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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. As above. FACE will, obviously, cause the vehicle to pivot. That may be sub-optimal for your situation. A TARGET ARC will cause the turret to rotate while the vehicle maintains its end-of-move facing. Either targeting order will override the previous waypoint's order.
  2. Aye, but then Google would find out your IP! Ken
  3. ^^^ Well, sure, but they're ZOMBIES. All they're supposed to do is shuffle, groan, and, um, eat. All while they're slowly rotting.
  4. Rake, Outstanding tutorial. Thank you for posting that. Ken
  5. In the game selection menu, the options are "2 Player" and "Real Time". Or somesuch. Then you two need to exchange TCP/IP addresses. These can be obtained by submitting a TCP/IP Address Requisition Form 3A, in duplicate, to your IT department, any Friday, between 1:00 and 1:10 in the conference room (if otherwise unoccupied.) Or, you can type "ipconfig" at a command line prompt. (If unfamiliar, search "ipconfig".) However, that rarely works, unless your computer is directly hooked up to the internet. A diagram: Your Computer-----internet-------Opponent Computer In the case, above, both computers have a unique TCP/IP address. ipconfig gives it, now both computers can find the other in the vast mess which is the internet. Usually, though, in the modern age, your hookup looks like this: Your Comp----Local Router----Cable Modem----internet----> (Instead of "Cable Modem", maybe you have a DSL router, or satellite dish. Whatever.) The "issue" is that the first device on your side of the internet, cable modem, has a unique TCP/IP address. Then it creates "proxy" addresses, usable only on your side of that connection. All anyone from the internet can see is the Cable Modem. If you type "ipconfig" for your computer, that only matters if someone is hooked up DIRECTLY into your local router. It's great for LAN parties, but won't work for internet gaming. See how complex it's getting? A program called "Hamachi" will get the game working. Others can help more. Ken
  6. I was worried for a bit. I'm glad this thread FINALLY got deleted.
  7. ^^^ This. PBEM is a carryover term. In reality you're sharing files. So, "SHaring The File" may be better: SHTF. H2HH is not necessary, but it simplifies and automates a lot. Highly recommended.
  8. I'd hope the game makes it hard. If it wasnt' difficult, then all those medals for valor given to the men who actually did it in war would be a bit diminished, wouldn't they? Ken
  9. ^^^ Hunt, Move, and Slow all reduce the chances of stepping on a mine in a "Marked Mines" action spot. There is always a chance of something going "boom". If you use Quick or Fast, it's almost guaranteed.
  10. +1 for Hamachi. The "issue" is that most home computers are linked through at least one, sometimes several, switches, routers, and forwarding ports. Anyone with an IT background can probably tell from the previous sentence that this is an area about which my knowledge is very, very, very limited. The gist is, you need to have a TCP/IP address recognizable from the outside world directly to your computer. You don't have one. You have several... Home router, router's outlet, your computer. (IT guy, see how poor my knowledge is?) You computer (ipconfig command line) only knows its internal address, the one within your home LAN. Hamachi somehow sidesteps all that. It's magic. OTOH, if you have multiple computers on a LAN and you're playing one another across that LAN, then the TCP/IP address you see when you enter ipconfig should work. Ken
  11. Gents, Old-timers is kicking in. I've totally forgotten how to toggle the startup video on or off. If some kind person can post how to do that, or a link thereto, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks, Ken
  12. A bit of abstraction w/regards to flamethrowers would be my preference. I have no desire to participate in an animation which recreates horrific suffering. Flamethrowers have/had a physical effect on the battlefield like no other weapon. Bunkers could be resistant to all sorts of weapons, but not flamethrowers. The fear of immolation should be modeled against the targets' morale levels. The resolution and anger of defenders firing at the flamer should also be modeled. Three different situations: Enemy troops surrounding us, but they're pretty humane and accept surrenders? Enemy troops surrounding us, but no one takes prisoners? Enemy troops advancing with flamethrowers? Each one should produce different levels of defensive "stiffness". .02 Ken
  13. .5 miss + .5 miss means .25 miss total of both. Two bursts, each with .5 chance of hit or miss. 4 outcomes: Miss/Miss, Hit/Miss, Miss/Hit, Hit/Hit. So, two bursts means 75% chance of hit. 3 bursts would increase that to 87.5%, or 7/8ths. (The progression is more easily seen with fractions: 1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 15/16, etc. Double the denominator and make the numerator=denominator - 1. Only for this particular case.)
  14. Counting polygons to debate which looks better? That's funny. Just look at it. If something looks great with 2 polygons, is an ugly render made with 1.2 million polygons better?
  15. I define "gun damage" by the game's mechanism. Is the gun damaged? The game's tank UI is the determination if the gun is damaged.
  16. Several accounts of early Germans doing just that. Combat photos confirm. KV-2 was easy - relatively, that is. KV-1 was harder. Very rare, but done successfully a few times. My main line of enquiry is game related. How often does it occur, and does it "feel" right?
  17. JonS, I'm ignoring guns other than tanks for several reasons: - If they're too small, I don't care. (I'm sure rifles got shot up by enemy fire, but the man holding it would probably be wounded as well.) - Towed guns are usually engaged with HE in an attempt to disable the soft crew. Tanks are usually engaged with solid shot during this era. (Heat, etc, I know: "usually".) The GAME specifically models tank guns. It is a discrete system. Fire control and optics are separate systems. My understanding of the game's "fire control" damage model is that it represents the slewing and elevation system. "Gun" seems to be the barrel and recoil mechanism.
  18. So a how much of a hit should render a barrel inop? Assume a side-on shot: does the diameter of the barrel matter for resistance? (E.g., is a 128mm barrel immune to damage from 20mm @ 1,000m/s, but a 75mm barrel would be rendered inop?) Does the impact area, as a fraction of the incoming round matter? E.g., does a 75mm shell need to impact at least 25mm of the barrel? (There's a picture somewhere on my shelves attributed to a German recce unit which holed the barrel of a KVI to put it out of action.) Ken
  19. Gents, I'd like to get a bit of educated dialogue going. Here's my question: "Do you think the damage modeling for tank main guns is correct? What supports your position?" The "why" is MORE important than the "yes" or "no". Extra credit for using real sources. Thanks, Ken
  20. As noted, it's not you, it's the game. This is a known issue. A patch is being worked on. This issue should be addressed. Meantime, a workaround is to set a penultimate waypoint at the action spot adjacent to where you want them to deploy. Then drop the final waypoint at the next action spot, and order the deploy. When the guy wanders, he'll only go back one spot. Then he'll eventually join his buddies. Setting the penultimate (last but one) waypoint adjacent merely minimizes the time and distances involved in the problem.
  21. Specifics are important. As hinted at, you may have just had them blunder into a poor position. Or, there may be a bug. Neither possibility can be discussed with any semblance of credibility unless you show us what happened. Savegames or screenshot are worth their weight in gold for that purpose. Frustrating when it happens, but we can't offer assistance without more information.
  22. PzIV's had a separate gas-driven electric generator for their electrical systems, including the electric turret traverse motor. I would -imagine- that they could run only that, tucked into the engine compartment, whilst awaiting the ambush. However, if my pink tush were in a tank, and I knew I could see the enemy and that there'd be firing, I'd assume that LOS works both ways. Given that the enemy could see me, I'd ensure my engine were running. Reverse is a useless gear without a turning crankshaft. And if they can HEAR me, what good is my long gun? May as well dismount with crowbars, grenades, and handguns.
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