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Everything posted by Jumbo

  1. Are there any topics that haven't been talked about? Can any give a link to a thread where this has been talked about before? I've always wanted to know the answer to derekd11's question. I've done searches. I've read the players manual -several times and the best that I could extrapolate is that- yellow means, in LOS, targeted, but not fired upon. Red means, in LOS, targeted, & being directly fired upon. Not to take anything away from Nitsud42's answer, I'm still wondering what the answer is. -Especially in regards to the red (or pinkish red) line. Is it diect fire or indirect-fire? Thanks for any help. Jumbo
  2. I like "A" better. jasoncawley@..... said it best. Jumbo
  3. I like "A" better. jasoncawley@..... said it best. Jumbo
  4. I like "A" better. jasoncawley@..... said it best. Jumbo
  5. I like "A" better. jasoncawley@..... said it best. Jumbo
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slyss: Is this what everyone talks about as being a Gamey Tactic? Needless to say I was PO'ed and felt kinda cheated. Should I be upset?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wouldn't say its gamey. The OOBs on each side were limited and both sides did what they could with what they had. Don't be upset. In the future, keep some asset back to handle those end-arounds and give your opponent the surprise. Jumbo
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: Why allied tank can. They had a thing 9don't remeber what its called) fited so they just when't throught the bocage.And why would they not be able to in *reverse*?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Rob/1, One device made from beach obstacles found at Normandy beaches was called the Cullin Hedgerow device. Yup, it was on the front and not on the back. BTW, they gave Sgt. Cullin a medal for it IIRC. Jumbo
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe: If you remove the ability to select these larger tanks it limits the game overall IMO.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Kiwi Joe, You misunderstand me. Nobody is removing anything. What I'm talking about is a CM battle where both sides agree that there are no heavies -(hmmm, maybe every once and a while?) Nothing is mandatory unless agreed upon by the two players. It just adds a different dimension to the CM 'experience', thats all. Were the heavies always on the battlefield? I wasn't there and I can't say for sure. Yet, I wouldn't be afraid to put some money on the idea that they weren't always there. Does anyone know for sure? (IMHO, when considering scenario balance, the M-36 Jackson is a "heavy", only because of it's gun. I know that you feel different and thats no problem to me.) Jumbo
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe: If you really wanted a system that removed the heavies then why not just do that - remove the heavies. Exclude: King Tiger, JagDTiger, JagDPanther, Perushings, Jumbos. All done.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Kiwi Joe, That is exactly what the 76 Panther "rule" does anyways. I have right here in front of me and it removes the heavies IMHO. On another note, Fionn's own disclaimer says: "Please note that these 'rules' are guidelines only and provide a solid basis for players to set up balanced battles without worrying about whether your opponent has brought a killer heavy tank. If you play by these 'rules', you should agree with your PBEM opponent before starting the battle." Moriarity is right. We are the masters of our own game. People do find pleasure in using these "rules". It is wrong to expect another to dislike them just because someone else says not to like them. I'm just saying "Here they are, check them out and make up your own mind". So many different ways to play this game......so many different kinds of people. I'm glad that we're all different. Jumbo
  10. Bruno, I'm emailing you the 1.05 file right now. Jumbo
  11. It be interesting to have German Heer troops battle against SS troops in a post asassination (CM) scenario as a historical what-if exercise.
  12. I've seen this a couple of times too. I would then simply hit the backspace key to delete the movement order and pick a different view angle (like above) and I wouldn't have the problem anymore. The placement of movement orders is always easier after the change of the viewing angle. I hope this helps. Jumbo
  13. Well said I/O Error (great username BTW). Personally, I HIGHLY recommend these (house?) rules. No one has to use them all of the time. Just agree to with an opponent before you play and you'll see something different. It will challenge and hopefully please you. My friend and I are not cesspoolers, but we insist on using these rules. They help us to have a game that is more historical in "flavor" and more fun IMHO. We also add rarity to them to avoid having the types of games where 6 Pumas show up. (Only 101 were ever produced.) So, give 'em a try and you won't be disappointed. Jumbo
  14. WoooHooo! WOW! Thanks BTS. Great Job.
  15. From the CNN poll question: "Should the captain of the USS Cole be punished for failure to implement standard security measures on the day 17 sailors were killed in a bombing?" To me, the most important aspect of the question is: "failure to implement STANDARD security measures". I don't know if he did or didn't implement standard security measures. IF he didn't, then something must be done. A ship's crew depends upon the competence of it's captain. Either way, his career is pretty much over. I wish him luck. Jumbo
  16. WW II is terrific! However, add a CM engine for Napoleonics, ACW... and I'd buy 'em all.
  17. How about a command structure for tank units like there is for infantry units? Platoon, Company, Battalion, and Regimental commanders in their AFVs.
  18. Wow, I expect only the best from BTS, because they make it easy to be addicted to it. Thanks BTS. Jumbo
  19. I curious to know your opinions. Play balance is inportant. Thanks all. Jumbo
  20. Wow, they look great! Any chance of a mod for the M24 Chaffee? Thanks. Jumbo
  21. Maybe, the solution is to apply some prohibitively high point value for eliminated crews that get eliminated after they bail out of their vehicle/ tank. I know, that right now they are usually shocked and cannot be moved right away. Apply this high point value one turn after they are able to move again. That way it would be a situation of HIGHLY diminishing returns and a player would do his darn best to get them to a safe location or safely to the rear. Jumbo
  22. Can anyone say if these "gamey" tactics actually work? With ver. 1.05, my opponent rushed a house with a jeep crew & an allied rifle squad. My German rifle squad was already there waiting and made mince meat out of them as they entered. (Once we talked about it, he never tried it again.) I believe that these gamey tactics don't work. Won't a player who tries them see how crazy that is. And on top of all of it, we don't ever have to play against them again if they become unfriendly or won't change. If we don't set up the ground rules regarding what we want, before we play, then we only have ourselves to blame if we're unhappy with the result. Jumbo
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