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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Nah, nothing to worry about. He is from Kent, which means he is unlikely to be able to tie his shoelaces - which makes walking over to my place rather difficult, wouldn't you say? </font>
  2. [serious]You should really lay off that sh*t. It's probably why you're so easy to beat at CM[/serious] </font>
  3. You're on my list of CM:AK opponents, you puss-slathered dork. Rest assured that when that game plops through my letterbox, a fat sweaty setup of total wrongness will be swirling its way through the ether. At stake - your sig. :mad: Oh yes. The battle of the blessed, fluffy Soddball vs the evil, puss-slathered Seanachai will begin. I've yet to show you the error of your ways, let alone make you pay the price for your lack of vision - although I believe you can get a second pair free.
  4. Jinkies. What's the matter. Is Acid hard to get hold of in Finland?
  5. Here I am again, and you can go boil your head your steaming foreign sod. Kwazydog, you ho, stop taunting me!!!
  6. NooooOOooOOOOOO!!!!!! Take the pretty pictures of splody death stuff away! The torture is too much!! :mad:
  7. I can't, I really, can't. Every morning I get up and I check the forums to see whether I can preorder CM:AK. Then I go to work, and in my lunch break I read about all the great new tanks and stuff I'll get to blow up or park in stupid places, and then I read the AAR's again, then when I get home I check to see if I can pre-order again, because by the time I get home the BF developers might have got out of bed and had their first cheese toasty of the day and sat down, resting their feet on MadMatt's glistening dome and decided that they should allow preorders. I deliberately didn't go to any of the previews because I knew that I'd end up knifing everyone and stealing the CD. "Police are hunting for a deranged, blood-spattered maniac waving a knife in one hand and a CD in the other." I keep making little notes about the scenarios I'm going to design, and then having a quick go in CM:BB and getting impatient, and wondering whether it's worth fishing out CM:BO just to test out a couple of ideas. I've stopped playing all my PBEM games because I just need the CM:AK hit. I started to play single-player this afternoon and gave up before I'd finished setting the units up. I can't take the waiting. I must have this game. I'm so excited I'm going to explode, leaking pus and blood all over the forum. Don't make me wait! Put me out of your misery. :mad: :mad: :mad: I can't wait any longer!
  8. This was raised very recently and no answer was forthcoming. I get the feeling that it's something that is a long way off, if it ever occurs. Personally, it doesn't interest me in the slightest but I know I'm in a minority here on that one.
  9. In what unit would this be measured? The time it takes for Goodale to return a turn? </font>
  10. There were some tests done a couple of months back (by me and by some other posters) that showed pretty convincingly that HQ units are tougher than they ought to be - they die less frequently, rout less frequently, and fight harder than squads. It's a pain, but there we are. Maybe it'll change in CM:AK but I doubt it. It's more likely that CM:X2 will handle these changes.
  11. Soddy, you can always come over to my place on Saturday, 2pm. Email me if you are interested. Do you know if Simon is still interested in coming? </font>
  12. Originally posted by Snarker: Nay, nay, and thrice nay. You'll have to wait for AK to come out to receive your setup. CM:BB hangs on my weary shoulders like a urine-stained flashing mac, and no matter how hard I try I fail to become excited by the Russkies. Posted by Captain Wackoff Ah, Wackster. How nice of you to drop by. The MasterGoodale threads are so much less fraught with thought than the Onion Wars, so I find it safer to hang around here flicking chewing gum at the girls. Nice of you to pop by - I must remember to put you on my list for a sound whipping the moment AK comes out. Sigs at twenty paces? :mad:
  13. Wart-fellating philistine. Your definition of beer is that foul pee-wee the rest of the world sees fit only for cleaning drains with. :mad:
  14. I hate all all of you puss-riddled scrota (please note correct conjugation). I really, really hate you, and you all suck like a five-dollar whore with two streets to do in a lunchtime. :mad: :mad: :mad: Cockmunches. I really hate you. :mad:
  15. I am on the edge of my seat, hoping when I get out of bed in the morning that pre-orders have been announced for CM:AK. Please, put me out of my misery. I'm so excited about this game I feel the need to kick the smeg out of MasterGoodale and all his sad bottom-dwelling cronies. :mad: MadMatt, ol' buddy ol' pal, please spare us the torture!! I must have the game!! Give it to me! I missed the trauma of waiting for CM:BO, and CM:BB didn't rock my boat, but I am barely able to contain my excitement for CM:AK. That's why I didn't go to the previews - that's like being offered a bacon sandwich and being told you'll have to wait a month for it. :mad:
  16. I had a similar problem on my desktop PC until I upgraded my version of DirectX, which cured the slowness.
  17. Are you talking about purely historical stuff? If you are, I have no idea. I look forward to being educated. If not, some fun stuff might be a hypothetical parachute attack against the defences of Malta or Gibraltar.
  18. I think it depends very much on the scenario and the kind of ambience you're trying to create. For my CM:BB scenario "Kneiber Dam" I deliberately kept the amount of information available to a minimum and concentrated on generating atmosphere before the battle. That's because the battle is a surprise attack at night. However, when I made "Chalon-sur-Rhone" for CM:BO (American attack on dug-in Germs) the Americans had a pretty good idea of what was turning up to support them, whilst the Germans (who were relying on 'firefighting teams' to reinforce them) got little information. The only way I don't like to do it is for the briefing to have: For me, that wipes out any sense of immersion. Another thing that's always fun is misdirection and misinformation. Part of the thrill is that you have no idea when your reinforcements will arrive, where, or what they'll consist of.
  19. That sounds like some sort of public schoolboy game I used to play. At least, I think that's what it was called.
  20. Stop getting in a tizz. If there's one part of MasterGoodale that isn't vital, it's his brain.
  21. I would take a holiday and name a battleship after myself. Then I would give all my countrymen a holiday. Ciao!
  22. If they don't ship before you leave, drop me an email and I will order you a copy and post it to you. I'm already ordering copies for friends so it's not a bother
  23. The "scrunchie" (whose technical name is actually the "squiggly") would go over the n and not the o. BTW, are we printing peoples real names on open forums now? Jeez, that's a good idea. Do you happen to have his address and phone number? </font>
  24. You obviously haven't played Combat Mission using "Soddball's Beer and Biscuits TCP/IP Rules", then. What are you doing out of the Peng thread? Can't you go and keep them under control? Every time I enter that rancid place I feel like I've job-swapped with a proctologist.
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