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Tanks a Lot

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Everything posted by Tanks a Lot

  1. Check out The Last Defense and Tom's Site for more mods. I think woods and pines use the same tree base graphics. I use JUJU's treebases. JUJU's Treebases
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947: Hey, great looking marsh. Thank you ever so much. This has got to be the best looking one out there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Glad you like it. Thanks from Tanks.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: I thought your stuff generally went to the Last Defense?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I normally did, but the last mod I sent there never got posted and the site hasn't been updated in more than a month. Tom said he would like to host my wood bunkers and marsh mods.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Yank: Hey not bad at all I like the lily pads,I swear I saw a frog When will Tom have it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks. The lilly pads were actually my moms idea. I just sent it an hour ago.
  5. With some great suggestions from Mord, I re-worked my marsh mod. I'm about to send it to Tom's site if anyone is interested.
  6. I just got a message from Tom. He will put it up tomorrow.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter: I need winter bunker, need it now!!! Where is it? I have been looking at Tom's site, with no luck. Guess I will have to wait until tomorrow. Unless Tanks A Lot would send it my way? If not, I understand, because everbody and brother would want you to send it them too.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I sent it to Tom's site several hours ago. Hopefully it will show up soon. I wouldn't mind sending it to you, but it's over 800 Kb and takes a while on my 56k modem. Be patient.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler: Tanks a Lot, Though I lack the graphic horsepower to use your mod, I can certainly appreciate it. I'd like to know, though, why there is snow around the embrasure and none on the roof? Was also wondering why you chose not to, say, whitewash the bunker to make it harder to spot? Regards, John Kettler<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry you can't use my mod yet. Unfortunately the roof texture uses the same BMP as the side textures. I would have to make the sides completely white for snow to show up on the roof. Maybe CM2 will add a separate texture for the roof.
  9. I added some snow and icicles to my wood bunker and made a winter version. [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Tanks a Lot ]
  10. Ha Ha. Good luck downloading Maguas upcoming 14 MB mod. What am I laughing at? My modem's only 56k too. Noooooooooooooo.
  11. Thanks Mord for the compliments. I was starting to get a little discouraged before your post. You inspired me to re-do my marsh mod. I made it look more like a muddy swamp with a few lilly pads thrown in.
  12. Does it look okay? Should I add beer cans, dead bodies to the marsh?
  13. They have a very low-res terrain mod at The Last Defense. http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/modsterrain/terrainmods.html
  14. I added my rocks to Jujus tree bases in my latest attempt at a rough mod.
  15. You should be able to find a 32 MB Geforce 2 MX for under $100.
  16. This one is rocky. Should I add more rocks? make them smaller? or get a life and go outside every once in a while?
  17. Thanks for all the comments. I guess I'll go back to the drawing board and get rid of the wood and change the door. Maybe I'll save it for when Combat Mission: Beyond Gettysburgh comes out.
  18. I saw a request for a barn mod and gave it a shot. Any comments or interest?
  19. I would send you a copy, but it takes a long time with my 56k modem.
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