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Everything posted by Manx_CM

  1. New Panther VA, by AUDACE - You know you want it! Thanks Audace! ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  2. I do indeed...In fact it's there now! ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  3. Never join in with them. oops!. ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  4. Well i need to add a header graphic, so that will add a few more kb's to the loading times, but i'll try to keep it as small as poss. As far as i'm aware there shouldn't be any problems accessing the site. ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  5. CLASSICS!...all three of em'!. ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  6. Thanks...nice to be back!. ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  7. Well, you did ask me to keep you informed ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  8. Okay. It's up again. I didn't expect the server transfer to go through so quick, so i've been caught out a little. I was in the middle of modifying the site slightly and i'm not half-way finished. Hope to have all the sections up over the next few days. Anyway the "MOD" page is up. What more could you ask for?! Go gently with it! Thanks to everyone who offered help and sent in messages of support. I won't forget!. ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  9. Just signed up with ANOTHER new host. Will have to wait about 24-48 for the "combat-missions.net" domain to point to the new servers, then i will transfer files to it. In the meantime i will do a bit of work to some of the pages that need reorganising. So, if you have any decent mods or scenarios you would like submitting, then just send them to this temp e-mail address - mim@anytimenow.com. I will post them as soon as the new site is up. Cheers! [This message has been edited by Manx_CM (edited 03-06-2001).]
  10. Mike...thanks for the offer. I appreciate it!. The problem isn't with diskspace - it's solely a bandwidth issue. I knew beforehand, but was informed by the server host, that NO web hosting company operates an unlimited bandwidth policy, even though they may quote this in their sales pitch. Basically every server has it's limits and even hosts that offer this will just pull the plug out if you compromise their service. I can't afford to pay huge amounts of money for massive dedicated servers that do allow for unlimited bandwidth and hugh numbers of concurrent user logins and downloads. I don't know how Madmatt copes at CMHQ, but maybe the only alternative is not to host mods!. Thanks again Mike! Manx
  11. As you some of you may have noticed, COMBAT MISSIONS has been inaccessible over the past 24 hours. I have spoken to the server hosts and they have informed me they can't handle the amount of bandwidth the site is generating, specifically the high number of simultaneous users downloading files at anyone time. In fact, they told me that the site had crashed their server twice within a couple of hours over the last weekend. Because of this they decided to take the site offline. Nice of them to warn me and all this is despite of the fact that i paid them a large amount of money last week to have the site hosted on a high-bandwidth server!. So, where does that the leave the site - HOMELESS!. Guess i will just have to find another host and i have no idea how much time that will take to accomplish. I will be back!. ps - In the short term i may go back to www.combatmissions.co.uk , although due to lack of diskspace on that site, i would have to serve just a selection of the total mods available. Manx. [This message has been edited by Manx_CM (edited 03-05-2001).] [This message has been edited by Manx_CM (edited 03-05-2001).]
  12. I think thats what SuperTed is trying to do with his "Forward Observer" site. ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION" (When the sites up that is) [This message has been edited by Manx_CM (edited 03-04-2001).]
  13. If you need them bunkers that badly, go here - www.combatmissions.co.uk/mods.htm It's the old COMBAT MISSIONS site. Some mod files are still there. ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  14. Tiger...i know that the site is down at the moment, but heres what i did - the exact zip file you sent, containing just 4600.bmp is available to d/l as the update. I took this updated bmp and replaced the "faulty" version in the Full Mod Download and re-uploaded the whole lot again. So, both sets of downloads now contain the new 4600 you sent. ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  15. It was fine earlier today - uploaded Tigers revised StuH/G. Looks like the server is down...i can't FTP on to it or anything. -------------------------- Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION" (But not at the moment!) [This message has been edited by Manx_CM (edited 03-04-2001).]
  16. As far as i know it's nothing that i/we've done . If the server is down then i'm not impressed, especially since i've only just started paying for the damn thing! ------------------ Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  17. I can't FTP on to it. Looks like the server might be down. ------------------ ------------------------- Manx -COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  18. SuperTed Make sure you save a copy of your "index" page then try taking out the Javascript section near the top of the page. Upload the page without this code to your server then ask some Mac users to test it out for you. Just my 2p ------------------ ------------------------- Manx -COMBAT MISSIONS Resources for Big Time Softwares "COMBAT MISSION"
  19. Tiger has released an update for his StuH/G mod posted on the site last week. This update fixes file 4600.bmp, so that these vehicles now feature their correct roadwheel configs. If you haven't downloaded this mod yet then carry on and download the Full Pack - it contains the revised bitmap file. Those of you who already have downloaded this mod can just grab the 246kb update. Manx - COMBAT MISSIONS - Resources for Big Time Softwares COMBAT MISSION [This message has been edited by Manx_CM (edited 03-04-2001).]
  20. Marco, personally i would only use hi-res mods whenever possible. I've tried both types and have never experienced any slowdown. btw - i must congratulate you on your recent hi-res "Sherman Summer/Winter Packs". Excellent work. Well Done! Manx - www.combat-missions.net
  21. Have you done a reload of the page Garry?. The Churchills are definitely there...right at the top of the page. www.combat-missions.net
  22. Two brilliant new Churchill Mods from Tiger. One "clean", one "dirty"!. You can only use one of course, but MODSLUTS will obviously download both!. There goes the bandwidth! Now available to d/l @ www.combat-missions.net
  23. I have handed over a large sum of money to my hosts and completed the transfer of files to a new high-bandwidth server. All scenarios/mods etc. are now available and i hope to bring you more goodies soon. One bad thing! - Gremlin has asked me to pull the plug on the "Boot Camp" series and remove the three articles he had written. I am very sorry to lose these as i know a lot of you found them useful and they were a much valued part of the site. If anyone would like to contribute tactical essays to that section of the site, then please do so. Finally - i would like to say THANKS to all those who offered support and messages of goodwill over the past two days, when it seemed like i would have to shut the site down. Thankfully it hasn't come to that. Cheers!
  24. Wolfe - No...that's one of the things i still need to get set up. Basically the site name (commbat-missions.net) will stay the same but the site will now be hosted on a new server. I am still waiting to hear what my new e-mail settings are from the host.
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