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Forever Babra

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Everything posted by Forever Babra

  1. Not necessarily. It has been 56 years after all. Recollections fade. It could have been some other officer. Alternatively, it could have been von R. himself. I don't know the circumstances of his capture -- perhaps Lt. Burke sent someone else to pick him up and your relative happened by in the meantime. There are any number of possibilities. Edited because I can't count. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!" [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 03-12-2001).]
  2. Aw, I hate to be the one to do this, but... Field Marshall Gerd von Rundstedt surrendered to 2nd Lt. Joseph E. Burke and a ten-man patrol from Company A, 141st Infantry, 36th Infantry Division, on May 1, during the battle for Bad Tolz. Here's a photo of him being led into captivity. He doesn't look very civilian in his full uniform. http://www.kwanah.com/txmilmus/36division/archives/seigfri/images/catch2.jpg [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 03-12-2001).]
  3. Unfortunately, a search for "Mormon Wives" will take the unwary internet surfer straight to the cesspool. Now, if that doesn't make someone activate parental controls, nothing will... ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  4. They painted it white and they changed the number, but the spirit of the Intimidator rode with Kevin Harvick today - and after 500 grueling miles carried him over the line by 6/1000ths of a second over the favourite Jeff Gordon. Now THAT'S Reality TV. Thanks FOX ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  5. Yeah, well I need my Sunday NASCAR fix. They'll have to stay 'til the season's over... ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  6. Ever-interested in getting the most out of my pet AFV, the Stuart, I have to ask: Where is the M2 Cannister shell for anti-personnel work? Oops - Shoulda done the search FIRST. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!" [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 03-11-2001).]
  7. Oh, I am sooooo looking forward to playing with these. No wonder the Germans were appalled. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  8. Well there was that incident on the Tenaru River (?) on Guadalcanal. Seems the yanks figured out the japanese had no AT capability so they just lined 'em up close together and went for a drive. Back and forth. Back and forth... Yuck. Ah, here it is. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!" [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 03-10-2001).]
  9. Whistles were quite common. Michael D. is on a crusade to introduce them to CMBO. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  10. Yo, yo, yo, the boy got game... Cue the borg... ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  11. I'm the gamiest of all gamey bastards -- I run away!! ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  12. Although it was highly rare (four built, as mentioned), BTS said it was relatively simple texture to do up. They just slapped a croc trailer on it, tweaked a bit of code, and it was done. I like it because I use it to represent all the other flame tanks which didn't make it into the game. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  13. Rob/1 cekced itt fer speeling himmslef... must bee rite... ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  14. I don't think it would work. If you're doing THAT well, kicking butt and taking no casualties, why retreat? Maybe there's someone somewhere that might do it, but I'll bet they're in a huge minority. Someone that interested in getting a win by any means won't run when he's kicking ass. On the other hand, suppose you're doing well enough, but suddenly you catch a glimpse of your opponent's reinforcements or a force you weren't aware of previously. Your losses have been comparatively light, but your ammo is low and your artillery is spent. After weighing all the factors you may well decide that discretion is the better part of valour and it's time to leave... Ammo, for me, plays a BIG part in my decision-making in CM. Edited for grammar. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!" [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 03-10-2001).]
  15. Some might do it that way or for that reason. My purpose in withdrawing is not so sophisticated though. I just want to LIVE, dammit! I try to time the withdrawal so that as few units as possible end up surrendering. If I'm hanging onto the VLs and feel I can hold the enemy off, I stay. If I am outmaneuvered, but still feel I can recapture lost ground, I stay. If ammo is low, units are shot up, and I do not have the resources to continue the fight in a meaningful way (for instance if my opponent has tanks and I do not), I withdraw. Sticking around after that point is, IMO, just cyber-murder. Since withdrawal is probably going to give the other guy a win anyway, I don't see where he has a valid complaint. It can actually be fun trying to extract units. You now have an objective quite different from your opponent, who is probably still fixated on the VLs, and there is a sense of victory in withdrawing from a bad situation regardless of how the game calculates victory. Maybe only people who have actually been on the angry end of a gun at some point in their lives could appreciate this. Brave Sir Robin ran away Bravely ran away - away! When danger reared its ugly head He bravely turned his tail and fled... ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  16. Winning is not important at all. Why, in a "recent match-up" I inflicted twice as many casualties as I took and still lost -- and had fun too! ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  17. You should be able to continue without any problems. It would be better if both players upgraded, of course, but I played a few turns without doing that and had no difficulties. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  18. Oh, no, not the Babrataktik -- right up there with Brave Sir Robin... Actually, in my game with Michael, my withdrawal was a mistake. The game was 30 turns, but for some reason I had it in my head that it was 60 turns -- don't know why. It was around turn 20 when I started to withdraw. I could easily have held a few of the VLs for another 10 turns, but definitely not for 40. By the time I noticed my mistake it was too late -- more than half my force and all my armour had withdrawn. Just wasn't paying attention there and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory that time. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  19. The morale hit from splitting squads is a bit on the high side IMO. Of course, I'm of the opinion that there should be no global morale hit at all, so... ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  20. Never seen it happen anyway. That don't mean much. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  21. No, I wouldn't agree with that, but they certainly got more press. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  22. I love the smell of ignore. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  23. Aye, Lorak; scribe it thusly: Lawyer - Win Babs - Crushed like a worm. http://www.geocities.com/babrakhan2001/AAR.html Gamey me did not care to pit my circa 100 low-ammo infantry against four tanks, uncountable halftracks and gawd knows how many infantry, and so it is ended. The band plays "The World Turned Upside Down". Snowballs are being happily tossed in hell. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!" [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 03-10-2001).]
  24. Yes, but you have to kill a LOT more of them than they of you, and at best you will score a minor win, more likely a draw. But it beats a POW camp... ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  25. LOL. And ever tried to target a weaving, dodging target using telescopic sights? Not a good idea... ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
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