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Posts posted by Soddball

  1. Yeah, right. The last thing we need is some piss-streaked Angry Wannabe mewling like a cat with its tail stuck in the catflap.

    Back to your Peng friends, you shrivelled scrotum, and tell them that you're too much of a girly-man for the TNT chucking of MasterGoodale's Thread of Cheery Waffle. You probably have some poetry to recite together, or some ironing to do.

    Speaking of the GrandMaster Jewel-Encrusted TNT Chucker, has anyone seen him around of late?

  2. I think there can be a difference. Early-war Shermans only have a 76mm-armoured turret but quickly gain an 89mm turret.

    Wet stowage is a plus, and helps to keeps your crew alive if and when they have to bail out. That might not matter in a game, but when you're an army trying to keep a veteran tank crew alive so you don't have to send green tank crews out, it's important.

    In game terms, I agree that the 76mm gun, 'easy eight' and (if it were in the game) the Jumbo are the three biggest improvements.

    For all the slandering that the Sherman gets - and it gets a hell of a lot - I really like it and I think it's unfairly slighted.

    Remember that the Sherman first appeared in 1942, and it was competing against the Panzer III and early Panzer IV. It was way ahead of the competition. The 50mm/L42 needed tungsten to penetrate the Sherman at anything but short range, and the 75/L24 bounced off front and turret armour at all ranges and needed a good flank shot to disable it. The 37mm needed to use its Stielgranate to penetrate.

    I'm also suspicious about the setting of the Sherman's turret armour to '0 degrees', because it looks as though it should be assigned the classification 'curved'. Have a close look at the design next time you're playing. I think the Sherman might need to be looked at again for CMX2.

    Many of the Sherman's most positive aspects never come to the fore in a CM game because they're out of its scope, but were you to play a grand strategy game, they would become apparent. These are such thing as its reliability, its ruggedness and the availability of parts for repairs.

    Read the 'Russian Battlefield' website stories about tanks like the KV-1. Russian gearboxes were diabolical. The unreliability of the King Tiger is legendary, but read between the lines about the KV-1 and you'll see that it's not any better - breakdowns on the way to battle, frequent breakdowns during battle. That great, much-vaunted behemoth had a shocking reliability record, but you never see that in the game. Oh sure, you might get it bogged in if you're unlucky, but you don't find your two of your three KV-1 reinforcements not making it to the battlefield and the third breaking down within 20 yards of the front line.

    So I think the Sherman's biggest advantages are at a level beyond that which you play in CM. They're stuff that matters to armies as much as to soldiers.


    :mad: :mad: Snarker's chewing on some angry TNT packages right now, Maggots!! :mad: I've been loading double helpings into the firing chamber and watching his Stuarts burn!!! ARHhgaHRGHARGAGHAR

    Wobblebottom owes me a fricking turn so we can finish this tournament game. :mad: Once my scrimmage with him is over, I shall patch and then setups of DOOM will roll out.


    :mad: :mad: Snarker's chewing on some angry TNT packages right now, Maggots!! :mad: I've been loading double helpings into the firing chamber and watching his Stuarts burn!!! ARHhgaHRGHARGAGHAR

    Wobblebottom owes me a fricking turn so we can finish this tournament game. :mad: Once my scrimmage with him is over, I shall patch and then setups of DOOM will roll out.

  5. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    So, you challenge me AND you decide how long the winner owns the other's sig AND you dictate the rules of engagement? My, my, my, aren't you just the most special little boy in the whole wide world?

    Any other little codicils you want to throw in there, StinkBall? Maybe you want me to play with my monitor turned off? Or will you just have me play green troops with a 25% force reduction?

    I really don't think so.

    If you want a game with me, SoggyBalls, it will be with a scenario of MY choosing and sig ownership will be for the standard 30 days.

    A 'standard' 30 days? What do you think this is, the Peng thread? There's no standards here. There's no rules here. If you can't stand the heat, get your face off the manifold, you whiny girl.

    You'd better slink back to the Pengers where life is easy - there's no place here for a man who doesn't live by the 'gamey is as gamey does' moniker.

  6. Originally posted by Boo Radley:


    You challenging me, Spudball? Would we be playing v1.03, or do I have to wait for you to figure out how to upgrade, twit-boy?

    Alright then, you long streak of widdle. You want some? YOU WANT SOME SERIOUS DERANGED, MOLTEN, FACE-MELTING TNT CARNAGE?? :mad: :mad: :mad:


    I challenge you to a Sig Match!!! :mad:

    I want the world to know what a fat, sweaty, rub-my-genitals-on-a-piece-of-sandpaper ponce you are.

    I'm going to grind your pitiful, whining face into the mud, you pestilent streak of dog poo. :mad:

    My conditions are: 1500 pts, infantry only QB.

    Winner puts a line in the loser's sig for 90 days.

    And yeah, you can fecking wait. I've only got Wallybob left to finish off, and we're on turn 9 of 10. Should be done by the end of 2006.

    Setup when I'm back from a weekend of dull stuff. I've got so many games going, my box is going to be packed more full than Boo Radley's mums'. Although it probably won't earn me as much money. :mad:

  7. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    You simps do realize that by renaming the .exe file prior to patching, you can have both versions on your computer and so play patched and unpatched PBEMs?

    Or, actually knowing this lot, I'm surprised you haven't tried installing the patch using Bondo and a putty knife.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    You're a big, puss-filled wart on the scrotum of an elderly vagrant. :mad: :mad: </font>

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