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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Okay, I am still looking for anyone connected with BF.C to state they've seen this and either are dismissing it out of hand or think it may be worthwhile to look at. Thanks, Ken
  2. Steve, Excellent news. Of course, when you said, "...started redoing the terrain...", you left out any explicit mention of sloped roofs. Ah, yes, any kind of roof other than a flat roof. Slopes, gabled, hipped, peaked, valleyed. Oh the many, many roofs of Normandy. I want my men to scamper along the ridge of a roof and have slates slide down which then knock out German sentries! THAT would be immersion. I'm not saying what exactly it would be immersed IN, simply that it would be immersed. Seriously, though, what types of terrain are you guys going to get in which is different than CMSF? Thanks, Ken
  3. Steve, Thanks, glad you've seen and acted as needed on the issues already. Count me as another datapoint in agreement with the LOS issue: in v1.10 if I select the enemy icon and not all the enemy are in LOS I cannot get the target line to snap into place. If I do a polygon hunt and select the actual enemy unit, it will snap in place. Thanks, Ken
  4. Grrrrrr! The only thing that bothers me is that about half of what Peter Panzer posted (say THAT fast 3 times!) has been listed by others in the last week or so. I can only imagine how busy BF.C is. However, there is still no organized user feedback system which can highlight possible problems. 1.10 is a BIG improvement over 1.08. I am, however, eagerly awaiting v1.11. Thanks, Ken
  5. Hello? Beta testers? BF.C? Anyone who cares? Two reports now of aberrant crew behavior coupled with SMOKE deployment. Savegames available. Ken
  6. Inkompetent; thanks. The 2.75 FFAR's seems to me to be an Army Aviation load more than one the USAF would use. SgtMuhammed; yeah, doing that work to figure out what is what with CAS and Arty can be done, but wouldn't it be great if BF.C included the information on the UI? Thanks, Ken
  7. Gents, Playing around with the Marines. I had an AAV destroyed, but the crew successfully bailed out (one yellow, two green). Much later in the scenario, I wanted to see if the vehicle crew icons are now color coded the same as infantry teams. (The yellow base crew member's blue dot should now be yellow, not red.) To do this, I had to substitute my bailed crew INTO a new AAV. I co-located a good AAV, with new crew next to the bailed crew. The new crew cannot dismount. Why not? Their only option is to BAIL OUT. Okay, done. Now the AAV is DISMOUNTED. (Devoid of crew.) I had the old, bailed out crew, enter the AAV. Nothing happened. They stayed as passengers for a complete turn. Obviously, the owning crew took the keys. This MUST be some sort of error. Next, I thought I'd swap the owning crew back into their AAV. This was to see if there was "ownership" being tracked or if the error was in re-crewing AAV's, regardless of the crew. So, the passenger crew left. The original owning crew entered. AS they entered, they blew the smoke dischargers!! There was NO enemy fire. Heck, there are NO enemy on the map at all. All I can surmise is that the gunner's pants caught on the discharge mechanism. A few seconds later, the AAV was operational again with the original crew in position. Summation: - The non-original crew of an AAV cannot recrew an AAV. - When the original crew does recrew the AAV it left, it triggers a SMOKE command. Savegames available. Comments? Thanks, Ken
  8. The expectation of the player is critical. As others have mentioned, you'd need to set very clear warnings regarding the campaign. I'm currently playing a USMC scenario: I have wiped out all the enemy. Now, I'm busy searching every single house in a crowded little town. Why? Because I have 1:04 left in a 1:30 scenario, and NOTHING is happening. After 10 boring WeGo turns, I saved, then ceasefired. I was puzzled by my lack of victory. I then dug into the editor for the scenario, only to find that apparently sometime in the next 30 minutes the enemy will get reinforcements. Oh. If only I had a fast forward button. The frustration stemmed from a lack of knowledge regarding the game ending parameters and when they would be achieved. Good luck! Ken
  9. No, no, no. That is OBVIOUSLY the Mk. 19 equipped A-10. They ripped out the miserable little GAU-8 30mm cannnon, as well as all but three of the hardpoints. They replaced them with three 40mm grenade launchers. See the ammo pictures? FMB, you are correct, of course. However, I still have NO idea what they have or how many of them they have. Do you? The bars give a little bit of idea in a relative sense: it seems one loadout has a LOT more than the other two. I would assume the middle bar is the medium. Which of the other one's is heavy? (I assume the far right is heavy since the GAU-8 has a lot of shots so it would make sense if it is the tallest bar.) Ikompetent, why do you think 2.75" FFAR's and Mavericks? Thanks, Ken
  10. Please do! If you're talking about the row of red/green dots, well, the manual states those show the level of responsiveness of the asset, not ammo. In my dream world, in which I wave a magic wand and it all happens, the artillery assets would have a horizontal bar, the magnitude of which would show the maximum ammo capacity. E.g., |____________________________180| (all in black, or shadowbox) Then, there would be a portion filled in with green relating to the actual available ammo: |_________________120|_________180| (the section up to 120 in green, the rest in black or shadowbox) This shows that the artillery asset currently has 120 rounds available. Next, when you select an mission, say, medium/medium, the bar changes. The green gets reduced by a section of red. The red equates to the current mission. The green would be how much is left AFTER the mission. |_____40|__________80|_________180| (green for the section up to 40, red from 40 to 80, black or shadowbox for the rest.) This would mean that the asset could only ever have 180 rounds available. Currently, if your mission goes through, you'd use 80 rounds. That would leave 40 for the future. Don't FO's and the FDC communicate about ammo levels? Have any current artillery batteries run out of ammo when supporting the forward element of an attack? (From the US side, that is.) Would they run out ammo after just two missions? A total of, say, 4 minutes of firing? I'm not looking for CONTROL, just information. Thanks, Ken
  11. Okay, it's taken me a week or so to notice: when a unit takes a light casualty with a yellow base, the icon with the dots show the WIA member as yellow! Before it showed them as red. Oh, happy day. Next, I will have to test what happens with seriously wounded and dead. I'm hoping red bases means red dots. It's the little things that matter. Thanks, Ken
  12. Yes. I've started a couple threads on improving the UI for both artillery and air assets. To me, the simplest and most effective improvements would be an ammo bar for artillery, showing rounds remaining in a graphic nature. Showing how much of that ammo bar would be used for a given mission before committing to it would, of course, be much better. As well, for air support, substituting the actual ordnance loadout for the descriptors of heavy, medium, or light would cut through the enigma which is air support. Regards, Ken
  13. Hmm, I ran into that in v1.08: a three man team (Scout) with CLU and Javs took a casualty to the CLU man. (Leaving the team CLU-less. Drum roll please!) After buddy aid, they still had no CLU. I did not pursue it, assuming damage to the CLU. My point in posting is that this is an example of the same behavior being reported in v1.10, but it was in v1.08. I may have the savegame available. Regards, Ken
  14. Gents, In one of the included scenarios, "USMC: Blues for Allah", my dismounted Javelin team has suffered several misses. I have two savegames from similar points in the game showing this. I do not have one from an earlier case in the same scenario. In one instance the team's Javelin nailed one of their own side's units. Oooops. I am using this scenario as a learning aid, so I went to a previous save and changed history. I had a save, so I cancelled that target order, waited a minute, then targeted a DIFFERENT target. Guess what? The javelin hit the same spot! The reason I'm posting this is that it may shed light on the Javelin miscues. I'm not saying the game is broken, or even that this is a bug. However, the displayed behavior does raise a question or two. In both cases the Javelin impacted exactly 40 meters away from the firing team. The targets were different, althought along similar sightlines. The LOS/LOF did NOT intersect the ground. (I find that that is the most common reason for short impacts: the desired LOF cuts through terrain. That was not the case in either shot.) Anyway, here are the links: http://www.mediafire.com/file/irwyxz2tln2/USMC Blues For Allah jav misfire.bts The other one: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ymczmmnhda0/USMC Blues For Allah 012B jave malf again.bts Again, although the team positioning is the same, note the machinegun team, note the targeted building, and note the time remaining. These are NOT the same turn. Is there something errant here? Or, is this just a spot from which every Javelin ever fired will impact 40 meters away? I probably have more savegames available for the immediately preceding action/command phases. Thanks, Ken
  15. Oh, please tell me the building area fire issue we discussed in another thread is indeed going to be looked at? And after being looked at, improved upon? Like in, say, v1.11? Thanks, Ken
  16. I'm with TheVulture on this one. The inability to target the smoke location can be frustrating. I play WeGo, so it is a bit of an experiment to see where the smoke will end up. As well, I'm never sure how many times a squad can throw smoke; is that information available anywhere on the UI? Thanks, Ken
  17. Yeah, the detail is amazing and even moreso in that it does not detract from the fidelity of the ballistics and the rest of the simulation side of things. The vehicle interiors are great. Brass flying out of ejection ports is a bonus. Zooming in tight just keeps getting better. Regards, Ken
  18. Overall, this is a great improvement on the game! A lot of little things are better and some new things added in. Night tank battles with secondary explosions alone are worth the cost of the module. Regards, Ken
  19. Gents, I'm sure BF.C is working on v1.11. There have been one or two small bugs which cropped up after v1.10 was released. Instead of a talking about fixes, I thought a thread on desired tweaks or improvements would be useful. (Assuming BF.C needs input into possible improvements!) My ideas; 1 - The ability to place a "Hold" on Special Equipment items so they do not get expended. The purpose would be to, say, limit the number of Javelins fired in a given WeGo turn. 2 - Better Artillery/Air Support UI. I'm not looking for more CONTROL, just better FEEDBACK to the gamer. Right now the number of rounds available is a total mystery. The green dots on artillery are supposed to, per the manual, relate to responsiveness. As it is now, they turn red during and after a fire mission, then gradually rebuild to more green. What's up with that? 3 - Tweak area fire to engage any action spot in a building, not just the centerpoint. 4 - Allow me to fire the coax mg of a Bradley when I want, not have to wait until the 25mm cannon is out of ammo. This applies to all other AFV's. There are others out there, but I rank these the highest. Any other thoughts? Thanks, Ken p.s. Obviously the speedometer on the hummer needs fixing...
  20. Excellent. Your "Pin, flank, kill feature" got a laugh out of me. So, I assume I get a partial credit on this one? Perhaps I can get BF.C to let me download a module early. Oh, wait; nevermind. Seriously, thanks for grabbing this through the many other threads and sticking with me on it. Regards, Ken
  21. Mark, I've got a couple more savegames. The first, 002, shows the squad in question (siq) moving into position and snapping its TARGET line. The range at this point is 300ish meters. The turn ends seconds after the TARGET line gets established. Here's the savegame; http://www.mediafire.com/file/nlngzntmyzn/USMC Blues For Allah 002.bts For grins, I've also uploaded the next savegame, 003. I'm really not too sure what it shows. I did not try to reload it. I do know that it falls between savegame 002 and 006. If you'd like the other files, let me know. Here is 003: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zd0zmdfwtwk/USMC Blues For Allah 003.bts Examining 002 supports my supposition that the original all-up squad's TARGET got reestablished. Thanks for jumping on this so quickly. Regards, Ken
  22. Mark, Two more file links. One, 006 starts at :41, the other, 007 starts at 40. http://www.mediafire.com/?mzhyxlzmmiw http://www.mediafire.com/file/nzfklwmywyj/USMC Blues For Allah 007.bts A few thoughts: The TARGET does not appear until team B and C combine. That's a data point. Notice in the command phase in 006 that there is no TARGET. Nor in 007, nor in the "Moleman" file. So, this is NOT a player commanded TARGET. However, earlier in the game, near the first turn, I did have that squad, complete with no teams broken off, area firing up there, possibly at that exact spot. I broke off teams to re-ammo one at a time. While the very first team was re-ammoing, the other two, were, I think, TARGETING right near that spot. The ammoed team was never again allowed to TARGET. Instead, it moved. The same for the other teams. I THINK I gave them Cancel Targets before they moved out. I know for a fact that none of the three teams ever showed a TARGET line to that spot. Would this be a possible cause? That the teams did NOT have TARGET, but the combined squad did? In effect, the squad's TARGET did not get erased when each of the teams were given a CANCEL TARGET? Hence, when the teams recombined into an entity known as a squad, the TARGET order was re-applied? That's all I can come up with. Thanks, Ken
  23. Guys, I dedicate this thread to Elmar Bijlsmar. (I apologize if I've mispelled your name.) Running v1.10 under the USMC module, I cannot believe BF.C has let this slip through. Yeah, like the title says, the friggin' speedo on the Hummer is busted. It stays stuck at zero no matter what speed you drive a Hummer at. I've tested it on many variations of Hummer with different loadouts. It doesn't matter if I FAST, QUICK, heck, even REVERSE doesn't change a thing. The dashboard speedometer stays broken at zero for ALL MY HUMMERS!! Highway, FAST: zero. Parked, well, it works then, so somehow Charles got it right. Otherwise, no good. BF.C, what gives? I thought you guys cared. Sheez, now I see you're just like all the other flash-in-the-pan quick buck artists. This game is totally broken. Enjoy, Ken
  24. Elmar, Wait until my NEXT thread! Ken
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