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Posts posted by LongLeftFlank

  1. Yeah, as I look at it, it's probably more an ARMA2 thing.

    To be interesting on a CMSF scale, OBL would have had to have more bodyguards. That would create a "ticking clock" after which the SEAL team would be facing potential intervention from Pakistani police.

    That said, I have some good ideas for a "cordon and knock" raid on my Ramadi map on a heavily guarded haveli. We'll see if I have time to work on it -- work got busy all a sudden...

  2. Is there anyone here who wouldn't want to stomp around in one of their cool informs? ;) Darth Vader loves em.

    On the final (third) night of my bachelor party in Manhattan, a friend called a friend ("Eddie -- he's in the porn business"). Long story short, we ended up in a BDSM club off Delancey. Turns out black tie and Churchill cigars are perfectly appropriate attire in such an establishment. My memory is patchy, but I do have a riding crop as a memento, slightly used. Oh, and I distinctly remember the big screens looping SS and DKM newsreel footage.

  3. SS performance, as with the Wehrmacht, varied with the phase of the war.

    The (in)famous Castle system produced excellent junior SS officers and NCOs in mid-war but these cadres were largely consumed, together with the best of the pre-1943 Wehrmacht, in Russia 1943-44. The survivors (veterans) found themselves commanding increasingly young though enthusiastic personnel, and these were the formations which fought in Normandy. From there, they simply drew on younger and younger kids -- Allied soldiers were often nauseated having to slaughter them in heaps in the Bulge and elsewhere -- an increasingly frequent event as their training failed to match their fanaticism..

    As to generalship, Wehrmacht transferee Kurt Hausser was one of the better German panzer generals.

  4. This has been discussed many times and consensus seems to be that CMBN pushes military forces well beyond their RL breaking points. IMHO not setting the triggers too tight is essential to afun game. Scenario builders who wish otherwise have ample tools at their disposal (Surrender triggers, friendly casualty VC, late game arty barrages) to shape more realistic behaviour.

    I simply pretend that the "dead" is actually dead + medevac and the "wounded" have panicked, dropped their weapons and routed away, taking no further part in the fight.

  5. It seems OBL was ailing for many years, so Aynan al Zawahiri (the Egyptian doctor) is the de facto leader of AQ, although I assume OBL still signed off on major decisions.

    Zawahiri is the more dangerous one IMHO, as he seems far more pragmatic and cosmopolitan. OBL seems to have been a rigid religious fanatic in spite of his engineering degree -- I take this from the Peter Bergen book.

  6. "Battleground" (1949) was a vastly superior Bulge movie. Looks like most of the actors didn't need small arms training....

    Another great combat sequence here from a little-known Jimmy Stewart movie set during the Japanese 1944 Ichigo offensive in China

    (1961). Not perfectly authentic, but pretty dang good for Hollywood. Oh, and notice they use the gamey fuel drum trick here too....

    Another highly authentic (non-WWII) war film virtually unknown in North America is

    about the Aussie Vietnam experience. Totally different from the Coppola, Stone and Kubrick version.
  7. it's kinda like having a really good 40th birthday party. It's good and all, but man... compared to that 21st birthday party with the drinking, strippers, and that dude with the goat... well, it really is hard to compare in some ways :D

    Well, Steve, I don't know if you come from old money or pledged an old money fraternity, but when I was 21, the only way I would have been able to attend those kinds of parties would have been being the stripper or that dude with the goat.

    As to the OP, I will definitely be back in Ramadi again after I've spent a few months in Normandy.

  8. Keep in mind that the Assad family is a powerful clan of the Alawite sect -- a Shiah sect -- that rules over a 90% Sunni population, the only place in the Middle East where this is true (usually it's the reverse -- Iraq, Bahrain). Hence the close ties to Iran.

    A civil war in Syrian could be a very real possibility, especially if the AQ Iraq fighters (whose support network ran through Syria, with the complicity of the government which wanted the US out of Iraq) turn their attentions back across the border. They have been trying to ignite sectarian war between the Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq for years now. Salafists and Wahabis hate Shiites, whom they call "Rafidha" (renegades), worse than they do infidels.

  9. This is an interesting topic, Broadsword (almost abbreviated you to "BS" -- oops!:D), thanks for starting. And obviously, there's no single answer. If you used a 15% or even 50% reduced trench strength as a benchmark, the Germans would have caved a lot quicker because IIRC, a lot of their infantry units were down to 50% or less. But from a psychological standpoint, I suppose that isn't the same as losing 15%+ of your kameraden in the course of a single fight.

    Related topic: Going back to the epic Bois de Baugin AAR, we saw both sides' attacking infantry run out of fight and go to ground rapidly after a minute or so under fire, then become highly unreliable for further offensive action for the rest of the game. Which is as it should be, it seems to me. Elvis' final assault had to be undertaken by a "fresh" wave made up of cooks and clerks (kidding!). Saw some similar phenomena evident in Tyrspawn's vids, I think.

    I suspect wise employment of HQ units and their (+) leadership modifiers to "rally" Rattled or otherwise disrupted infantry and get them to resume the fight (perhaps after a rest interval) is going to really come into its own in CMBN, far more so than in CMSF. Almost hearkening back to the old Squad Leader days when victory centered on the performance of Lt Stahler or Lt Greenwood's "stack".

    Ability to get a "second wind" out of your hard-pressed grunts is really going to separate the good players from the noobs in hard infantry fights, IMHO. In contrast, if you've used your HQs as just another rifle team in the advance and they aren't in any better shape than their squads when the going gets tough, you're going to be pretty hosed. The more limited command range (voice/eye contact) is going to make this a very fine art indeed.

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