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Posts posted by Soddball

  1. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    I'm at work at the moment (like I do anything but work these days), but I want you knuckle-chafing nonces to know that I live. Sorry to disappoint. :mad:

    I have been testing the CM:AK waters again with my old chilblains, and have come up with a grand "I've got no friends and want a scrap" system.

    Set up a game vs the computer. Put yourself on defence and give yourself a 25% bonus. Set all AI settings to Random and let the AI shop for stuff.

    In the unit purchase screen, use the 25% bonus to buy trenches, barbed wire and mines. Then pick your other units normally.

    Set up a QB map with the parameters you want.

    Fight the battle, which (unless you are MasterGoodale, GrandMaster Jewel-Encrusted Gimp and Cripple) you will win.

    Then start a new quick battle, drop your bonus by 1 notch (to 10%), and spend the points as you wish. For the map, load the saved game you were just playing on and import the units. Move the time on (so if you fought at mid-day, move it to dusk, dusk to night, night to dawn etc).

    If you win this one, load a new QB, with no bonus, when you win the fourth, give the AI 10%, and the fifth 25% - and so on.

    By the time you reach the eighth battle, the map will be stuffed full of dead bodies, exploding molten TNT and burning wrecks. Great fun.

    I have an hour off work this afternoon so I plan to get those turns out of my inbox before they fossilise.


  2. You don't need to load the save game into the editor.

    Use the editor for the first bit, to create the battle scene you want. Then run the battle, causing huge explosions and all-round death. Then save,then load the battle you've just finished into the QB setup and purchase your units.

  3. One possible solution to your idea:

    Create the map that you want, with the units that you want.

    Then blow them up with an arty spotter, using up the arty spotter's ammo.

    Then walk the arty spotter off the map and save the game.

    Then create a quick battle, loading the saved game as the map and keep the units.

    It might work.

  4. Originally posted by 37mm:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Hmmm, I think this one is more your Soddy type of Brit rather than your more "oop North" type...


    This is what you get when you just hold your nose & dive into the filth.

    This idiot is actually trying to ‘work out’ what my hopes, my desires, my motives & my fears are.

    Unfortunately he is wrong on all counts (again quite incredible you’d think he’d get something right)…

    I am from the North of England.

    I’ve been watching for several weeks because my computer has been out of action.

    I didn’t really notice Shotty nor am I ever likely to want anything it has.


  5. Originally posted by Mr. Tittles:

    Not sure where you are going but the fact remains that the 90mm using ordinary shot was better than the 17 pdr using APDS or APCBC. And it was very accurate also.

    I haven't denied your assessment of the weapon's potential at any point. I raised a specific objection to your claim that its provision in the form you mentioned on the previous page would have been beneficial. The 90mm gun needed to be in a heavily armoured, turreted tank or TD to make it effective against the opponents you are talking about - Panthers.
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