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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I can beat the snot out of the AI on a regular basis, but I have only played 2 PBEM games, one that I lost and another that never got a turn sent back to me. Ive been playing since August, and I would like to get into a tourney. All the other ones seem 'clique-ish' and that doesnt appeal to me much, so Id love to get in one just starting. Count me in! <hr></blockquote> You ought to come and have a go in the Dorosh scrap on the general forum (aswell as this one). We're less cliquey than a small box of paperclips and we need some new players because Terence, Dorosh and Captain Wacky are talentless gimps.
  2. Experience counts for alot. I've completed no more than 5 PBEM games and have 4 ongoing - so does that make me a newbie although I've had the game and have played it for several months? If it does, I'm in.
  3. Website should tell you that the latest patch is included on the most recent versions of the CD. If you've bought yours in the last few months, it's patched and you don't need to bother.
  4. Somebody mentioned on the locked thread that Win98 mode just relates to desktop appearance, not to functionality. Hope that helps. In 2K, you use the boot.ini to set up a dual-boot system. It's a simple but inelegant process. It also works better with a pair of hard disks, since 2K(and I would guess XP) should run on NTFS rather than FAT for security and to gain best functionality.
  5. LOL! Have a few beers. They always look better after a few beers.
  6. My issues with XP range from the basic "I don't want Microsoft dictating when I can upgrade my PC" to the logical "Why don't we wait for 9 months until the 'Please take all my files Mr Hacker' security issues are sorted out." Anyone who upgrades from one OS to another and doesn't expect trouble is an imbecile and knows nothing about computers. But yes, I will be a good boy and stop feeding the troll. Vacant Linda will have to try somewhere else.
  7. Hurrah for the departure of Linda Nobrain. Linda is like that woman whose stupid son pulled a coke dispensing machine down onto him when he was trying to get a free drink. The son died, and the mother blamed the coke company for not securing their machines. It's not "What can I do about it?" but "Who can I blame?". Good riddance, you've got a brain the size of a weasel's wedding tackle.
  8. BTS probably didn't post a notice saying that it won't run under Netware 6 with a Seagate Ultra 160 SCSI drive. Foolish, eh? Of course, it could be that with all their coding they don't have time to test their game with an OS that was only released a few weeks ago, but I could be being ridiculous. Now you've been to the tech support forum and you've asked BTS to talk to microsoft and get their game coded into XP. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I wouldn't have purchased XP right away if I knew there were problems. I figured BTS and Nividia would have got ahold of a copy of XP and got everything working before the release date and had there script built into the XP CD Rom ! <hr></blockquote> This is displaying an impressive level of ignorance about the way software companies function. I have no sympathy for anyone that rushes out and buys an operating system that is barely out of the bag. I use 2K now, and I know it's stable. Anyone who rushes onto the latest operating system before it's had a few months of testing and the huge security breaches have been plugged is very foolish. Can I suggest you return your copy of XP and get 2K instead? Your problem sounds like a video card driver issue. Blaming the manufacturer of the game you're playing because your brand new OS doesn't have decent video card drivers is just stupid.
  9. I would point you in the direction of the Technical Support thread which raises some important issues about XP.
  10. Make sure your IP's are on the same subnet (although they almost certainly are) and then just play it as you would normally. Do your two PC's share a hub on a cable modem or does one PC connect through the other - in which case, you would have two network cards in one machine. If you have this system, you need to use the IP of the NiC that isn't connected to the cable modem.
  11. I'm puzzled about WinME complaints. My copy runs beautifully and I have no problems. I wonder whether it helps having 2 HD's - I have the OS+MSOffice on C, and do everything else on D. *shrug* Perhaps I've found the solution to stability under ME. I use Win2K on my machine at work, and I do find it frustrating that I can't play DOS-based games, but I like 2k's reliability and the bonus that if something crashes the machine you can break out of that. Incidentally, I have a Creative GEForce Annihilator Pro (32MB) video card. It uses standard Nvidia drivers included with ME - and no complaints. [ 10-24-2001: Message edited by: Soddball ]</p>
  12. Socket 370MB is a 'socket 370' motherboard. It means the type of CPU you have fitted into the motherboard. There are slot and socket - slots are the upright buggers with the plastic case. I would recommend the dirt-cheap MX400-64MB. It's not big or powerful, but it IS cheap. Incidentally, you may find a performance increase if you pull out the smaller capacity RAM, because it may run slower than the newer RAM. I host Unreal Tournament games at work on a LAN and the host machine is a P3-450 with 512MB of RAM and a GEForce2-MX card. Let us know what sort of games you're going to play, and I'll try to let you know whether you need to spend the extra - but at the moment I don't think you do need to.
  13. Michael Dorosh said: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>How do you say "voulez vous couchez avec moi" in Mandarin, btw? (This has less to do with CM than with a girl at work...) <hr></blockquote> I think I saw it in a war film once - something about "5 buck love you long time" but it's been a while since I watched it.
  14. After my most recent experience with a Veteran Panzer IV (destroyed by a Stuart at 530m after missing five shots at same Stuart :eek: my advice is: Buy a Panther.
  15. Posted by Rodimzew: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm just hiding in a city environment against ten KTs (winter, dec44, snow). I achieved multiple hits on veteran KTs, but it's hard to get a rear shot, im ensircled somehow. It's not hopeless, because my engineers have some DCs. My veteran Bazooka teams hold their heads down, until a real good shot is achievable. The problem is, that my enemy knows which building contains bazooka teams and reduces them to rubble, if they fire early. IMO it's a gamble. Good luck. Maybe it's possible to knock KTs out if you own elite teams. But against elite KTs there is low chance to really hurt them with bazookas. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why don't you hide the troops in the rubble once he's demolished the buildings? He won't know they're there and rubble is excellent cover.
  16. I think the Wasp is a fabulous piece of machinery. I'd use it under every circumstance I can, particularly night and city games. I disagree with the assessment that it's "gamey" to torch a building you're evacuating. I would have said it was fair and if your opponent rushes into a building with their troops without checking it's safe, that's their bag - and they'll pay the price. Wasps are best deployed at night for me, just to cook up patches of forest or buildings that the enemy might use.
  17. I reckon no more than 12 in a 1,000 point game
  18. I've been using the 57mm AT gun whilst playing as British in a couple of games against the AI. I have a couple of questions and I hope someone can answer them: 1) Is it the same weapon as the American 57mm gun? 2) Why wasn't it ever mounted on a tank? It's a very effective tank buster even if the HE isn't up to much? It would have made a good replacement for the 2-pdr on vehicles like the Daimler, for example. I know there's issues like "How do we fit this gun in?" and would appreciate some feedback. Thanks.
  19. You fools! That's not a man! That's Marco Bergman's new MG Pillbox mod!
  20. ------SPOILERISH------- | | | | | \/ You have two groups of vehicles. The smaller group starts the game facing away from three Tigers. Three or four of them will get roasted very rapidly. Scatter your tanks, and fast move them everywhere, since the Tiger's turret turns quite slowly. The larger group contains lots of halftracks and infantry. Pull the infantry out of the halftracks, reverse the halftracks down the road and scatter them in distant fields. Keep the infantry hidden, since Tigers carry a grenade launcher (Nagwertwungspingongwonggaduffe) which can give them a hard time. Your Stuarts aren't going to be very effective against their Tigers. Keep them hidden for the later battles when they might be more useful. You have two 6-pdr AT guns being towed by universal carriers. They are excellent for taking out the Tigers. You also have a pair of PIATs, which you can use to ambush the enemy.
  21. If I'm using Hellcats, I'll fast move them everywhere. Whilst the M10 might have better armour on the front, it can't maneuver as fast, its turret speed is pitiful, and its turret armour seems pretty similar. Hitting a Hellcat can be quite a challenge.
  22. I agree that the other 17pdr weapons are good, but for me the Firefly combines the anti-tank weapon I need with the speed and anti-infantry capability I want. I specifically suggested the Firefly because it's not open-topped (like the archer), which is a real risk in a city environment where Rodimzew is playing. I certainly like vehicles like the Challenger, and in a city environment, playing as British, I would also pick half a dozen Daimler armoured cars, whose 40mm cannons can really ruin your day. As Americans, I'd pick some Hellcats - 55mph! I was simply trying to pick something that would be suitable for his game plan.
  23. For future references, I recommend the following weapons against the King Tiger: Super Pershing - at ranges under 1,000 metres. Sherman Firefly - the mutt's nuts with tungsten. Nope. That's it. There is one ray of hope, however. The damn fool has got an open-country tank with a slow turret rotation in a city. That's played right into your hands - or at least it would have done if you had mentioned this game to us about 20 turns ago Use your remaining tanks at full speed - don't hunt, just fast move them Work them in pairs, never alone. Sneak or crawl bazooka units into buildings where Tigers have to pass. Don't bother hitting a King Tiger from the front, either. Sides (straight on) or rear. Best of luck.
  24. 22 posts in 27 months!! :eek: I can't believe it! That has to be close on the award for Ultimate Lurker.
  25. On PBEM I'll start off making careful notes and forget by around turn 9 Then, of course, it all starts to go downhill. But yes, I always take time on setups for PBEM games.
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