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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Me too. Turns out to all Maggots. Nothing from Goodale for a million years.
  2. Yeah Goodale, you can just afford to take on another PBEM right now. You unwashed helmet. Get me my stinking turns and stop buggering about with your biosphere. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. Axe2121 you useless pillock. 'Bugger off' as an opening remark is a Trademark of the Cesspool. Our lawyers will be contacting your probation officer on this issue. </font>
  4. You missed me out again!! :mad: :mad: This time, I will make your sig: Will suck horse cock live on TV for $$$(and Soddball owns the rights because I am his bitch)
  5. I have finally freed my Sig from the abomination of a victory that was Hortlund's - it being 6 months since his unfair, cheating, gamey ho victory over me. I've cleared just enough space to fit Goodale in there. I think a campaign to extend the size of Sigs to a minimum of 600 characters would be not only fair, but sensible.
  6. MMmmm. Pant-moisteningly lovely photos. As for the new thread, I vote that we move to the CM:AK forum once the game is released, and leave MasterNoFriends behind to finish off his remaining CM:BB games over the next eight years. I am saving myself for Africa and Italy so am trimming down my existing BB games. With around four months to go until the release of the new game, it's only worth starting a 10-turner with MasterNoTurns. :mad:
  7. Goodale, you WANKER. You left me out. That's going to make your sig: "Will Suck Horse Cock for $$$"
  8. Edited to add: Doggie, I wasn't talking to you. Why did you reply to my post targetted at Reinhald? I simply corrected your dunderheaded assumption that the halftrack with the recognition symbol was a late war one. I'm glad that Reinhald has some friends who feel it's fun to spam a board where he's been acting like the child he is. I would recommend you read through his crud and then see whether you still feel the same way about backing him. [ August 19, 2003, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  9. Originally posted by Doggie: You are mistaken. That's an early model halftrack, largely superseded by 1942. Still, let's not get facts get in the way of an uninformed rant. That dribble is really building up. There is a General Forum for teenage rants, which is where this belongs.
  10. *grumble* No turn from BadTurnDale last night. He must have been too busy shaking hot white coconuts to remember what his computer looks like. :mad:
  11. Hey, let's play 'spot the troll'! My guess would be that "Doggie" and "Reinald" are close chums, possibly even the same person! :eek: Surely not, I hear you say! Then you need to reassess your critical thinking. You are a sad little boy. Your post made me very angry indeed, until I realised that in your pubescent rant, you must have been spurting zit pus and dribble over the screen in rage. I find the image of a pimpled teenager throwing an eppy and displaying his tiny manhood to a bunch of adults desperately funny. Yes, we are all nazi-loving holocaust-denying monkeys. I love the SS-Slaughter-the-Jews-With-Sticks brigade because their black leather uniform gives me an enormous homoerotic stiffy, and I want Juju and AndrewTF to mod lots of "Nazis ROOL DOOD!" slogans and black leather uniforms. Hurrah for you in spotting how evil we all are. There's a bit of dribble on your tank top.
  12. Arg! I have installed the 43.45 drivers and playing CM is now SO SLOW! I installed it to get rid of a nasty flicker whilst playing games with lighting effects in but, my god, this is dire. Can someone recommend some much faster drivers for my GEForce IV Ti4200 8x 128MB?
  13. Andrew, your work is fabulous and that chap was completely out of order in what he accused you of. Don't feel disheartened because for every 1 person that complains, there are 1,000 silent people who just download an AndrewTF mod and love it (like me).
  14. Yes, it is true. MasterGoodale officially sucks at CM of all types. I'm now on turn 39 of 40+, and I hope that this will be it. I can't find any of MasterG's troops that aren't routed. That said, I am almost completely out of ammo and it's making it quite tricky to hunt down the dregs of his army and force them to surrender.
  15. Yarbles. What are you doing in here, Mr Gnome? I thought that the wastelands of the Cheery Waffle Thread were too awful even for your likes. Is there any chance you could wipe off your shoes before you come in next time? Rancid though the aroma of Cheery Waffles may be, they do not mix well with the stench of cess that you have brought from the horrors of the world of Peng. Personally, I wasn't offended in the slightest. You know you've really made it when people start insulting you. Dave H. You suck weasels through a straw, and I loathe you. Your Traveller character is going to be a Bangkok Boy-Girl. :mad: :mad: Goodale senked me a turn!!!! I am just rounding up the scattered remains of his final assault. His remaining troops on my right flank consist of 3 broken squads (max 3 infantry in each), and two tank crews. They face low-ammo Panzergrenadiere who are complaining because they have had to leave their knockwurst sandwiches behind to chase down stragglers. His army on my right flank is much larger. There are at least seven broken squads there, who are just about to be rounded up like so many lost sheep.
  16. That will be the day. Back online after an evil hiatus of doom. Awaiting turns from MasterG (no! Say it ain't so!!), and some others who are too fluffy to mention.
  17. I am trying to pick MasterG's new sig. I am pondering a few new ones: Soddball beat me so hard everyone for miles laughed in my face. I am Soddball's pleasure toy because I suck so much at CM. Be gentle with me. Soddball has just finished riding me like a cheap scooter Will suck cock for dollars. (Not high on my list but it was a moment's inspiration) Any thoughts or preferences?
  18. Like your head is empty of anything useful to say. Tch. Nonce. Don't you back up your PBEM turns to disk every night? I know I do. :mad: :mad: :mad: Oh, I can't wait to finish MasterSucksatCM off and show you all the final score. It's pant-moisteningly pleasurobabble, and I just wish it had happened 5 months ago. :mad:
  19. Tee hee! Great Sig, MasterG. Are you going to have space in there for me? :mad: :mad:
  20. Hmm. Goodale's sig is going to look peachy in a week or two's time, once I have my one in there too. :mad:
  21. When it comes to mis-iding, you can have all sorts of wierd and wonderfuls. I've had Russky troops spotting King Tigers, wetting their knickers, only to find out that they were Panzer-IVs. I think it also depends on what year and month you play in as to what they're detected as.
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