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Everything posted by Leeo

  1. I used to have a bassmonkey affixed to a plastic plaque upon my wall. Upon the pushing of certain buttons, it would randomly spout some self-ignobling repartee's that supposed to be witty or funny, but instead grated upon the ears in mechanical repetition. Much like some of the flood of bassmonkey currently infesting the Outre' Boards.
  2. I think the game rocks! If only my skill in the game would also improve...
  3. Deep in some sheep's mine, I'd think (as if I could be bothered (what with all my whining about the interface (and the " 'orrible athfindin' " (and the lack of everyfing I never thought of wanting)))).
  4. I also greatly enjoy the simplicity of the artillery interface, especially in light of the wide array of parameters one can control.
  5. I've been enjoying the hell out of this game. Well worth the money. It may be missing a few bells and whistles that I would like (random maps, individual unit picking for QBs), but the core engine is top notch, in my opinion. After re-unlearning a few things, I find the interface quite nice.
  6. I like the soft glow when 105's blow and the glitter splatter of 30mike mike patter upon unfortunate targets below. I like linear and area and death's available planateria into the touch of an FSV's light Imediate emergency, long duration, haste urgency then the fountains of glowing blasts bite.
  7. I thought the jury was still out on that. (much like the stenographers are all down on that)
  8. Nearly a post a minute going there, lads, keep it up! Tis as to the silent roar of a black hole. Or sumfink. However, I've decide me's loves to shoots the Javelins's.
  9. In my long drives through this country's west, I was impressed by the vast distances full of nothingness; just dirt, rock, and the occasional vegetative life. Still, all in all, it was as a teeming metropolis as compared to the sum of all your echoing skull holes.
  10. I am return! (And the Green River runs at a slightly more yellow-ish hue)
  11. It took some getting used-to, but I'm really starting to enjoy the interface. I like the game quite a lot, and the more I play it, the more it grows on me (somewhat like a fungus). There are a few bits of quick battle detail I'd like to see (like "buying" units, just for the nod towards Squad Leader, if nothing else). In general, I quite like the game. I'm glad to have many reasons at hand to remain a BFC fanboy.
  12. "But Mumsy, I wanted CHOCOLATE clotted cream with my scones and tea. And you know I hate this bone china, Mums." STAMP STAMP!
  13. Tomorrow I am away, sprinting along asphalt avenues in my Persian-trust devouring Lincoln to transform freeway into miles beneath my wheels. Idaho! Beware my demands for greenery and beauty aplenty. Utah! Acquiesce to my proclamations of moral repugnance. Colorado! Free thy highways and mountain passes to the thrumming motion of my Continental. Wyoming! Drink my pee with warm acceptance as I race home. The rest of you can just feck right off. For two weeks, anyway.
  14. I have never, and will never, acceote apologies of any kind. Try again, oh-torturer-of-scenario-players.
  15. I had a bunion-grip once. Not pleasant at all, not even in the slightest. I tend to think bunion-grip is less than a carbuncle on the calcified joint of a goutily arthritic middle toe attached to Seanachai's left foot. However, the round-a-bout association to the Bard might be a bit of a stretch. Much like bunion-grip's infinitesimal grasping towards a clue.
  16. Hate is wasted upon things. "I hate my car." "I hate my computer." "I hate brussel sprouts." Such phrases do an injustice to the concept of hate. They are unto true hate as a grasshopper is to Beelzebub, for what good is hate without some consciousness with which to measure the emotion and react in a negative fashion? The car can't feel my loathing, and the brussel sprouts can't take offense at being maligned. No, for true hate to manifest itself in all it resplendent glory, the target must have the capacity to understand the concept, and the ability to empathize with experiencing that emotion, along with the brain-power to regret that such negative feelings are directed towards its fleeting being. Indeed, for there to be hate, there must be that which is capable of cognitively comprehending that it is the target of malice. Something with a soul and an intellect is the only worthwhile target of hate. Which is pretty much why I gave up hating Boo a long time ago.
  17. Feck you. Unless you want a CMAK scenario, 'cause I ain't re-installin' no <u>Mother-of-All-Old-Fashioned-Guts-n-Glory-It's-Good-To-Be-A-Man-Until-the-Shrapnel-Goes-Through-Your-Chest</u> bloody CMBB, either. So sue me.
  18. Well, Joe, if you are wanting to say that your office of "Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread" is an abbreviation, well, who am I to argue with that? In fact, the more abbreviated your office, the better. Why I regularly abbreviate your posts, primarily by NOT reading them.
  19. OOoooo, look at who's risen up on their hind legs and mewed at their betters! "Oh, I've been gone for such an awfully long time, and aren't you all lucky I'm back?" In case you didn't realize, your welcome back from Peng was couched within the dreary comparison of nihilism vs. Abbot. Not exactly a warm paean of acceptance, what? You're going to have to craft a better challenge than that, <small>counselor</small>. Besides, Rosie is so passé, and Paris is obviously a ho. Not the repeated Christmas time exclamation: Just the singular noun. Seeing's as how you used to be a reliable opponent, I might give you the benefit of the doubt. Care to try again?
  20. Piss off, Lars. And of course I mean that in the most disrespectful way. However, though you are a right-wing mouth-breather, you have a point; The semicolon has to be the nastiest piece of punctuation on the planet. "Oooh, let me rest my period upon your comma." And semicolon? What the hell is that? Something from which ****e spews occaisionally? Sounds like Seanachai to me.
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