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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. This has probably been discussed before, but does CM take into account that AP rounds, if fired at Trucks, HT's and other light vehicles would most likely punch right thru and do little real damage? I'd think the odds of the round hitting a vital spot (Driver/Engine, etc.) versus hitting dead space would be pretty low. Gyrene.
  2. The Ambush command is limited to 300m, because, by definition and ambush is a close up/violent surprise attack, allowing little or no escape options for your opponent, ideally into another ambush. Hard to do a ranges greater than 300 m. You'd be better off parking your tank/gun or issuing a MOVE (NOT a Hunt command, as it will stop and shoot at the first target it spots) and issuing a target command to the vehicle you want to kill even if out of LOS. Odds are the AI will keep tracking the opposing unit an shoot at it when it has a clear shot. Gyrene
  3. Then they should model my 88's going through the front of a Sherman/soda can and out the back and killing another soda can behind it? It happened a bit after all... Now THAT I'd love to see... Gyrene
  4. Mortar on a roof? Hmm...Maybe 2 inch or 50mm mortars on heavy buildings...60mm and up would start to damage light buildings because of recoil. (Picture sledgehammer hits to roof trusses. ) You'd end up with your mortar on the first floor. lol It would be a good idea, though. More variety and all. A Barn-like building where you could hide an AT gun would be sweet too. You know the answer: CM2, maybe? Gyrene
  5. Yes, awards would be great! I'd love to give a Silver Star to my Baz man who killed 2 Panthers in one game (!) and the Iron Cross for my Panzergrenadier Squad that once inflicted 32 infantry casualties and killed one Sherman and a Greyhound. Great idea. BTS? Gyrene
  6. Ever since the Gulf war (Or the great propaganda war as I like to refer it as) the public have had this weird idea that all we have to do is to send in the planes and bomb the hell out of any enemy and that will be that. That's not exactly a new concept (Misconception?) The US/Allies got caught with their pants down in Korea in 1950, just 5 years after the war because of the same line of thinking. "Let the Air Force handle them" Its a sad fact, but its a scenario that's bound to be repeated a couple more times. As for the Russians/Chinese/Whomever having 80,000 million tanks (Exaggeration ), it does them little good aside from attacking their direct neighbors. Neither one, esp. China, has the logistic ability to make a major war effort very far away from their own borders. The ability of the Allies to completely pick apart any invading convoy is undisputable. But, as mentioned before, odds are most modern conflicts will be the low intensity type, as evidenced by the creation of the US's 4th branch of the military, SOCOM. (Coast Guard doesn't count ) Gyrene
  7. Going thru the site that GriffinCheng listed I found this pic of a Leopard 1 and something caught my eye...Couldn't this be considered a classic shot trap, as indicated on the picture? Due to the upper front armor having almost no slope, a round would ricochet at almost full speed against the turret ring. :eek: Any thoughts on this? Gyrene [ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  8. Is it always the same graphics that get traded around? I'd run a virus checker just to be safe, I don't think Mac programs normally modify their own resource files. Gyrene
  9. CM should have included more realistic modeling for the late war Jerry uber-tanks...Like the King Tiger breaking down if you fast move it for more than one turn and all of the German tanks running out of gas halfway through the game. Gyrene
  10. I agree with J.McGuire on this one, I seen military trucks, tanks and apc's crossing some pretty deep water, deeper than chest high, that's why air intakes and exhausts are waaaay up in the air. Maybe kubelwagens and jeeps and some others should be limited. Does anyone remember film footage of tanks and trucks debarking from LST's onto a beach? Pretty deep water AND sand to boot. Gyrene
  11. Anyone who does not want micro-management should give up CM and go play a Strategic war game instead. We already have micro-management in the fact that you can tell you units to run 30m, crawl 10, sneak 20 and walk 5 in the same turn. NO Battalion commander would issue orders like that, but a Squad Leader WOULD. We all have to remember that in CM we do not assume the role of a Lt. Colonel only, but also act as Lieutenants and Sargents, and having specific orders like "Skip the infantry and shoot the tank" would be very realistic, just like the real life practice of shooting the first and last vehicle in an ambush. The list of commands in CM is brief and to the point, it's not like we're asking to be able to issue "Shoot the NCO, then shoot the tankers sights, have lunch and run back for more ammo" orders. There's lot of room for other useful commands to be added to CM2 and they can only add to the realism and enjoyment of the game Gyrene [ 04-11-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  12. The best way I've found to keep your units from shooting is to simply move them out of LOS of enemy units, even when hidden. I've almost had an entire Commando Skorzeny scenario ruined for me when a hidden "Elite" SS squad opened up on an Allied tank way before it had reached the ambush marker. Not very Elite behaviour if you ask me. The unruly squad paid with its cyber life when the other 7 tanks in the convoy opened up on it. So if you want to guarantee ambush success you have to move your ambushing units out of LOS. Pretty lame, and I hope it gets fixed in CM2. Gyrene
  13. Play either side first in the "A Chance Encounter" scenario, but play as the Allies in the "Valley of Trouble" first. The play however you want, give the AI freedom to place its units, give it more troops in the play balance. And most important, have fun. Gyrene
  14. You and the other 6000 members (Give or take a few) would love to be Beta testers for CM2. We're not worthy. Gyrene
  15. I like keeping the scaling at x1, it helps me to stop complaining about out of LOS conditions. Gyrene
  16. Rick, you are correct, I had a brain fart there. My numbers for the invasion force are probably wrong, I was referring to the entire force, not just landing troops. Great link about Wake: Battle of Wake Island Gyrene
  17. Fear in the Fog was a good scenario, and I clobered the AI when I played it (Allied side), my most lopsided victory, 94 to 6 and the first time my infantry killed a tank with gamon bombs/ demo charges. Sweet I agree, a system that can scroll the map and shoot LOS's smoothly is essential and once you play on a good system, it's impossible to look back. Gyrene
  18. The fierce resistance at Wake came from only 400 Marines and 800 civilian personnel, the fact that this very small force turned back the 20,000 strong invasion force, sinking a destroyer and some landing craft was both a shock and a humiliation for the Japanese, their next attempt was more serious, and there was no way the small garrison could hold out. The key to sucessful amphibious landings, probably more important than pre-bombardment (Which was virtually useless late in the Pacific campaign, if you don't agree read about Tarawa, Peleliu and Iwo Jima) was the preservation of the momentum of the attack, which was lacking at Anzio, and at the biggest Amphibious fiasco of this century, Galipoli. Galipoli almost removed the term Amphibious Assault from the military jargon. The Japanese didn't do many opposed landings, but often would land in a safer location and march to the battle attacking from inland. The US did not have the luxury of being able to do that from most of the Pacific War. Gyrene [ 04-10-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  19. Olle, I tried CM on that old PC just to see if it could hack it, my cousin wants to get the game, but he's a cheapskate when it comes to upgrading. I normally play the game on my mac, and it handles it fine. I will try your fast mods, though, it'll be interesting to see the difference. Thanks!
  20. One of the features that I find very cool in CM is how if you kill a moving vehicle it continues to roll and often veers off to some random direction. My question is: Could a dead but still rolling vehicle fall off a bridge? Has anyone seen this happen? Gyrene
  21. Boy, some of you guys are good with coming up with great ideas. Gawshhhhh....yuk yuk yuk... We should start a petition, lol Gyrene
  22. Here's yet another thread started with the hope that we happy users of CM (Mostly happy) could maybe persuade the Creators of The Game to add a few features that are missing from CM1 Independent Tank turret alignment would be nice. Yes, it has been brought up before, I hope it makes the cut for CM2. I'd like a "Hide on contact" command as an add-on to a move or sneak command for squads, would be very useful for scouting split squads and sharpshooters, who tend to try to slug it out when far from friendly forces. Also, a "Fall Back on Contact" command would be nice too, squads would make contact, take a couple of pot shots and pull back, but not in the same panic-prone way as the Withdraw command. Also the ability to remain hidden (Probably for veteran units or better) even after the enemy is in the danger zone. It would be great to allow the enemy to pass and back door them. If Japanese units are ever added to CM this would be an almost mandatory ability. This ability to remain hidden would also simulate forward listening posts. A rewriting of the Area Fire command, or an option to allow Area Firing units to fire on enemy units that enter its direct LOS. Better indirect fire for supporting weapons! Arty Spotters can target well outside their LOS, so why can't field pieces and mortar teams? Being able to continue shooting thru smoke would be more realistic also. Final Protective Fire command: The dreaded FPF, when you know that the only chance to prevent your unit from being overrun is let it all out, squads would not slack their fire the entire turn, although they'd probably come up "Low" the next turn and MG's might run a much higher risk of "Jam". Yes, I will be buying CM2 even if none of these commands are available and I love CM now as it is, but I'd really really love it if all that stuff was in it. Anything else? Gyrene
  23. Serves me right for putting "Beat This" on the caption... Rumors has it that the Germans ran an early beta of CM:BO (Combat Mission:Before Overlord) on their Enigma machines Gyrene [ 04-08-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  24. I used Stuffit Deluxe to Zip the originals, I guess it is not 100% PC compatible... I reposted the files Zipped with a different application that claims to be PkZip compatible, I hope that solves any problems. Gyrene
  25. D'oh...double post [ 04-08-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
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