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Everything posted by StellarRat

  1. I spent many a summer day fighting across my friends pool table (we laid plywood across it to make our battlefields.) It was pretty fun. We had a few complaints. 1. You needed three people to play (needed a ref.) 2. The scale was kind of fouled up especially for artillery bursts. 3. Infantry was too easy to kill even under cover. In fact, if I remember right there was no bonus for being under cover against artillery. If you were in the radius you died. Didn't like that at all. But it was the game of choice until Squad Leader came out. [ May 31, 2002, 02:59 AM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  2. Well, I've looked at this on two different monitors now and it looks even better on the 900NF at home. I think some of the people that are complaining might want to turn down the brightness or contrast. Or increase the refresh rate. I think it looks awesome. [ May 31, 2002, 02:42 AM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  3. LOL! I was there first, really I was...whine, whine...
  4. Yep, I checked it. You guys have two posts with the same ID number out there. Better watch out this will cause huge problems if it continues.
  5. Matt or whoever. I posted a topic called "Awesome new site design!". When you use search and look by my member number or topic title you can see it in the list, but if you click on it it takes you to the "Bring back the old colors yes/no" topic and my post doesn't appear in the forum at all. Weird. Anyway, I thought I was going crazy because I remembered posting, but couldn't find it anywhere. With my programmer hat on it looks like you have a duplicate topic ID number or partial DB record out there somehow.
  6. I think the colors are great. I don't have any problem with them. They are better than the old colors.
  7. Generally, I like defending better and find it easier. But, I'm always trying to beat overwelming odds (just to see if I can) so I've played a lot more defense than offense. More practice = better defense.
  8. I had the same problem (but not just with CMBO.) The solution was to add a side panel fan. That made a huge difference. They suck the hot air out of the case instead of just blowing it around inside (like the CPU and front case fan.) Try it. I think it will work for you.
  9. Doesn't surprise me. I have seen footage of .50's in action. They quickly mow down large trees, tear apart brick buildings and destroy wood bunkers.
  10. There is a chance you have hit some game limitation since you admit your map is "mammoth" or you have corrupted something in memory while you were working on the map. If it's a program limit there is nothing you can do. If it's case 2 then try rebooting and see if the problem goes away.
  11. I ordered the PNY Geforce3 TI200. It's cheap and looks to be pretty powerful, but I don't have it yet so I can't tell you how well it really works. www.tomshardware.com is a good place to look for reviews. Check out the graphics guide section.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patgod: the 190 shares with nobody! *slaps the spit down* <hr></blockquote> EEEEWWW! The FW-190 wasn't nearly as cool looking as the Spitfire. In fact, the Spitfire was coolest looking plane of WW II. I'm not saying the best performing, just the best looking. Specially the later models. You also have to remember that the Merlin engine was widely used and very successful. I've got one in my Prelude... [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: StellarRat ]</p>
  13. Firecrackers, hairspray flame-throwers, BB guns...I knew I was in with right crowd! One of my favorites was the Wrist-Rocket slingshot. They made great artillery pieces (good blast area in the sand.)
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars: Months was more like it. Remember War in Europe? And you forgot to mention the joy of sorting through all those chits just to set up the game.<hr></blockquote> I never played War in Europe, but I did play Third Reich which took days to finish. Yes, the joy of finding and setting up those stupid counters was another thing I don't miss. I did organize (by type and country) my counters in those tiny plastic bags to make it easier to find them.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Captain Wacky: Sounds like more work than fun I'm glad I have a computer to do all that tedious stuff for me.<hr></blockquote> Yes, we are lucky. I don't miss "manual" wargaming at all. We still don't have all the realism or AI's that can match a decent human player, but at least you can play when you want to against the computer. Sometimes it was difficult to find opponents for boardgames. Oh and I forgot to mention that most of the board wargames took hours and hours to play. In fact, it could take literally days to finish some of them.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Captain Wacky: Being only 18, I have no idea what ASL/SL is aside from the "the predecessor to combat mission." From what I have gathered, the game is not played on a computer so what do you use? A board? How do you calculate LOS and stuff like that. Here is my vague approximation: D&D set in WWII. If someone would fill me in on the mechanics of the game it would be greatly appreciated.<hr></blockquote> It was a board game. The units were represented by little cardboard counters that you placed on the board (the boards had a life like top down map printed on them.) The counters stuck to your fingers and were generally hard to keep in place Hours of gaming could be destroyed by a puff of wind or a dog or cat tail. The rules were all written or in the form of charts. You had to have legal training to actually play the game because if something wasn't in the rules or not written clearly you had to argue with your opponent for hours until one of you got tired or you decided to roll the dice to see who was right. You calculated LOS by using a straight edge. If the edge touched anything that was able to block LOS it was blocked. If there was a question about whether or not it was blocked you rolled the dice to decide. Of course you had to use your minds eye to picture the elevation differences and such to translate the 2D map into a 3D battlefield. There were rules about how it all worked, but after I while you could figure it out without too much thinking.
  17. I've been thinking about this AI problem. What Big Time should do is create an API that allows a programmer to control the units like a player can and shut off or modify the Big Time AI (if desired) then we (the gaming community) could write our own AI for the game. I'm sure in the long run we'd end up with something that is far above what any game AI has been up to this point.
  18. I had problems with the display using the Voodoo5, but they went away when I switched to 4x anti-aliasing. I also have the problem mentioned above with the escape key, but that's really not too bad (as long as don't need to leave the game and come back.) [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: StellarRat ]</p>
  19. I'm willing to wait (specially since there is no choice, LOL!), but it would be nice to hear if they have any projections or something telling us where they are on the project. My friend is really anxious to get CMBB because he is a big Russian front fan and wants to play against me on the Internet. [ 11-01-2001: Message edited by: StellarRat ]</p>
  20. You definately want to check your hard drive space remaining. If it gets low you will experience severe slow downs. Also, you don't say how much RAM you have, but I would recommend 64 megs for Win98 minimum. I noticed a big performance increase going from 32 megs to 64 megs. After 64 megs the performance does not seem to improve much. - Fppdis1a - Hgcctl95 - Csinject I've not seen the three programs above. You can probably kill them. Don't kill explorer or systray! Your machine will lock up.
  21. While all you math wizards are at it, could somebody supply a proof that this equation has no solutions? x^n + y^n = z^n where n is bigger than 2
  22. Any game is by nature an abstraction. If you don't like that you should join the Army and ask for combat duty. You'll probably wish you were home playing games instead.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio: I assume he meant 'longer'. A longer barrel gives more accuracy for some reasons.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, a longer barrel usually indicates more muzzle velocity and that will improve accuracy (all other factors being equal), but powder consistency, shell design, sights and other factors all make a difference. What stuns me is that tanks and AT guns in CM frequently miss at ranges that anyone with some shooting skill and a decent rifle wouldn't have any problem hitting at. I mean the targets are the size of small houses!
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: In other words, the accuracy is just as good as that of the logically inherently more accurate bigger caliber. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just because a gun is bigger does not mean it is more accurate. What is your reasoning for this assumption?
  25. .50 cal can also destroy a Hetzer as I found out to my dismay.
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