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Posts posted by Soddball

  1. Originally posted by Zitadelle:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

    Churchill's house, Chartwell, is a museum near Sevenoaks, Kent. A train from London to Sevenoaks takes about 25 minutes.


    Are you just over for a day or two?


    Right now the schedule is open- except for the wife's conference. We are trying to decide whether to stay for a few more days and give her a chance to see some highlights as well.

    We would probably be available for a pint, or two, or more (we both like our beer dark, bitter, and warm).

    She is a real fan of Churchill ("the bulldog-man"), so she is interested in the Museum and the Cabinet War Room. Now, that she found out about Chartwell that has also sparked an interest. Is there any other information you would like to give about Chartwell.

    Thanks for other forthcoming advice and recommendations. [/QB]</font>

  2. Originally posted by Fatty McButterpants:

    Hi there,

    It would be great if after the completion of a game of CMAK, that you could preview the entire battle outcome from turn 1 through until the end without any breaks as well as having the option to save a copy of each battle outcome for later viewing.

    Is this a possible option you guys at Battlefront are able to incorporate into a patch?


    Hey, Friend, that's a great idea nobody's ever heard of before.
  3. Originally posted by chiavarm:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by David I:



    1. You had Grant and Sherman tanks vs PzIII M's, therefor you had the better tanks.

    2. You were playing the AI.

    3. You were playing the defense against an AI run offense.

    4. You got a little lucky.

    In short, don't get cocky.


    Whoooh don't get you panties in a bunch.

    The historical outcome of the battle the allies got their butt kicked. I was expecting the same result.

    Also, in CMBO/BB my tanks did not survive as may hits as these tanks did.

    Honestly I thought the scenario was skewed purposely for the demo version. </font>

  4. Whilst I was at the War and Peace Show last year, I got to sit and watch one of the set-piece battles. Shermans and Greyhounds with infantry against SPWs, an AT gun and Panzergrenadiers. It was loud and frisky, and the bit that stuck in my mind was listening to the .50 cal firing from the top of a jeep. I got goose bumps up both my arms listening to that thing. I want CM to do the same thing to me.

  5. Originally posted by The Dave Collective:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

    Well, no. You're playing Dave. You can't lose.

    You dense maggot. WE are Dave. Your stupidity and lack of technology will be added to Ours. Your assimilation will multiply our bewilderment capacities.

    Where can we find Bruce? If this being has the power of the Oddstralians, it must be assimilated. Stupidity and alcohol rules supreme. We cannot be stopped. Resistance is furry. :mad: </font>

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