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Forever Babra

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Everything posted by Forever Babra

  1. I dunno. They do have their upside. I just had a veteran rifle squad break after taking only two casualties from an SMG squad. On the other hand, I mowed down a hell of a lot of them while they tried to close the range. I've also played that the other way around and it hurts to close that gap sometimes. Like any unit, properly employed they will yield good results. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  2. If you hadn't blown up your own M7, YOU would have had the win... *disappears still laughing... * ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  3. It's okay, Commissar; you were just following orders.... ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  4. There I was, stoking the fires of hell, and I heard my name... I haven't seen it since it was released, but I remember coming out of the theatre feeling dissatisfied. I don't specifically recall why. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  5. If I'm attacking (and making progress), I'll use any useless fluff to "control" VLs that I have passed by. If I'm losing, or see no way to win, I withdraw off the map. It's a tricky procedure -- it has to be timed so that the majority of the units exit on the same turn or one runs the risk of losing too many men to an auto-surrender. Two of my opponents have expressed outright astonishment at this, including the cry of "gamey". Their argument, such as it is, seems to be: If you can't win then you should surrender; retreat is gamey because it denies them points. My argument is very simple: If you want me to surrender, cut off my retreat. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  6. They don't always do that well, but they sure pack a punch close in. In a recent scenario I had two companies worth of the things -- unfortunately, I had to cross a large open hill to reach the enemy. And so, my first ever "human wave" attack was born. Casualties were heavy going over that hill, but when the survivors got to the other side, they reaped their revenge. I think SMG sections make nice support units, but I hate it when that's all I have. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  7. Try to maneuver it to within 100m (flame range), but also try to stay about 75m away from the target to reduce the possibility of a panzerfaust hit. You can use the main gun against any target in LOS and the flame will still work against targets in range and in arc. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  8. When the battle is lost and surrender is inevitable anyway, the loss of global morale no longer matters. Sauve qui peut. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  9. So sue me ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  10. Yes, I'm sure you would have loved that. Unlike you, I don't march troops across open ground to certain death, particularly against tanks when I have no AT assets. Gamey, gamey me... ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  11. It is true my deployment was not the best. It is also true that my position became untenable, hence my withdrawal. The rest of your account is fiction (Puma? What Puma?). Interesting how the "computer generated set-up" gave you a host of armour and myself ONE tank. However, your cry-baby email of "gamey" because I choose retreat rather than death is just childish. I hear lawyers argue cases on the merits; you're a lawyer like I'm an astronaut. Now shut the hell up and send the file so I can be done with you. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  12. I've give that some thought and the behaviour of the vehicle is going to depend on where the track breaks. If the track breaks at the rear of the vehicle, it is going to keep a more or less straight path for the length of the remaining track. However, if the track breaks at the front and the road wheels immediately run off onto the ground, you're going to see significant swerve. Note that in the anecdote of Loza above, they were engaging Tigers frontally. Just something to consider. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  13. Hehehe... been there done that -- well, not that bad, but still... Actually, in my initial post I never indicated any perceived faults with stopping distances. Someone has thrown a red herring out there. I was more concerned with the direction a vehicle takes when a track breaks and it happens to be moving at the time. It would also depend, obviously, on what caused the immobilization in the first place. A 75 through the engine compartment will stop a tank just as readily as a broken track, but won't divert its course. As for "called shots", how they would be implemented would be entirely up to BTS of course, but I would never suggest that just because I'm aiming at a track that I necessarily hit the track. The usual probabilities for such a shot would obviously apply. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  14. I won't argue with that either. But if a vehicle lays HE a few feet in front of itself, expect bad things to happen. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  15. Update: Lawyer has finally deduced (duh) that I am evacuating my troops. He thinks that this is gamey and I am the gamiest of all gamey bastards. Now, did I complain when he sent me his no doubt carefully-chosen setup which gave me ONE tank and him a few platoons worth? Nooooo.... Did I complain that I got two spotters and he had at least six? Noooo.... I can't wait for the AAR (like THAT will ever happen) to see what the force balance really was. Y'all might wanna avoid this one folks. Bit of a crybaby if ya ask me. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  16. As much as I HATE agreeing with Maximus about anything, sticky bombs were a reality. They were at least used by the British while Wittman was rampaging around Villers Bocage. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  17. It's fun when Luftwaffe makes an ass of himself ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  18. LOL!!! "Publius Quinctillius Varo, give me back my Legions!" - Augustus Caesar, AD 9 ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  19. With Kitty's leak of the new CM2 splash screen, I decided to change it. Poor Max has suffered enough anyway. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  20. In fact, you said you would have one too me that very evening, but, since you didn't, I just assumed you were blowing wind as usual. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  21. What I'm sure Freak means is, why rush it? Take your time. Why didn't you use that Sherman to blow the offending infantry out of the way before attempting to engage the KT? What if they had rogered you with a panzerfaust while you sailed by? Could you have fired smoke at the infantry for a turn to obscure them? Haste makes waste, as they say. Your Sherman will only abandon its area fire order and engage a unit that it can see for itself. Line of Sight is NOT a guarantee that a unit will actually see an enemy unit, (even if that unit is painfully close) and being buttoned greatly hinders a tank's ability to spot. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!"
  22. Kitty It is time. You are overdue for being 'sploded. I will 'splode you on the beaches. I will 'splode you in the hills... Something in the 1500 point range would be ideal. Small enough to enjoy, large enough to draw out your demise and let you think you have a chance. I await your set-up. ------------------ "Za Rodentia!
  23. I'm more of a McClellan myself. I really hate to see my beautiful legions get all kil't and maimed and broken. I'd much rather have a parade!
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