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Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. Good question. It's because I was expecting Bil to have at least one Sherm or TD on overwatch on turn 1 and I don't like losing tank commanders. Turns out I was right and my Panthers took a couple of early hits, which glanced off. Now that his Sherm has popped smoke and reversed out of sight, I'm opening them up so they can see better. I'm really hoping Bil gives me another shot at that truck full of troops. Perhaps I'll find out after work today.
  2. @c3k Yep I said wordy dirds when the tree blocked the Panther's shot at that truck. I really didn't expect Bill to try to rush a truck full of troops down that road, but I'm glad he did. Yea, I'm really hoping that Panther gets another shot at the beginning of next turn. If not, the other Panther should have LoS once the truck gets a bit further down the road, assuming Bil keeps charging forward. I had both tanks open up in order to maximize their ability to see the enemy. @IanL His Sherm starts popping smoke and continues to pop smoke and reverse after the penetrating hit. I can tell this by hovering the camera at the Sherm's location (gamey). Moving on, I just gave my orders and sent Bil the next file. I'm continuing with my plan to send one company to take each VL, and trying to make good use of the tree cover. This would be a completely different battle without the trees. I'm sort of regretting buying the extra HMGs already. I don't believe there are very many locations that would provide them with good overwatch. Time will tell. This terrain is very rough. It doesn't take long at all for a unit to reach "tiring" status when given a Quick command, so I'm using a combination of Quick and Move to move them forward. I'm sending my Scout and Sniper teams forward and they should reach the VLs in a turn or two. I'll point out again that this map doesn't allow much in the way of maneuver. I predict this will be short and bloody.
  3. While I delay my response until tomorrow, let's have a look at one of my favorite film scenes. :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyy_FIYE7EE
  4. Bil is back. Yay! Now we can continue. I'm not much of a talker...so, once again, I'll let this video speak for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98vR-yxJ3ZA&feature=youtu.be You may notice a penetrating hit on one of Bil's Sherms early on. Being the gamey bastard that I am, I know that the Sherm wasn't KO'd. How do I know this? Let's take a look at "Bil's Hill" from his side of the map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-po1_dcQIs I'm going to leave it at this for the time being. Let's let Bil stew in his own soup a bit while he awaits my next move.
  5. Also tell him that the demo is a way earlier version of the game than the most current form.
  6. Wait......you mean hot chicks aren't attracted to guys who play computer wargames?
  7. He comes from the land of the Governator!
  8. Making effective use of offboard arty during a game (as opposed to pre-planning it during the setup phase) is, to me, one of the most difficult things to do in CM. TRPs help tremendously.
  9. That's a damn nice "old" desktop. Gratz!
  10. I believe Bil told me he was returning on the 15th. Hope his fear of losing to me in public isn't ruining his enjoyment of the vacation.
  11. So, what's up with the new Kibitzer's Korner No Doug, No Bil thread? You guys already have Bil's thread to make fun of me in (or even this one). ;-) Starting to get a complex..... ;-)
  12. Surely a fate worse than death. I haven't been brave enough to enter a Peng thread in years.
  13. Rongar, welcome aboard! You will learn and adapt, if you stick with it, and trust me, CM is worth it. :-) CM isn't like any other game you have ever played, and this forum is unique. Worst thing you can do on this forum is get defensive. You will be dropped into the shark tank if you go down that road.
  14. @CarlWAW Allright, I'll have to take your word for it re: the "Wal-Mart" video. Still fun to listen to, though, IMO.
  15. I realize I am a bit late for Memorial Day (USA holiday for remembering those who have fallen in battle). Nevertheless, my wife received a link to this video a couple of days ago, and I can't watch it without getting choked up. So....sharing with you guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq2BbVZ2LEc#t=198
  16. A bit off the USA sniper rifle topic, but nevertheless worth a look.
  17. I got your '80s right here, son...only played by a young, pretty girl. :-)
  18. I disagree. Listening on my desktop with decent speakers it sounds to me exactly like a toy guitar played by someone with skill and recorded on a smart phone. But, who knows? It has generated thousands of views already on YT.
  19. Saw this on reddit yesterday. Amazing!
  20. I have found their frontal armor to be exceedingly resistant to the US 75mm, but I may have never used them against Sherms that had a big height advantage prior to this game. @SLIM thanks for the movement tips.
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