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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. So is it one of those situations where you click on your unit and the enemy unit is visible so you think you can see it but when you target it says no LOS? I see this happen fairly often, and not just with vehicles. I don't know if we're not understanding the game mechanic or if its a bug, but I'm going to try to remember to post up the save game next time I see an example.
  2. That would be great news if true. Word around these parts was that he died several years ago. I wonder why he disappeared. I do happen to have a pdf of the second edition but it is not editable, it's just scanned images of the pages.
  3. You say it could see the Sherman but not target it. Did the target line just say "no LOS"?
  4. :confused: Not unless YankeeDog's real name is Steve. And just think how much more scenario work you will get done when we don't let you sleep anymore EDIT: Oh wow. I just realized I linked to the wrong thread in my previous post. That thread is ancient. I meant this one: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=104744
  5. Ohhh I say we waterboard George MC. He has information. Just kidding. We can't waterboard the guy who made Huzzar. We'll have to settle for sleep deprivation. BTW George, have you seen my little bug report thread? http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=98657&highlight=walls
  6. Mmmm mushrooms. Sauteed in butter. On a steak. I'm sure that the announcement that they are taking pre-orders for the Market Garden module will be a very exciting event. But I don't expect it 'til November.
  7. Problem is I remember Steve mentioning to a particular poster (this was back in the days when Steve read the forum ) the development of SF2 was going to start soon. So I expect SF2 before East front. Unless they farm it out to Snowball...
  8. I noticed one of my heavy machine guns was only firing rifles, even though it had an area fire order. The machine gun was deployed and the team had been sitting in foxholes for some time, firing the machine gun with no problem. I made sure to watch it the next turn and saw that the gunner and his foxhole buddy (lower left in the pic) were endlessly crawling around the foxhole. They keep doing this turn after turn after turn. Switching targets didn't help. Face command didn't help. I finally had to order the team to move an action spot and then move back. Ignore for a moment the question of why the 2 guys near the upper right foxhole decided they were safer outside the foxhole than in it. That's a different problem. I think :confused: You can see it in motion here: Savegame file. Just hit go. I don't know if Charles can do anything with it, but there it is. http://www.2shared.com/file/um3gjEdI/Bois_de_Baugin_001.html
  9. This isn't so much a covered arc issue as it is a hiding issue. AFAIK units with a covered arc don't spot any worse that those without one. But hiding units do spot very poorly, probably worse than they realistically should and it does make ambushes and defense in general overly difficult.
  10. Ah, I remember A Strange Awakening. Funny story there. Well maybe not HA HA funny, but anyway... For reasons that I forget, I went into that scenario under the mistaken impression that it was a meeting engagement. So I consequently assumed the buildings in the middle VL would be empty at the start of the game. So I loaded those halftracks and sent them charging towards it FAST, determined to get there first with the most. Of course the first HT gets to the edge of the pavement and all hell breaks loose. Germans everywhere. The first HT is hit with something explody and most of the GIs die. All the rest of my HTs are racing up behind it into the same ambush. FUUUUUUUUUU......... But then something funny happens. The TacAI saves my bacon. Instead of blindly following my orders to drive right over the Germans they reverse course and start backing up, blazing away. And those red crosses started popping up along the German line like roses blooming. Over the next couple of turns they rout the Germans almost completely off the VL. Even one wounded survivor in the first HT was helping out on the .50 as it was only immobilized. I only took loses in the first HT and they ended up killing probably 2 or 3 times as many men that they had lost. The rest of the scenario was mop-up. I probably did get lucky and I would never do it again on purpose, but my experience with half tracks and their gunners is that they are not unreasonably vulnerable.
  11. It is harder to hit a moving target. But shooting accurately from a moving vehicle is probably even harder unless you're on pavement, and even then maybe not.
  12. As it should be, IMO. As I mentioned before, moving vehicles are easily spotted but do not spot well themselves, so guess who gets the first shot off most of the time? If I drove my HTs around unbuttoned I would expect the gunners to drop like flies. That's why I don't drive them around unbuttoned.
  13. Yeah, I remember Steve saying that CMBN was in production while they were still working on the NATO module. And we don't know for sure what the order of releases will be, except that they have said the next game will be Bulge.
  14. I don't think this is necessarily true any more since the last patch. At the very least cover is better than it was. The biggest remaining issue with buildings is that the level of cover varies a lot between different buildings but in most cases there is no reliable means of knowing how much cover any particular building gives. There are also reportedly a few buildings with doors that are not in the same place the texture shows them to be.
  15. That is true, at times. But on the other hand, criticisms such as this thread are completely worthless. If I am BFC reading the OP's post, what the heck am I supposed to do about it? Is what happened physically impossible? I don't think so. Is it happening too often? I play the game too and I've never thought artillery was unrealistically ineffective or weak. If anything I've felt the exact opposite. If the OP's experience was typical I would expect to see other people making similar complaints. I don't see that happening. So yeah, if you think you've found something wrong with the game that no one else is making an issue of you probably do have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. But that can be done.
  16. I really haven't noticed unusual casualty rates among my HT gunners. Then again, I also keep their heads down with the "open up" toggle unless I have a specific target I want them to shoot at. I definitely never move around with the gunner standing up. That's just begging to get shot since any enemy unit you come into LOS with will almost always spot a moving vehicle before the moving vehicle spots them.
  17. So... exactly what changes to the game would you like to see BFC make?
  18. Hmm, I went back to check the dates and it appears that while there was 1 year between the announcement of the NATO module and the CMBN release it was only 7 months between the releases, so we could perhaps compress that schedule a bit. 7 months between the last module of a game and a new basic game would put it in July 2018.
  19. Lots of assumptions there, but not unreasonable given what we have seen and been told. Assume that the recent schedule of 9 months development time for each module and a generous 1 year for each base game, and 3 modules for each game: Dec '12: CMBN Market Garden Sept '13: CMBN 3rd module Sept '14: Bulge Basic Game June '15: Bulge module 1 Mar '16: Bulge module 2 Dec '16: Bulge module 3 Dec '17: Shock Force 2 basic game Sept '18: SF2 mod 1 Mar '19: SF2 mod 2 Dec '19: SF2 mod 3 Dec '20: Bagration base game
  20. I haven't checked to be sure, but just from glancing at them I'm pretty sure they are for Warrior/Elite/Iron.
  21. The primary purpose of Jeeps was to knock holes in obstacles for tanks to pass through. True story.
  22. Odd that it would ignore a Target Light order. When you targeted the infantry was the target line blue or grey? EDITED to add: There is also a bug that crops up from time to time where a soldier or tank gunner will go into a continuous spotting-firing-waiting loop that will effectively cause it to freeze up and not shoot. You can see if this is happening on the left side of the screen.
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