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Everything posted by Manx_CM

  1. Nice thread they've got going on there. I thought that "eurowarrior", in particular, was in good form. In fact, i'm just off to try and design a sig. banner just like his.
  2. err, yes Max, i did mean MM files, but then again, when it comes to mods, i'm as confused as the next man (or woman!).
  3. One thing that annoys me about batch file mods - as i understand it, one of the criteria of being MOD MANAGER compatible, is that the file has to include preview pics of the mod. Puleeze, make sure that the pics are "shrunk" down to a reasonable size before posting. I have received MM files containing pics 1MB in size and have had to doctor them down to something more reasonable - howasabout 15K!.
  4. Thanks Rob...do you intend to post how past campaigns have faired on the site?.
  5. Nice camo scheme, but as others have said - it definitely needs some dirt/weathering added to it.
  6. Admiral Keth...I don't disagree with you in what your saying - of course it would be easier if all scenarios could be found from one source, but, you have to remember that the current 30+ CM sites have already been trying to do their best to get the scenarios that are released, out to you in the best manner that they can. I am currently trying keep track of every mod that is released, and i know how hard that can be, so, why not set up a site or something, that tries to do the same thing for scenarios?. I would be more than willing to help you out with it. [ 04-16-2001: Message edited by: Manx_CM ]
  7. Yeah...cummon guys..give the "bald one" a break. It was HE! (he probably doesn't realise it), that helped get me hooked on CM in the first place!. Thanks Madmatt!!!
  8. Wespe / Marder III by Tiger Wire Mesh Add-on for Tigers Panzer IV, by Scipio Tigers Original: Scipio's Mesh Add-on: Now ready to d/l @ COMBAT MISSIONS
  9. COMBAT MISSIONS started it's life ONLY hosting scenarios (hence the name). Only later did it go on to cover other areas. All i'm saying is this - there is little point in a site bothering to host scenarios if someone is going to d/l them from that site and then stick them in some "uberpack" hosted somewhere else. As you may of noticed, i, and many other webmasters, don't just add a link to the scenario d/l, we go and write full individual pages with details, screenshots and descriptions. Is it going to be worth continuing to do this?. Don't forget - many of the scenarios have sent in by authors who expressed the wish that the scenario should only be made available from that site. Just last night "Rune" sent in his latest scenario Pak #7. In his e-mail he said that he would NOT be posting this set of scenarios anywhere else. I would be interested in hearing what other CM webmasters feel about this and also scenario designers themselves.
  10. #7 is up!!. Thanks Again Rune
  11. My brain needs "modding" before i can add that feature! Gustav - hear your going away!. Sorry to hear that...you've done a fine job with "The Last Defense". Don't stay away any longer than necessary!.
  12. "MISSIONS" is one year old this week. Just want to say thanks to all the scenario/mod designers who have submitted their work and all of you on the forum who have contributed to the Unit Tactics guides over the past year. Salute!
  13. Tell you what...every other CM site that hosts scenarios (and has done, even before the game was ever released) will shutdown to enable you to continue with this. Nice idea!
  14. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but even with a timer, both players still need to agree on the time limit to be imposed, so IMO it would be just as easy to implement this feature yourselves. - i.e - a sharp clip around the ear should be administered to the active player when his time limit has expired!.
  15. A few seconds/minutes here and there isn't going to cause too much grief. My advice would be to set yourselves fixed time limits depending on the map size and force scale of the battle your playing. Obviously bigger battles will take you longer to organise your turns, but i'm sure you can work out a good set of rules.
  16. I did attempt to show a preview pic in the original post but for some reason i couldn't get the image to load (lots of spaces and things in the path name?), hence the EDIT on the first post. Anyway, i have now setup a directory on the server to house forum preview pics.
  17. A great new mod by David Freed (Sgt. Fred) based on Tigers "Dark-Yellow" original. Pic dedicated to Max! Now ready to d/l (1.33MB) @ COMBAT MISSIONS
  18. by Matthew Peterson Now ready to download @ COMBAT MISSIONS. Mod is 6 MB to d/l. [ 04-14-2001: Message edited by: Manx_CM ]
  19. Yeah!...i missed sending Ted an update earlier this week. He has a way of making you feel 2ft tall when you do that. Needless to say, i beat myself about the head with a stick and promised it shall never happen again!. In fact, i have just sent him news of an update even before the site has been updated, i'm that scared of receiving that "WARNING" e-mail! :eek:
  20. Now that's better!. Feels much more like home! :cool:
  21. Two brand new mods from Tiger!. Now ready to d/l @ MISSIONS. Thanks John Enjoy!
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