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Posts posted by Soddball

  1. :mad: :mad: :mad: BRING IT ON,MAGGOT!!! I'm going to use your drinking vessels as grave goods for your soldiers. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    And send me a setup, wino-boy. Edward (maryqueen) Windsor was due to ship one but loaded his trousers instaed, so my inbox is short of festering, evil, vicious MOLTEN TNT!!!! :mad:

    I hate fiefdom. Really, really, really. :mad:

    Edited to mock maryqueens.


  2. :mad: :mad: :mad: BRING IT ON,MAGGOT!!! I'm going to use your drinking vessels as grave goods for your soldiers. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    And send me a setup, wino-boy. Edward (maryqueen) Windsor was due to ship one but loaded his trousers instaed, so my inbox is short of festering, evil, vicious MOLTEN TNT!!!! :mad:

    I hate fiefdom. Really, really, really. :mad:

    Edited to mock maryqueens.


  3. :mad: ARAGRARHGAHRGAHRGHA!!!! :mad:

    :mad: I hate Fiefdom because I suck at it harder than a 500-dollar whore. :mad:

    My PBEMs run as follows:

    New one started with Bimbo Joggs - I got the setups wrong, leaving Americans as unrestricted and Germs as Random, and Boggsy didn't mind?? The man's mad. Mad, I tell you. He gets a 25% :mad: rating.

    Diddled DaveH is kindly playtesting my Bidberg Heights scenario and has been on the receiving end of some 75mm Whooparase. Angryolized TNT has been chucked on both sides, leaving a trail of bodies and burned-out vehicles. He gets a 65% :mad: rating.

    I'm battling it out with Seanachai in a wart-streaked Rune scenario of horribilosity, and so far the battle has sucked, with only a 5% :mad: rating.

    Berli is playtesting Inferno with me, and seriously deranged, bitter Molten TNT is tearing across the map! One of my gunwaggons bought it flame-style last turn, as did one of his halftracks, and Molten TNT is flying like crazy. This gets a fat 80% :mad: rating.

  4. :mad: ARAGRARHGAHRGAHRGHA!!!! :mad:

    :mad: I hate Fiefdom because I suck at it harder than a 500-dollar whore. :mad:

    My PBEMs run as follows:

    New one started with Bimbo Joggs - I got the setups wrong, leaving Americans as unrestricted and Germs as Random, and Boggsy didn't mind?? The man's mad. Mad, I tell you. He gets a 25% :mad: rating.

    Diddled DaveH is kindly playtesting my Bidberg Heights scenario and has been on the receiving end of some 75mm Whooparase. Angryolized TNT has been chucked on both sides, leaving a trail of bodies and burned-out vehicles. He gets a 65% :mad: rating.

    I'm battling it out with Seanachai in a wart-streaked Rune scenario of horribilosity, and so far the battle has sucked, with only a 5% :mad: rating.

    Berli is playtesting Inferno with me, and seriously deranged, bitter Molten TNT is tearing across the map! One of my gunwaggons bought it flame-style last turn, as did one of his halftracks, and Molten TNT is flying like crazy. This gets a fat 80% :mad: rating.

  5. Originally posted by Glider:

    It is easy to see in CMBB, the Jagdpanther 80mm 'curved' armour offers a dark blue level of protection, while the Stug 80mm 'curved' armour offers a light green level (easily penetrated by 85mm Russian guns).

    IIRC, somebody mentioned that the actual algorythm used to describe the 'curved' armour is rather more complex than it appears and includes size of mantlet, shot traps and actual more/less vulnerable areas for each 'curved' armour section for each tank type separately.

    If you played CM:BO, you'll remember that the Jagdpanther was pretty much invulnerable against anything up to a Firefly (unless you hit the 'armour flaw') and the Jagdpanther's vulnerability was noticeably higher in CM:BB. It would be interesting to see if this, too, was still the case in CM:AK.
  6. Importantly, Justin, you're seeing exactly what, IMO, should happen. The Sherman 75 should not penetrate the Hetzer at any point from the front.

    This was an issue with CM:BB when I first got it (search for 'curved hetzer') and you'll bring up a thread on this. 1.00 and 1.01 versions of CM:BB had realy 'curved' armour issues and by 1.03 these issues had disappeared. I imagine that the CM:AK data came across with CM:BB 1.03.

    One important factor to bear in mind for the Germans is that all their tanks seem to have been developed with the Eastern Front in mind - the Western Front was very much a secondary consideration. Witness wider treads to handle the foul conditions in Russia, for example. You might therefore expect the German tanks to produce more significant results facing off against T34s and JS tanks.

    If you want to do the Panther, that's fine by me. I'll run some tests with the Firefly because that's not in CM:BB (and because I like Fireflies smile.gif ) to see what its effectiveness is like against the Hetzer, and if you want some CM:AK tests run against the Hetzer let me know.

  7. Justin, I'll set the tests up identically.

    Some tips:

    You can create 'immovable' vehicles by placing the vehicle on a grass tile in the map screen in the editor, and then placing a rough tile on top of the grass tile.

    Hetzers are vulnerable to lower hull hits at many ranges. You'll probably lose half your Hetzers in the first firing round which will make obtaining the results tiresome, to say the least. smile.gif

    You should bear in mind that you can reduce the incidence of this by placing the Hetzer 'hull down' on a piece of slightly-sloped ground but I'm not sure how this will influence the tests.

    Given that tank commanders would (I assume) have sought a hull-down position it's not unreasonable to use it.

    What range are you going for? 800m between each tank?

  8. Justin, I used 75 Shermans because I remember playing CM:BB and knocking out a Hetzer from the front at 800m with a 75 Sherman. smile.gif That was enough to convince me that something was badly wrong. CM:AK doesn't share that same 'issue', at least, not to the extent that it was visible in CM:BB. I'll run some tests with 76 Shermans and Fireflies in CM:AK and if you want to run some with T34/85s in CM:BB and compare results that'd be interesting.

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