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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Had an HMC whack a KT. One of the happiest moments of my CM life. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Moriarty, a M8 HMC? How did you manage that? I've shot round after round at lowly Stugs before with no result. (No c shells carried) I'd love to be able to take on tanks with the little M8 Gyrene
  2. "Good" Mods are the ones you like. Its all a matter of taste. Welcome Aboard, say goodbye to your free time. Gyrene
  3. Abbott, in our case, you use your German armor by driving in reverse, buttoned up towards my troops. Oh, and make sure you are giving your troops protective area fire by shelling them. That works great. For me. Gyrene
  4. Greg/Gyrene update: We're up to turn 7 and we have yet to see each other. Lots of deep mud and very poor visibility (140m or so), movement is very slow, especially on my side, since I got the hills. We should have a fast paced 10 or so turns to finish the game, once contact is made. Gyrene
  5. Our Southern Probe was a success, completely routing, destroying or capturing all defenders of the Southern Bridge and placing it fully under our control, granting us the ability to cross it at will and unopposed. It has also forced the Germans into a pocket of resistance toward the Chateau area. Their mission of securing the South bridge completed, Able Co. has now swung North to assist Baker Co. in the Chateau area. A German push in the South Bridge area by fresh forces is expected, and will be dealt with when the time comes. Gyrene
  6. Our Southern Probe was a success, completely routing, destroying or capturing all defenders of the Southern Bridge and placing it fully under our control, granting us the ability to cross it at will and unopposed. It has also forced the Germans into a pocket of resistance toward the Chateau area. Their mission of securing the South bridge completed, Able Co. has now swung North to assist Baker Co. in the Chateau area. A German push in the South Bridge area by fresh forces is expected, and will be dealt with when the time comes. Gyrene
  7. Our re-enforcements have finally arrived, and hopefully will make their presence felt in the battle. Lots of Germans have been spotted in the woods East of the South Bridge. The Tigers in the Chateau area make our advance there very costly, but progress is being made. There is some enemy tank action in the Northern woods, with one of our northern most tanks probably killed by one of those tanks. This is no longer a battle of maneuver, but one of attrition, I doubt either side has enough assets to make a serious push on multiple fronts. We continue to consolidate our forces and we will make our stand, as we continue to hold both banks of the ravine. The Germans will not cross these bridges. Our tank losses have been high, with many being lost to infantry fire, but the Germans have also lost many tanks, and they seem to be mostly grouped in the Chateau area. Gyrene
  8. Our re-enforcements have finally arrived, and hopefully will make their presence felt in the battle. Lots of Germans have been spotted in the woods East of the South Bridge. The Tigers in the Chateau area make our advance there very costly, but progress is being made. There is some enemy tank action in the Northern woods, with one of our northern most tanks probably killed by one of those tanks. This is no longer a battle of maneuver, but one of attrition, I doubt either side has enough assets to make a serious push on multiple fronts. We continue to consolidate our forces and we will make our stand, as we continue to hold both banks of the ravine. The Germans will not cross these bridges. Our tank losses have been high, with many being lost to infantry fire, but the Germans have also lost many tanks, and they seem to be mostly grouped in the Chateau area. Gyrene
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A weapon is only as good as the man carrying it. Sounds like your platoon decided to make the sad sack carry the heavy stuff. Sounds pretty realistic to me... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Flamethrower teams were not known to be manned with the dredges of the outfit. It took a lot of guts to lug that gas tank around on your back. That high ratio of non-shooters does seem out of wack. Kind of like my "Elite" squad that decided to route towards Abbott's Tigers and MG teams (Across the open from woods) when all they had to do is run back 20m to a reverse slope, their HQ and safety. Either its a bug or bad programming. Realistic it is not. Gyrene
  10. There will be 73.4% less horses in CM2 than in CM. CM2 will also be CM2 Free. Gyrene
  11. A good way to use your on map mortar teams is to advance them well behind your main force to some key terrain that overlooks your intended assault area. If you keep them well beyond rifle range but still in LOS they can be very useful as they easily outrange MGs, any rounds that do come in will likely be innefective. Playing this way you can even afford to bring them out in the open for use against far away MG teams and such. Of course this is best done with no AT guns or tanks in sight. Gyrene
  12. Panzer Leader, like Marlow stated, the .50 caliber round is in a whole different league from the MG34/42's 7.92mm round, it can considerably out range and out damage the much light German round. I didn't imply that it would replace the M34/42, but it would be foolish for the Germans not to adopt any captured ones, as they had no equivalent of their own. Gyrene
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Looks like Junior Member #5240 is your guy... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, my number and his are only 2 apart, and we registered in the same day. Maybe I'm funnyman...My medication must be wearing out! Funnyman. I mean... Gyrene
  14. The German Army had the excellent insight to recognize a superior enemy design and adopt captured examples when they could for example: T34's, LT-38's & H39's, and even the Garand (Re-designated as the Selbstladegewehr 251(a)), so did they ever adopt the M2HB MGs they might have captured from the Russians out of early lend/lease equipment? The M2 is easily superior to the MG34 in a number of categories, and I'm sure enough of them where around to make their adoption worthwhile. My question is, if this did happen, would it be enough to merit its inclusion in CM2? Curious more than anything. Gyrene
  15. Ack. My public education is showing. even with the extra zero th result is .004578 D'oh Gyrene
  16. Oh hell, sign me up. That'll learn me to open my big yap. Gyrene
  17. Look at your original post. There's an extra zero on your 1000. Gyrene
  18. I could qualify for a blabber mouth award...My lurker factor is 4.578 yap yap yap yap Gyrene
  19. Ok, you can all put your flamethrowers down, I was going to name the thread after my request, but after you see what it is you might agree that what I chose is better. BTS, would it be possible to implement the ability to choose units by clicking anywhere on their path/target lines during the orders phase? Quite often I'll accidently click on the ground or elsewhere and I'll have to scroll back and find the unit I want to give orders to from among all the other path lines. Until my hand/eye coordination gets better, I think this would be a useful feature. Gyrene
  20. The whole thing is just a myth...Like that Sniper duel in Stalingrad and the Ether Bunny (Read up on that one, you Google trivia cheating bastiches!) and the whole post didn't have a single mention of British or Australian posters! Why's that mate? You Americans think you invented the whole internet all by yourselves, I'll let you know, Charles Babbage (Babbage, not cabbage) is the father of the computer! And he was a Briton, mind you! And Peng wouldn't stand a chance against the King Tiger, because the KT's 88mm smilie cannon, could easily penetrate Peng's 4mm, albeit well sloped cranium! And neither would any of you, for that matter, because your head is a soda can, or a beer can for some of you other readers! The King Tiger and Panther were the greatest machines ever made and I regularly sleep with all my scale models of them! And you if think that the AI is easy to beat it's because you are playing using the input devices in your computer, and not by Jedi mind power like I do! Let me tell you, the AI is unbeatable when you can't effectively give orders! And if I had the M16 I could easily dispose of the Hamster Hordes with it's Quad 50 ass chewing power! I will use ResEdit to include it in my Desert Storm mod! You will all ph33r my l337 mod making skillz! And you can all see what my car is like! But I digress. Gyrene And btw, the Best Soldier of WWII was me! So there. <edited to include that last nugget of wisdom> [ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  21. There is no sign of Sgt Johnny Farmboy and Pvt Timmy Soondead, who were in the church when it was destroyed by the God-less nazis. Gyrene
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"better... better get me a bucket..." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's just a mint...It's ah wah-fehr thin... On the Hamster front: Another German tank has been knocked out and my Southern flanking force has been spotted and engaged by heavy caliber artilery, they have reached the departure point for their push North well inside German territory East of the ravine. Fighting in the Chateau area continues to be very instense with heavy casualties on both sides. The Huns continue with their policy of levelling this once beautiful castle. My Northern scouting force has once again made contact with the enemy and is itself under artillery fire. Gyrene
  23. Olle, thanks for the serious answer to my goof question. I just thought the notion of an elite truck driver really funny. Convoy! Gyrene
  24. Would an Elite truck driver be able to do things with a truck lesser drivers can't? Could they pop wheelies and do bootleg turns and such? How does a truck driver get to be Elite? I nomite the Elite truck/Heavy SMG Squad combo to be placed in the same category as the ubertanks for play fairness. That combo, complete with banjo chase music and Dukes of Hazzard style horn is bound to strike fear on the hearts of its opponents. Gyrene
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> *yawn* I want some passion, folks. Tell me about a squad leader and his troops. What is Hauptmann Kugelscrieber doing in that building with that french maid? Give me a reason to get some popcorn. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Huh, ok... Sgt Johnny Farmboy of Niceville, Iowa lead his squad across the ravine of death towards their destiny, Johnny was an All-American quarter back/defensive lineman and starting pitcher for his Niceville High School teams (The Niceville Good Guys) and he snatched German grenades from the air as they fell and hurdled them back with the precision that made him Major League Baseball's top prospect in '42, but he said "No thanks...There's a war on, and no one likes to fight, but someone has to..." and between pitching grenades back he would tackle german troops with the ferocity that made him the scourge of the grid-iron. All the while he sang "Glory Glory Aleluia" to motivate his troops, who lovingly called him "Sarge", especially young Timmy Soondead of Gonabiteit Creek, Missouri. Timmy Soondead was a shy and bookish lad who had never been outside his home town of Gonebiteit Creek and was taken under the wing of Sarge, because Timmy reminded Johnny of his little brother Jimmy. As they desperatly yet gallantly clawed their way to the top of the ravine Timmy, the shy and bookish lad of Gonabiteit Creek, Missouri who had never left his home town and had yet to fire his rifle in anger, yelled "Look out Sarge!" as an unshaven, shifty looking German sniper took aim at Sarge... In a blur, Timmy, the shy and bookish lad etc..jumped across the path of Johnny Farmboy and took the bullet that would surely kill his beloved Sarge. As he lay there dying Timmy could see Sarge throwing his famous tomahawk "Flash", which had been given to Johnny by Chief HonkyTonka of the Plains Indians, who had taught Johnny the ways of the warrior and the spirit of the land, and watching as Flash embedded itself in the shifty, dirty, unshaven Nazi sniper who plumetted from his tree hide with an agonizing groan. As Johnny held The dying Timmy in his arms, the war seemed to be very far away and Timmy summoned his remaining strenght to deliver this message..."Sarge...Johnny, when this is over...<cough> promise me that you will go to my home town and look up my father who..<hack> disowned me, because I wanted to go to school and be a <choke> proctologist and not a birthday clown like him...and tell him...I did ok...<die>..." Johnny, fighting back the stream of tears said "I will Timmy...I will" Then Sarge and the boys finished killing all the Germans, Johnny shagged the French maid and caught a case of VD and they got married and had 8 kids and moved to Toledo where they both work in a bowling alley where Sarge Johnny bores the customers with his war stories and stews in his own bitterness for having lost his Baseball chance when he got severe rotator cuff damage from throwing back too many German grenades. Sarge forgot all about Timmy and never did go to Gonebiteit Creek. The End. Gyrene
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