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Tanks a Lot

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Everything posted by Tanks a Lot

  1. Cpuidle is one of those cpu cooling programs. You can find it here. http://www.tweakfiles.com/processor/cpuidle.html You can also find temperature monitoring programs there. Make sure the cpu fan is still spinning.
  2. It sounds like it could be a conflict with your soundcard if you hear static and popping. Make sure it is not sharing an IRQ with another device. You could try temporarily removing it and see if it stops freezing.
  3. That looks like Richard Tremblett's rough. That's my favorite rough mod.
  4. Maybe the AI's morale went under 15 percent.
  5. What version of the game are you running? I thought the improved explosion graphics were added to one of the latest patches.
  6. I like DD's water mod. It doesn't have that checkerboard pattern. I adjusted the color to match Kevin's watery marsh.
  7. Yes that's what I meant. I did a search and someone said only the "big guns" can't limber and move. [This message has been edited by Tanks a Lot (edited 03-08-2001).]
  8. You can't limber 88mm guns during a battle. [This message has been edited by Tanks a Lot (edited 03-08-2001).]
  9. Just delete the file called "Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs". The next time you start, it will ask you again.
  10. Looks beautiful audace. Can you post a picture from that book so we can see a comparison?
  11. I don't think a patch is needed for this alone, but if they decide to release another patch for something they feel is a critical problem, I think this should be considered.
  12. I finally got it to work. Even though it's a G250 I used the latest G200 drivers. They were much newer. Thanks for the help. Time to go back to Combat Mi... I mean work.
  13. Priest harassed me every day until I bought it. Thank god for Priests.
  14. I think that tanks with gun damage should automatically retreat instead of waiting for the inevitable.
  15. We need to make a distiction between editing somebody's mod for personal use and editing somebody's mod and making that mod available to the public. I have slightly modified some of Tiger's great work, but I never would make it available to the public without his permission.
  16. Apparently the G250 is only used on OEM systems. Mine is an H.P. I couldn't find any reference to it on the Matrox site. It is using Windows 2000 service pack 1. I'll look in to a new bios version. Thanks Schrullenhaft.
  17. They just updated my work computer to Windows 2000 and now the battlefield is completely white. My video card is a Matrox Millenium G250 agp with 8meg vram. Installed the latest patch, direct x 8 and the latest video card drivers I could find. Anybody else have this problem? [This message has been edited by Tanks a Lot (edited 03-05-2001).]
  18. Try this program. http://www.tweakfiles.com/memory/dimmid.html
  19. Combat Mission is one of the most stable games I've ever had. I don't think it's crashed once. Does your system crash with other games? It could be a heat problem if it freezes after playing for a while.
  20. Combat Mission: Beyond Overweight Use your troops to fight the fat. Have your tanks smash the cellulite.
  21. Best news I heard all day. Thanks for keeping a great site going.
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