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Posts posted by Soddball

  1. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Done. Without the insults. Instead, I insulted all of you and told Jyri he needed to kick all of your arses. :mad: :mad:

    You cowardly ponce. Too scared to diss a Finn? What's next? Are you going to start wearing taffeta ballgowns and calling yourself Axenthia? </font>
  2. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

    Was it something I said?? smiley smiley smiley smiley (since you used up the limit). wink

    Dream on! I needed to release pent up frustration in the other thread and there is a prohibition on :mad: 's there!

    Your place looked as good as any to vent!

    You got a problem with that!!??!! :mad: </font>

  3. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    You simps do realize that by renaming the .exe file prior to patching, you can have both versions on your computer and so play patched and unpatched PBEMs?

    Or, actually knowing this lot, I'm surprised you haven't tried installing the patch using Bondo and a putty knife.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    You're a big, puss-filled wart on the scrotum of an elderly vagrant. :mad: :mad:

  4. . . . for some new CM:AK scenarios I'm about to unleash.

    I've got three.

    Bidberg Heights is a meeting engagement - around 2,500 points per side on a map based on the area where I live. It's just been playtested once and I've tweaked the force balance and am looking for volunteers.

    Inferno is the CM:AK update for the scenario of the same name I did for CM:BB. It's a night-time flamethrower and TNT close-range slaughterfest and should only be played with a sense of humour, beer, or both. It's about 3,000 points per side.

    Cheery Waffles is a scenario in the same vein as Inferno - an ahistorical blastfest with lots of explosions and carnage. About 3,500 points per side.

    If you'd like to give them a go, please post here. If you can't find anyone to play, let me know and I'll play the other side but I'd prefer not to since I know the maps and force settings back to front. smile.gif

    I've got some more grown-up scenarios on the way, but the bottom two were the most fun to build, so I finished them first.

  5. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    Yes, I've decided that if I ever play CM again I will give myself huge—and I mean absolutely <big><big>HUGE</big></big>—amounts of artillery. I mean to blast, pulverize, incinerate, decimate, totalize and otherwise commit destructive mayhem to the enemy.


    Mmmm. It could be that the Cheery Waffle Thread has found its new mascot. Of course, you'd have to work on the aARGAHRGHAHRgHAGh and the :mad: .
  6. Originally posted by dalem:

    So I'm stuck here, unable to get back to sleep.

    This is the hour of the Aussie, or so I'm to believe from the timestamps of the normal jungle rot that post here.

    Is this what it feels like to be an Aussie? Frustrated at one's malfunctioning circadian? Mildly perturbed to know that the rest of the day will be nothing but a reflection on the sleep that should have been? Awake enough to do awake things yet groggy enough to wish that you couldn't?

    No wonder you're all so sub-par.

    If you don't have anything to do in four hours time, let me know. I've got a TCP/IP slot free at 4:30pm GMT.
  7. Tweaks completed - anybody want a taster? After Dave's girly whining I've changed the force balance a bit (ie made the Krauts better off). I'd be interested to know if anyone who doesn't play like a tart in a tutu can do better as Krauts than Dave did. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Snore Coal and I are hurling copious amounts of furious, bitter molten TNT in The Dead Salute the Gods. It's a stonking-looking map, an all-tank battle with Snarker's angryolized Stuarts and M3s battling it out with my weedy pigeon Panzer IVs and some bakofoil-wrapped Eyetaliban wagons. We're ripping into each other at long range with scads of deranged TNT!! Great scenario. If you download it from The Depot, make sure you review it. I forget who made it now but so far it rocks.

    I'd also recommend another scenario, Fire from Heaven, for the sadists amongst you. I'm playing it TCP/IP against a chum, and it's a night-time battle with German paras defending against a ferocious British onslaught supported by tanks.

    I'm using teams of suicide squads raiding into his advancing troops to confuse his attack, and as he advances I nail his first line of troops, then flee back 100m.

    The number of corpses is horrific. I can't identify exactly how many of his infantry I've clobbered but it must be getting on for a battalion. This is a TNT-chucking abomination which I would have been proud to create. At 120 turns, it's a bit of a monster, too. Well worth it - pick it up from The Depot, and review it when you're finished.

    Wallybob is delaying our tournament finish by pretending to have a broken interweb or sumfink. :mad:

  8. Shouldn't be long now, Dave. I've got a bazooka with 3 rounds left and a 4% to-hit chance on each of his three remaining Panzer IVs at 195m range.

    Judging by my luck so far in this game, we should be seeing three smouldering barbecues in about sixty seconds time, and I just wish I could be there to hear the mewling whimper of distress escape Dave's lips as the third round punctures the third tank. :mad:

  9. Let me tell yez how much Angryolized TNT I'm chuckin'!!

    Div H is crawling feebly towards the end of a playtest. He's mewling like a stuck pig as my ferocious Merkun army stabs his slithering Krauts through the eyeball sockets! He's eaten a load of 105mm TNT and he's come back for more every time. This battle gets :mad:der every turn and it's winding down. Once I'm finished, I'll send the scenario out to the Depot and you can all suffer. :mad:

    Snorter's using his weebling Stuarts to try to poke holes in my Panzer IVs. We're playing The Dead Salute the Gods, and let me tell you it's jammed full of TNT!

    Wallybob's a no-turn-sending gimp in our Tournament game. It's a :mad: scenario that even a deranged Soddball would never foist on an unsuspecting public. :mad:

    Angry Out Loud! :mad:

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