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Posts posted by Soddball

  1. The numbers are deceptive. Some of those classified as fighter command squadrons were training units, others were elderly, outdated or just plain crappy planes. There were a few squadrons of spitfires, but mostly hurricanes in 1939/40 IIRC. Furthermore, you don't say whether Fighter Command was including its air assets overseas in those numbers - does that include the squadrons in the middle east, Africa and South Asia? If so, that's even fewer planes to defend the UK.



    That's my other dog impression.

  2. Idea 1 - It's interesting but I don't know whether there's much point (if you're not keeping score, who cares?) What I would prefer is a way to retain the final score and a view of the final turn on some sort of scoreboard, so you know how you did and can go back and refer to it again.

    Idea 2 - I would like this option aswell. It would be nice to hide vehicles in buildings but I think BTS would have to change the way they model the building to do this (ie how do you model a collapsed wall where a tiger just drove through it).

    Idea 3 - Haven't paid enough attention to comment. Soz smile.gif



    That's my other dog impression.

  3. What happened was that they met up, had some vodka and cigarettes, talked about their families, abandoned their plans to kill each other, grew their hair long, wore blue dressing gowns, renamed themselves to Sunshine and Petal and set up a commune in Beatnik, California.

    Peace and love man biggrin.gif



    That's my other dog impression.

  4. I'm all for a Pacific theatre too. You'd have the opportunity to model Japan's invasion of China aswell as the slugfests in the jungles of Borneo and on the pacific islands.

    Just think of the naval barrages you could deploy - and the amount of air power you could see. Woohoo!

    If this ever does happen - PLEASE model ghurkas. MUahHAHAHAAHAHAHA!



    That's my other dog impression.

  5. I have to agree with DeanCo on this one. Drawing a 'them and us' line in the sand is unbelievably ignorant of the variety of people. I play loads of different games - I like CM and strategy-based games, but I've got Unreal Tournament and Quake III on my hard drive. Does that stick me in the 'twitch' box or the 'strategy' box? Neither. I don't fit in a box. A casual look down my list of games would not tell you a great deal - there's a fair bit of strategy, some god games, but sometimes I just want to pick up an uzi and shoot some bad guys.

    I think that some people don't see the fun in CM because it's not their kind of game. My brother yawns at CM. It's not his kind of game. He's not interested in the historical accuracy or in wargaming of any kind. I don't have a problem with that - and I don't see why some CM players should sneer at people because of their preferences. Furthermore, I disagree wholeheartedly with the notion that because CM has better graphics than the average wargame it is going to confuse FPS players.

    That comes pretty close to saying that because they play FPS, they aren't as clever as wargamers which as a generalisation is arrogant and wrong.

    Who was it that said "Variety is the spice of life?"

    Looks like Maximus started a minor grumble, if not a flame war - and one that may touch a raw nerve or two smile.gif



    That's my other dog impression.

  6. If it's any help, Windows 98 can't address a particularly large amount of RAM. I don't know the exact figure but it's around the 128-192 mark. This means that anything over that is largely redundant.

    Windows ME can make use of the extra RAM - I have 512MB of PC133.

    If you are using an AGP card then, of course, it can make use of extra PC RAM - so you can run the whole game in memory.

    One nice aspect of masses of RAM is you can play Winamp in the background and listen to stuff like Ride of the Valkyries as your Panthers crest that ridge and lay waste to all before them.

    Spod heaven. smile.gif



    That's my other dog impression.

  7. Hmm. Not being a tank spod, I shall just admire the artwork rather than grumble about the details smile.gif

    That's mostly because I don't know what they should be - but give me a few months and I shall be issuing statements such as "Look at the bolt layout on the third road wheel! That's disgusting! There should be twelve, not fourteen! Imbecile! Moron!" and the like.



    That's my other dog impression.

  8. It would be interesting if a future version of CM allowed us to play ground engagements in the Pacific theatre - US/Japanese/Chinese/Australian/Dutch/British.I think you would then see a real opportunity to deploy naval bombardments from a variety of ships and with a wide disparity in effectiveness. In particular, I wouldn't want to call in naval bombardments at night smile.gif

    Surigao Straight was the Leyte Gulf scrap, wasn't it? Fuso/Yamashiro/Ise/Hyuga/etc vs. the PH survivors.

    A fine example of how NOT to deploy BB's, by the Jap commander.



    That's my other dog impression.

  9. In reply to karch's statement - if I remember correctly, battleships were not widely deployed in the Pacific and in particular rarely played a major role in the engagements - there were at least 2 BBvsBB conflicts around Henderson (Washington vs (?)Kongo was one) but most of the Jap BB's survived until Leyte Gulf - purely because they were so vulnerable to air attack so the Japanese held them back until they had no choice but to deploy them.

    Some of the really ancient (1910) US battleships had 13" guns - they were used in the Atlantic early in the war - but I couldn't tell you about US atlantic naval deployment in 44/45.

    Could the 14" bombardment have come from King George V class ships? They carried 10x14" IIRC.

    Shame the Nelson or Rodney weren't available. hohohoho smile.gif



    That's my other dog impression.

  10. I tried a download from www.wargamer.com which purported to add an extra mission to the demo (Yes, I know, I was bored). It didn't work.

    When I ordered my copy of CM it was on back order (very end of Jan)and I still have yet to receive confirmation that it has been posted off (4 weeks).

    *sag* frown.gif

    Play demo to death.



    That's my other dog impression.

  11. LOL - 14" shells! Now you're talking. I want some.

    I suppose when you bear in mind that a 14" salvo from one battleship (EG King George V Class which carried 10(?) was capable of wiping out anything up to a heavy cruiser, and seriously inconveniencing another battleship it's not surprising that a tank of any kind, even a Tiger would be unable to withstand that kind of onslaught.

    Still, it must have looked cool. I'm going to have a go. smile.gif



    That's my other dog impression.

  12. I wonder whether it could be the case that German units were geared to work in small groups, whilst allied units were geared to work in larger combined arms groups?

    If that was the case, then on smaller point values a german unit would be more cohesive and would consequently have an advantage, and on larger battles the allies would be one step ahead?

    (I dunno, I'm still waiting for my full version of the game to arrive, just my 2p worth)



    That's my other dog impression.

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