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Posts posted by Soddball

  1. I found that even though my PC had an 850Mhz Athlon processor and 512MB RAM, my old GeForce with 32MB DDR wasn't cutting the mustard on battles over 1,200 points. I replaced it with a GeForce Ti4200 with 128MB DDR and hey presto! 20,000 point games are my friend.

  2. I have Bidberg Heights, Forward Recon and Inferno ready to roll.

    Forward Recon is a dinky map with teensy forces - fast and fun - 14 turns I think. Bidberg Heights is a bit beefier and 24 turns. Inferno is - just special in every way.

    I think we should let the noobs play Inferno.

    Even those of you as intellectually gifted as Snorkel cannot fail to be aware of my easing gently back into the moistened slot of CM:AK. Some of you might reasonably expect turns in the not-too-distant future.


  3. Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

    On a semi-related note, is Sockpuppet still making maggot inspired scenarios full of 'splodies and fire?

    I'm starting to snuffle back around CM:AK again - a few minutes here and there. I think I burned myself out a bit by not playing any other game apart from CM for 2 1/2 years.

    I also have some scenarios which are due for release when I can be nogged to get round to it. If I can remember how to, I might try sending some PBEM turns in a month or so.

  4. Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

    If I get carpal tunnel syndrome from all this left-right scrolling I'm going to sue. First I'll sue Dave H for posting those town names, then I'll sue the descendants of those that named the towns. Then, just for fun, maybe I'll sue the rest of you for attempting to impersonate army officers. tongue.gif :mad: :mad:

    Get a decent-sized monitor, you filthy chavster. It looks fine on my pair of 17" TFT screens.
  5. Originally posted by Romulus:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by gautrek:

    Also we have pounds as money while Eruopeans use the Euro.Which from what i have seen isn't worth anything .

    Moreover you drive on the left while we drive on the right. As for Euro, I don't know what you're referring to but I really enjoy going around Europe with no need to exchange money. Which from what I've experienced is worth it. </font>
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