turn. He got all of them! :mad: It won't save him! Eighteen turns: Teddy Windsor was nice enough to lose a Sherman this past turn, adding to his looming defeat. GRARGGHRARRGHRARG!! Twenty two turns: Wallybob has had one Sherman break through the defense. Will it get off the map, or stick around to be destroyed? Snarker (the gamey maggot) has already sent one Hellcat off the map. Now he seems content to blast away at my infantry with his artillery and Chaffees. Did I mention he's a gamey maggot? :mad: Twenty three turns: Keke was called away, presumably for military service. His armor is taking a beating, and so is he. Game over: Axe and Pseudo, who didn't get close enough to see the north edge, but they did manage to lose lots of men.
  2. <font size=6>GRARGHRARRGHRAARGHRARRGH!!!</font size=6> :mad: :mad: <font size=5>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!</font size=5> :mad: :mad: One of Snarker's Hellcats made it off the north edge of the BDLRM map!! This is a devastating blow to the German war effort. We may not recover from this. :mad: :mad: And yet, this poor soul keeps coming back to the Cheery Waffle threads! I think there is a definite love/hate relationship at work here. Obviously Seanachai is so personally dysfunctional that he he continues to bounce back and forth from the Waffle thread to the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread and back to the Cheery Waffle thread. This is my interpretation of his behavior. When he posts in the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread he is always looking for someone who will stalk him and give him the personal hate he craves. However, the denizens of that other thread are such bootlicking sycophants (especially Boo ) that Seanachai can't find the hate he seeks there. As a result, Seanachai posts here, still looking for hate. Since we recognize that his self-loathing is far greater than the hate anyone else could ever send his way, we give him the treatment he never gets in the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread; we ignore him. Eventually he slinks away, tail tucked between his legs, and returns to the other thread to lick his self-inflicted wounds.
  3. Mike, just a suggestion, but you'd better start running right now!! I don't think Mace is one to let a little thing like the Tasman Sea stop him when he gets feeling all warm and wooly, or even fuzzy. :eek: Sorry, no BDLRM turns out last night, except for a setup to mike the wino (the maggot). I had to watch the Detroit Pistons finish obliterating the invincible LA Lakers. I guess Karl Malone and Gary Payton won't be getting those championship rings they tried to buy after all.
  4. Somehow this makes me want to go wash out my eyes, just from reading it. It's somehow indecent. Axe and I played a version of that game, you cheating piece of MasterGoodale's mold. I called it "Trucks with Guns". Quick and painless - for me, anyway.
  5. I've got the very thing for you. How about a nice 25+ turn Allied attack, with you getting to pick all of your Allied troops? All you'll have to do is break through and exit the map edge. I promise you plenty of fury, and I guarantee you that I will be amused! Prepare to receive some very angry molten TNT, you MD20/20-swilling, no-turn-sending California maggot!! PS Had any more cases fall off the truck lately?
  6. Good Lord, it's mike the wino's evil twin!! So, did you finally finish off a couple of those vats, maggot? I don't suppose you or your alter-ego would be available for some CM anytime soon, right? Not that you ever sent turns anyway!
  7. Axe would try a Pollicle Dogs vs. Jellicle Cats version of Combat Mission if BFC made it. He and I would probably play to a draw in that game, too. Axe, you've got to move on. All Sharpe, all the time is not good for you.
  8. Greetings, maggots! 86smopuim, what is that mess, Manwich or really greasy chili? Ick! :confused: Since my lovely wife is out of town for the weekend, I finally decided to watch "Band of Brothers". HBO has it "on demand" right now, so it's available and it's free. Anyway, after the first four episodes, it seems to be decent enough. Lots of blood and severed limbs and explosions and destruction and all, if that's what you want. Looks to me like plenty of reasons not to fight wars. I'm really thankful that my exposure to war has all been through movies, TV, and games. I wish my children and their children and everyone's children could grow up saying the same. I'll post that here, because in the General Forum it would offend too many people who have yet to find a war they didn't like.
  9. Axe, can you explain that Newfoundland Standard Time zone? Did Newfoundland set its own time before the province joined with Canada, and then refused to switch to Atlantic Standard Time? I guess if everyone is a fisherman or a farmer it wouldn't matter too much what time it was. Just like Keke and Kitty!
  10. Simply because for verbal communication, we prefer to use words.</font>
  11. Simple - the Peng is a more or less rigid society - SSNs (scum sucking newbies), serfs, squires, knights, and a queen. The <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> start each new thread with their rules. If you're looking for formal structure and people who want to tell you what to do, the Peng is your place. The Cheery Waffle thread has no rules, and no structure. Personally I appreciate the anarchy. Oh yes, in the Cheery Waffle thread we use as many of these :mad: :eek: as possible. Some <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> don't care for them. [ June 08, 2004, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  12. Fridge, talk about hearing it straight from the horse's mouth! It appears this verbose <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> could use remedial classes in English. Boo, what happened to all of your steaming manure about Midwest solidarity, you Buckeye maggot!!
  13. Hey, don't be scared off!! It is true that the Peng denizens (also known as <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>) will most certainly treat you like a hairball vomited out on the Thanksgiving turkey. So stay away from those ne'er-do-wells. They have issues! On the other hand, the Cheery Waffle thread is open to all who seek to play CM for fun, not to prove their "tactical superiority". There are plenty of CM ladders for those misguided souls. Anyone looking for a PBEM would do well to check in the Waffle thread - there's always someone ready to start a new game. You may get a Canadian or an uber-Finn, but those are the chances you take. Fridge, you being yet another Canadian will feel right at home. [ June 08, 2004, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  14. I must have played maybe 15 or 20 turns this time. I'll never devote the effort to Fiefdom that some of the players seem willing to give. That maggot-infested weasel Fey attacked me seven times in one turn this morning! While I was in the dentist's chair, of all places. Wow, what a fun game. On to bigger and better things. Axe has now completed the Allied meatgrinder that is the second annual BDLRM. He and Pseudo have found two routes of attack and two attacking force compositions which didn't seem to work very well. Tough call on Axe's bet - I'd say it's a tossup. Axe killed more German troops, Pseudo knocked out a gun. Thanks to all players for keeping a lid on the game, so your competitors don't take advantage of your scouting.
  15. <font size=6>Happy Birthday, Kitty!!</font size=6> Very convenient birthday to remember, isn't it?
  16. Yeah, yeah. We both know this "technical difficulty" has more to do with the holes being punched in your Hellcats than anything else. That's okay, I won't tell. Oops, I guess I did after all. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Maggot! :mad: :mad: Congratulations to Pseudo for being the first to complete the second annual BDLRM. I think I may have toughened the challenge a bit too much this year. We will see as other players; make that maggots, finish. Snarker, Keke, Teddy, and Wallybob are making things very difficult for me. GRARGRRARRGHRARGH!! :mad: :mad:
  17. So you have a deep-seated grudge against wolverines or something? I'd recommend Gerald Ford, the man who both pardoned Tricky Dick Nixon and gave Chevy Chase a career, as the wolverine. Are you angry with the fact that the University of Michigan routinely cleans your Gophers' clock in everything? FYI, I think you will find most steel drums are 55 gallons, and not 50. I should know; I spent two years filling steel drums with paint after I was booted out of college in my sophomore year. I've dropped out of YK2's alliance in Fiefdom. The truth is that the Yoricks and their ilk are willing to work a whole lot harder at winning than I am. For some reason it's just plain not worth the effort to compete with those single minded twits. So enough Fiefdom, which leaves a bad taste in my mouth. :mad: A dark side for me? How about something more on the haunted side, which involved leaving a wife and three children 13 years ago, because I realized my wife and I didn't actually love each other? All these years of watching my own kids grow up at a distance, without ever building a relationship with them, so that today we live our lives with no contact unless I initiate it? Not really enjoyable, but definitely a sense of guilt and despair. Dark enough, or just maudlin? I need a root beer!
  18. Hi maggots, I'm still around. Sorry for the delays on BDLRM; it's been difficult to use my computer at home while the electricity is so unpredictable. Since last Thursday we have had a steady stream of severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings. There's a crew outside right now cutting up a tree that fell in the Census Bureau parking lot. The Weather Bureau said one of the tornados we had on Sunday was an F3, with winds of 150 mph. :eek: While I may play Fiefdom here at work, I draw the line at loading CMAK. Not that I mind using the time to play, mind you, it's just that the sounds of my machine guns chewing up your Allied troops may attract unwanted attention to my cubicle. So have Kobal2 and Seanachai now become joined at the hip? I figured they were safely out of sight, out of mind in that <font size=1>other</font size=1> thread. Now it appears they are stalking each other all over the forum, much like a dog chasing its tail. I'll bet somewhere Cabron is wistfully thinking about what a glorious long-term career as a stalker he could have achieved.
  19. How's this, "Arker-snay is an aggot-may!" All BDLRM, otherwise known as the LDBYLRM, tourney moves are all out. Welcome back Robohn and your ruptured eardrum. Today has been the most frightening day's weather I've ever experienced. This afternoon I could look out my living room windows and watch a tornado on the ground less than 2 miles away. I've never seen one live before. We had 15 to 20 tornado warnings in the area today, with multiple funnel clouds sighted. One tore down trees a couple of blocks from my office at the Census Bureau. Marengo, a small town about 30 miles away, had over half of the buildings damaged or destroyed, and at least 1 fatality. Almost every town around had property damage today. Since anyone started keeping weather records, there have never been this many tornados here in a single day.
  20. Yeah, yeah. Calm down, maggot. BDLRM update. All turns are out. If I owe you one, let me know. If I don't owe you one, then you owe me one, maggot!! Pseudo has finished 22 turns, with Axe directly behind at 21 turns completed. Keke, Snarker, and Wallybob are farther back with 16, 15, and 13 respectively. Everyone else is at 10 turns or less, so it will be a while before the tournament is over. So far my Germans are doing very, very well. Allied armor is smoking all over the battlefields. The word gamey has begun to be heard with regard to the mission, the time limit, and the map. Well, as I told one player, of course it's a gamey scenario!! I didn't want to get slaughtered 12 times by you maggots. The idea of this is to see which of you makes the best of a bad situation, not for me to take a beating from each of you.
  21. I'm blushing! I've been singled out for abuse by the ex-junior something or other of the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread!! "Look at me, Ma, King of the World!!" :cool:
  22. Ooooh, so you're a Donnie fan. I got to take my pre-teen daughter to a New Kids' concert back in what, 1989? She won two tickets in a contest at a local department store. What a night that was! We took three of her friends to the concert, and my car wouldn't start when the concert was over. Of course it was in mid-winter. GRARGHRARRGHRARR!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Donnie had this tendency toward pyromania which didn't do the group's public image much good. He set a fire in their hotel while they were in Louisville. Later he copped a plea and made some fire prevention public service announcements to avoid arson charges. I guess if some guests had died in the fire he might have been charged with disorderly conduct or something. So Kobal2, how are things in the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread? I told you to try the Cheery Waffle thread. No rules there.
  23. Dear God, what kind of monstrosity is this? An Aussie Frenchman? A French Aussie? The mind reels. :eek: While normally I would suggest you avoid the Peng (or <font size=1>penguin</font size=1>) thread, you may find you like it there. Ask for Seanachai first, as he likes to welcome all newcomers. If not, feel free to drop in at the Cheery Waffle thread, where the real anarchists dwell. Someone there will be glad to give you a PBEM. I would, but twelve is about my limit right now.
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