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Everything posted by The_Capt

  1. I stare through the gripping fog, I see the colour of his soul, He is breaking like a new wind, I smell the sweet stench of his fear, No one is closer to you at the end than your killer, Two men locked in sweet terminal embrace, I see the look in his eyes as the light fades, Flecks of blood on his teeth, It is wonderful... Simon and I have started my liege(s). Soon I will bring his heart wrapped in a satin purple cloth. As to the rest of you slack jawed yokels...Git ya heya!!
  2. I stare through the gripping fog, I see the colour of his soul, He is breaking like a new wind, I smell the sweet stench of his fear, No one is closer to you at the end than your killer, Two men locked in sweet terminal embrace, I see the look in his eyes as the light fades, Flecks of blood on his teeth, It is wonderful... Simon and I have started my liege(s). Soon I will bring his heart wrapped in a satin purple cloth. As to the rest of you slack jawed yokels...Git ya heya!!
  3. No offense taken skelley. Ya I still play TH but PBEM mostly..no time for TCP really. 405 games!! Well you are far more experienced than I then so I will have to defer to you. Ya I think I should have gone with cheaper as well standard troops but I gambled on quality over quantity. As to spacing, well I figure you have to max firpower on most likely corriders of advance but of course you sacrifice frontage. Those 75 guns actually were pretty effective, notice the 75mm line in the rear, that is the AT line. When you play Fionn however, you really have to avoid obvious "good ground" cause he like to drop arty on it.. I will say right off the bat that Fionn and I disagree that his Recce Wave is practical in the real world. In the real world MGs and arty are far to lethal to charge over open ground..again we have agreed to disagree here. In game however it is very effective although it takes a fine hand to be able to handle properly. What you should be watching is how Fionn handles the MLR and the combination of tactics used. It is really why we decided to put out an AAR (well Fionn did and I said "cool"). [ June 04, 2002, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  4. Welcome to the GoD Beckman, Well things seem to be trucking along. I will add my thanks to TB and WineCape as well as the scenario designers at Boots and Tracks. As a RoW Vet (and I wear that with pride btw) the only advice I can give is to play each scenario as best you can. Even if you are getting pounded, don't give up! With the Nabla scoring system you can lose but still win. It is all a "question of degree". Now excuse me, I am going to get my Wreck-axe cause I have to go grind it.. [ June 03, 2002, 08:04 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  5. Thanks Fionn, It was awhile ago. Well if anybody thinks they can do better playing "Attritionist" then good luck to them Pesonally I do think I would like to face you again, in CMBO, in a defence. I don't know if you have invented the unbeatable attack but it is damn close. Now if BTS give arty and MGs some teeth in CMBB we will see... [ June 03, 2002, 07:51 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  6. My I see this has generated a fair amount of discussion. This is a game that Fionn and I played..actually I can't remember to be honest but it was a while back. The basic premise of the game was an Attrition vs Manouevre arguement. We had a 1300m frontage and I think around 3000 points or maybe 3500. My job was to set up a defence which emphasized a static positional defence(Attrition)..which is what I did. No armour, guns and infantry only. I picked the position I did because it offered good reverse slopes and actually uses the town as a reverse slope (just like the time I played you skelley and gave you a bit of a bloody nose when you came over the top IIRC ). As to the spacing, well to be honest, I did not have enough troops (FJs) to cover the whole frontage and leave anything for depth. A thin blue line would have had better spacing but it would have left little recourse once punctured. I would have been better to defend a 900-1000m frontage or employed mines and obstacles to reduce the flanks. I put two pls out in a couple of ambushes just to act as an early warning and attrit Fionns Recon screen. As to force purchase..well I would have bought onboard 81s as they are more deadly and quicker than the off board counterpart. I would have went with 50mm ATs and pulled them in closer. I could have banked the savings into wire which could cover my gaps better. But for what we were doing it was a pretty simple and solid defence for anyone who was going to skip along thru. I won't give the ending away but you will see as these two forces collide just how Fionn works. Pay attention to all the phases of the battle as you will see both Attrition and Manouevre employed during the battle. On handing off to the other when the situation calls for it.
  7. Monkey, Monkey, Monkey... In the trees and on the ground... Ok, Lars , not worth the effort to continue to humiliate. "Your Dumb!" "No you are" "Am not!" "Are to" thanks I can get this for free at home and pay for college tuition. At least we agree on your species (i.e. Dog) it is the matter of mass which seems to be the sticking point. My big fluffy friend.. Harv. That's right you aren't pathetic just misunderstood. Like all truly cool people who "hang" at wargaming boards you are an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in bacon, dipped in batter and deep fried. Best served with spicey plum sauce. Now you can go back to carving OZZY RULEZ in your forearm with that Mickey Mouse compass. GROG!! Ok that did hurt. I, sir, am a GOON and proud of it!! I posses the prohibitive "life", have the forbidden "sex" and therefore lack the required "time" to reach the level of a Cawley or Dorosh Grogishnesses..s. Sorry charlie but you are baiting the wrong tuna here. Time to back to the drawing board and bang your dial against it until you figure out how to come up with something good..for a change. Oh wait, I know "I am boring" yes, yes, run along now. You have gotten the required mileage out of that "zinger"..oh my!
  8. Take it easy my six foot floopy-eared friend...we will have great fun, you and I. [ May 30, 2002, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  9. Pull down your pants captain, this is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me. You DO NOT *boot* refer *boot* to the members of the 'pool *boot* *boot* as 'ilk'. Ever. Period. As for the rest of you ilk, just keep out of my face tonight. I'm not in the mood.</font>
  10. The_Capt"...roomie, and what fun we shall have. [ May 30, 2002, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  11. He shoots, he scores! Nice to see I got under your skin with that one, really makes my day. Notice I didn't mention your father (after all, the birth certificate didn't). Good work on the [censored] thing. You don't need to spell it out for us. We all have been remiss in letting the stray F'enhiemer slip (Seanachai, edit your post), but it lacks wit, style, and panache, which is what we aim for here. A true professional has no reason to work blue. No need to use profanity to be profane. See? Piece of Cake.</font>
  12. Goanna..interesting handle..kinda sounds like a venereal disease. Good point my mistake..it must have been the hysterical amount of responses which led me to think of it as a thread. Of by your definition o knighted one this whole thing consists of a series of individual threads...yes I said threads. Reason nothing here closely resembled a "string of (typically) semi-related posts on a theme" this is in fact an insane asylum where each lunatic mutters and sometimes screeches to themselves between making "drool bubbles" and drawing Monet copies in their own fecal matter...Ohh look at all the brown flowers!! Now is time for medication...hmmm sweet brown liquor take me away....
  13. I'm going to pass this one up just for you, Capt. But please note, he's so excited he's stuttering.</font>
  14. Good Gawd!! I never thought they could put a migraine to print but this place is living proof that the dream is alive and well. Mom, Dad please don't fight it makes me wet the bed. Plus it will scar how I will treat a young nubile peach skinned SSN, who I will take as Squire one fine day. I can see his firm pouting lips and big innocent eyes. A colt but the rippling muscle of a thorough-bred can be seen peeking out. Ah that magical age. But I digress. Anyway I am sure that thing will unfold as the Good Lord intended (ie we will remain here for eternity rather than clutter up any place nice) Now as to my "F" thread (by which it will be infamously known from here on out). Let me just say it was all in good jest and provided to illustrate a point thru shock value..kinda like me in a thong..but again I digress. I was very surprised at how fast the Peng Thread became a catholic school. The Superintendent Prof/Father Madmatt swinging into town in between buggary sessions throughout the district; Then the minor players Mace , Berlich..Berligte...Ber(sound of something pointy caught in the throat guy) , and of course [two can play at this game]Harv[\freakin wanker]. All began to twitter like sexually frustrated school girls flipping thru a copy of the Karma Sutra...short skirts about an inch too high above their young knees. A light dusting of hair they are too shy to shave,,young colts.... Sorry slipping again. Then Mother Sister Sean-a-sneeze comes around with the ruler; "There'll be none o' that language in my halls young man!" "Sacred Heart! I can only hope for yar sake the blessed virgin was busy saving a mar desarving soul when you decided to use you mouth as an outhouse!" Whack..Whack "Tis obvious to me that a foul demon has taken residence in between yar teeth and only the blessed holy soap is going to save you!!!" "This is St Cesspool and we have standards!!!!" And so forth and so on. Needless to say I like cussing..a lot. It isn't that I lack adjectives or the ability to present things in a more educated manner. Swearing is the common denominator of language. It is math and music. I can say "F[censored]ing hot" in four languages, not because I am particuarly bright (oh look an easy opening..KINDA LIKE YOUR MOM Lars !!) but because it is F[censored] hot in a lot of places and everybody understands that. Swearing is the bottom line. It can make you laugh or cry. It is the first thing we do in this world and for many it is the last. Now Madmatt the Disembroiler has let it be known that he runs a clean wargaming forum (one that makes a game out of death destruction and rock and roll). And even though we will allow films of burning people..well there will be in F[censored]s, Bulls[censored]s, A[censored]holes, D[censored]heads and all their variations here. Now I am arrogant, juvenille and most of all EVIL. However, I do drive the speed limit and signal well ahead of the intersection. So I will play ball and talk nice. Now while Mom and Dad fight Simon and I are going to slug it out in Venice.
  15. Hmm Jack does hit on a few points. I actually have been forced into a Business Dev and Marketing role in the real world now. And though I have no formal training I have realized that one could teach a panda bear to do the job. (Fade to TV News Anchor..) Anchor; Today at San Diego Zoo, a panda was born that had been the product of a Female and Marketing Exec pair. Due to massive inbreeding and influx of ethics both of these species had up until now been on the decline. But that changed today with the birth of Mooka (Switch to cute cuddly little newborn panda). It is the Hope of the Marketing and World Wildlife Federation that this could be the start of a mutually benificial program which could run well into the next decade. (New shot..Exec board room, potential clients, two men in dark suits. Marketing team, Mooka and trainer.) Client Biggie#1; Well to be honest it was Mooka here that got you thru the front door. Her honest approach and..well darn cute looks made the day for us. Client Biggie#2; But I am afraid that your offer is too rich for our blood. We have decided to go with Smith and Zantar. (Trainer and Mooka look at each other..Mooka leaps across the table) Mooka: GROWL!!! (Swipes at Client Biggie #1) Client Biggie #2; (looking at headless torso) Well..I uh guess we could reconsider. Perhaps we had been to hasty and you do make a solid argument. Mooka: Growl!!! (Swipe and rolling sound) Trainer: Damn it Mooka, I told you to wait until the last one signed on the dotted line!! Ok I am not sure where that came from but back to the question at hand. BTS is selling a product. They are doing so to make a profit or at least break even. Last I checked it still costs money to live in the US, especially now that the Republicans are back in, and these guys have to put bread on the table. They also have to keep Madmatt fed and judging by the looks of him that would be a diet of fresh baby (homage to Austin here). Babies do not come cheap and don't ask me how I know. So unless Steve and gang are living some Grog-Hippie dream of "just doing it for the people man" I think it is safe to say they need to make money at this. That being said one has to look at the market and then compare it to what they are making. Now I have not looked deeply into this but my gut feel is that BTS has established a new "overlap" market. This is one which draws from two or more "pools of custormer groups". Close Combat kinda did this first by creating an RTS wargame. You get the twitchies and the some of the grogs so twice the market. CM hooked into the hardcore wargame market as well as the more mainstream turn based strategy crowd with introduction of a simple interface and 3D graphics. Hence a game in which more than just 34 nerds living in Mom's basement will in fact buy. They have managed to grab two markets and hence widen their market base. So when you talk new products you have to go back to just what you are aiming at in terms of market and then compare it to the resources you have to apply to actually produce the thing. So an Op overlay game. With all of the campaign bells and whistles that money can buy. I am not even going to guess at development time but I would hazard it is more than a weekend. Now who is going to buy it? Well again you are going to grab people from a couple of markets but these are of the more hardcore variety. People who do not have a lot of time may not really go for the big overlay game. Plus these are the same people who are going to buy the damn CMBB without the Overlay. So what we are really talking about is keeping or capturing people who won't buy CMBB because it doesn't have a larger Campaign game on top of it. Now is this crowd large enough to justify spending the extra time and money. Again my guess is no. Plus competition is starting to build speed and some of these developers are going to sell out to the big boys who have deep pockets. They are going to have the ability to flood the market and start eating into BTS's share. So what have Steve and gang done. Well they partnered up with people producing Strategic and Operational games, so they keep a hand in the game. Then they have focused on staying ahead of the curve at the Tactical Level. If they fail to do that a fancy Operational Overlay won't save them at the end of the day. Tactical is their Vital Ground. Now what I am betting Steve and Company would be willing and hell may even be planning is to teamup with another small company and have them develop an Op Overlay game in tandem but this may have to wait until CM2 due to technical conflicts. If they can have someone share the risk and not lose ground at the Tactical Level they can cement an even better product but not at the cost of the current one. And by then the heat of the competition would make such a move neccessary But right now they are out in front and I really can't see the sense in making a game for 5 or 6 people. Just a few thought from your resident marketing slimeball.
  16. Of course! We often get together to trade recipes (Berli loves his lamb chops) and knitting patterns. (I myself have knitted OGSF a MkIV Panzerkampfwagon for his birthday) Why, only this morning I had Peng over for tea and biscuits and we happily whiled away an hour discussing ways to remove the unsightly collection of stains from his sofa. Where ever do you get this notion that we only play CM and throw muck at each other? You Git. Hugs.</font>
  17. Now hold on here... I am still not sure just what this fella is looking for. I think he is using an "artillery argument" by dropping rounds everywhere in the hopes of hitting something. Nac4 obviously feels very strongly about something but I am not sure what. I guess if you are going to point out problems you should offer solutions and I do not see much of that. If you want a Tactical engagement in the shadow of a "higher conflict" then changing how victory is determined would seem to be in order. In scenarios one gets a briefing and if one could only have ones performance linked to actual performance (resources spared, mission objectives met) as opposed to the usual flag grab. It would seem to go a long way to "setting the scene" and I would hope a damn sight easier than designing a whole other freakin game engine. As to "gamey force mixing" well that is just silly. If you want to play hardcore with only historical units then do so. Play scenarios where points are not controlled. It seems to me that tweaking the victory conditions or even revisiting how they are calculated might address a lot of his (and the silent masses behind him's) problems. Now if Nac4 is asking for a whole level up from CM where Ops are played out and Tac engagements are then "done from above"..well I would say build it and they will come. The number of 3D Tac Wargame Engines is doing nothing if but increasing so finding a "ground floor crew" should be too hard. The question is selling it to them. Something Nac4 does not seem to have a "nack for" (HAHAHAHAH..sorry I couldn't resist) I think BTS has found their niche and if this is where they want to stay then they will live or die by the decision..seems like good enough reason to let them build what they will. I for one still do not think the Tactical Engine is complete or "perfect", so if they want to improve that then it makes a whole lot of sense to me.
  18. Dear Simon, I guess this has been a long time in coming. Ever since we met on that bridge back in Milan, on that dusty Monday evening, fate has pushed us into this direction. I had hoped that our mutual love of all things "Bohemian" would somehow allow us to rise above the petty squabbling but it seems, my love, that we are to be dragged into this. Like two carp in a slowly draining pond, our little gills fluttering in desperate terror of the inevitable. My mouth is filled with ashes and I smell the copper of despair. We are to souls bound by fate to suffer the insufferable. The pain of gnawing insatiate love. for the rest of my days I shall remember how your lips glistened after you sipped your espresso in the main square. Remember how we would pass the time at the Cafe Belzile? You would read the daily paper and I would watch the little lines in your face shape the message of your hidden emotions. Ah those days are forever gone now, but the lines of your smile will be with me. Drawn into a conflict by forces evil and foolish. A conflict not of our own doing. I can only hope, when we stare across the bloody field, that you remember me as I was at 3 a.m...my long black hair tousled and unmade. The sweet sweat of lovemaking glistening off my naked form. And in those still moments between heartbeats when we saw each thru the others eyes and truly became one. Those days are like a virgins laugh, gone to quickly in the wind and caught up in the firestorm which has engulfed the two of us. Remember the nights in each other arms, Remember the glorious mornings filled with laughter and sunshine, Remember my voice like warm bourbon on a sunny afternoon. I will remember you, even as I destroy you before the whole world. But know this, I am also destroying my own heart. Now lie still and this will be all over in a bibby. Choose you weapons!! The_Capt [ May 27, 2002, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  19. Dear Peng This coming from "Panzer Leader" (slather a healthy dose of sarcasm here). At least my handle has a basis in reality or am I mistaken and you really have served in the German Armoured Corp? The dash is my business and it is rude to ask.. OK now I think we have established that we all can go back to loathing and despising each other. And speaking of boring drivel do you guys ever talk about anything but your own pathetic attempts to play CM and take shots at each other? Not that this is a problem, I have plenty of my own pathetic attempts and as we have established..nobody likes me and I am nay fond of ye either. Now my "boss" CMPlayer has given me a task to challenge one Mr Simon Ewan?.Owen?..Obi-wan? I will have to give this some thought...(heads to the pub for a few pints)
  20. Dear Peng Well isn't this a confusing state of affairs. It would seem my use of several expletives has set off a firestorm in your intestine. Pardon me while I address the masses... All lower Pondscum; Look fellas I am new here..in case anybody hasn't noticed. My post, which seems to have inflamed the more Mormon among you, was not directed at anybody. It was meant to emphasize humour and if anybody here has spent a day in uniform you would of course "get it"...please share with the others. I simply followed MrPengs' (blesses be his name and all that walk in his light) lead. Granted his "F" words were more spread out which seems to be the trick in keeping Matt "The Reaper" away (psst I think he is Satan..really) I guess if you hide your little "F"s then it would seem to confuse the Sexy Beast. Now Satan and I are speaking offline which would seem to be the best way to converse with the Lord of Darkness. And I am sure once the squeaking has died down here we can get back to loathing each other in the healthy, life giving manner. Now to Seanachi or however you spell your name. PIPPU was a sock member of "legionne d'estanger" as to the rest..well thanks for the sermon I guess I can sleep in on Sun and still avoid the express train to hell. Try reading my posts and you may actually learn something NOT the least of which is the fact that I never spoke of women poorly or in an ungentlmanly fashion. I also never use "trash talk" as a end to itself but only as a means to a point. And to a fault a witty and well though out point by the standards of this Choir of the Damned. Perhaps you were too busy grasping and admiring your "honor" and didn't notice you were getting footprints all over it by making unfounded accusations. Now as to my personal philosophy..I hate people..all people equally, regardless of race, religion, colour or crime. I really missed my calling, that of dentist. You get to deliver pain and people hate you back..call it my dream job. Now some people will just leave you alone and allow one to despise them at a distance. But others will actively poke you with a stick cause they need to "feel the heat" to keep warm that hollow place they used to call a soul before they sold out. This is just such a place. I have always held to the great truth that when swimming in a shark tank it is best to bite first and never talk with your mouth full. Now apparently I am to disassemble some poor twit named Simon..but I will save that for later. Truly Lord Peng, you have a strange and mysterious place deep in your digestive system. I continue to serve at your pleasure and glory. [ May 26, 2002, 09:08 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  21. Really, you impudent twit. "For clarification," you've gotten way to serious about this whole Circus. Take a chill pill or take a hike. "For clarification," you apparently have not the brain matter to realize that a few ribald comments spent through a lengthy post is equivalent to someone smearing their potty on the wall, say "ook, ook, I can spell durty wurds!" "For clarification," this place is to exchange witty barbs (which you were on your way to doing), and not to flagrantly break the rules of the board in an effort to call attention to your ability to mimic communication. "For clarification," You really are an impudent twit.</font>
  22. Dear God, A coherent response. If I have violated the unwritten rules of the Peng then I wholeheartedly apologize but upon viewing the uninhibited glory of the post by MrPeng I perhaps went to far... I think a clarifiacation is in order as tothe acceptability of profanity on the CM Forum... Do I need a lower number than "X" to be able to say F-U-C-X "ad infinitime"? If so let me know so I may mark the date on my calendar. The bottom line is all you pathetic SOC suck and I will continue to point this out until one worthy of my Tactical and Written Prowess can even come close to my brilliance...If I do say so myself... [ May 26, 2002, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  23. Dear Peng, Ah now the pathetic invertabrates of the lower colon come out to speak. Incapable of a reponse in their own primative tongue they run to the apron strings of the Board Admin. "Ya what he said" pretty much sums up their inspired response. "We are to stoopid and low to come up with originality! Please ban this interloper who has shaken our poor pathetic balance of the "reaching to be average". The bottom line ladies is that there is a standard or a vendeta...either way I have given Matt the benefit of more doubts than the scum parading in their delicates in this thread deserve. I will curb my profanities to whatever level this board applies across the board. BUT if this is a case of "Cavete Emptor" than I would ask Matty and Steve to "speak into the mike" as to the official policy of the CM board so that all may know just what they are getting into.... If this is too much for the lower order to absorb may I suggest a course in "salt and cigarettes"to bring them up to speed. Matt I have shown myself to be a law abiding citizen at every turn but I do need to know the "color of the traffic lights" here.... [ May 26, 2002, 12:07 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  24. Dear Madmatt, Just for clarification; "MrPengish: talk to me will! MrPengish: I am going out of my MIND willthiel: sorry buddy, i got caught up in my work willthiel: plus . . . i'm not loaded MrPengish: it is nearly 2 am here and I am stillwaiting for this ****ing migration to finish willthiel: a sad state of affairs I must say MrPengish: i have been her on and off since 8:30 am YESTERDAY willthiel: i would say "you poor ****er" but you probably make 3-5 times what i do annually MrPengish: the ****ing thing has beena t 9 more minutes to go for the last 40 ****ing minutes - it keeps processing files but it is liek stuck on 9 more minutes! MrPengish: goddammmit you make more than I do MrPengish: I cant go to the ****ing middle east MrPengish: not that I would want to MrPengish: and what has that got to do with anything! MrPengish: jesus I am about to go insane here MrPengish: i cna barely keep my eyes open willthiel: see now thats a misconception lots of folks have. My COMPANY may make a lot of revenue, but after expenses and taxes etc. I barely have enough to keep myself in narcotics MrPengish: i have to finish this before I sleep - it all has to work the files the printing the whole KANT BUY NARCOTICS!!!??? Well why didn't you sday so? willthiel: plus, my clients in oman never pay on time, so its like loaning money to the third largest oil company in the world with no interest willthiel: sounds like you could use an illegal diet pill right now MrPengish: i never realized that you were deprived of narcotics - shall I send a wee bit of heroiin to you then? a bit of the old crack cocaine? would that help? it is cheaper than dirt here you know MrPengish: the hell with pills I need some goddam meth! MrPengish: ok i am going to go kill myself now willthiel: ok, i will tell the cops the exact time if you leave im running willthiel: its the least i can do MrPengish: thanks willthiel: frankly, if I were you, I'd call Elvis collect and see what he thinks willthiel: make sure its collect MrPengish: I'll be sure to hit the F2 key to alert them - it shows the time stamp for each entry MrPengish: i just left my girlfriend - she is drunk and sick in a hotel room - with my EX friend Shane - he tried to BANG her while I was over here checking on the progress of this idiot mission - and goddammit I don't think I can handle any more nearby friends right not MrPengish: now MrPengish: how i hate being alive MrPengish: I have lusted after this woman for 9 years MrPengish: NINE YEARS MrPengish: and never got anywhere because of course I am MARRIED MrPengish: Hell I even waited through her FAILED MARRIAGE MrPengish: and in ONE NIGHT my "friend" bange her in the hotel room MrPengish: "I'll take care of her" he said MrPengish: bastard willthiel: arent you still married? and if so, why would you have a girlfriend MrPengish: good questions MrPengish: yes and why not? MrPengish: she actually isn't really my girlfriend MrPengish: I have just lusted after her for the last nine years of our lives willthiel: well (a) would typically preclude ( unless your wife is either very understanding or very oblivious willthiel: ah well then you should be happy that at least someone (i.e her) is getting laid MrPengish: and found her tonight in a position in which she seemed amenable to extra curricular activity willthiel: but shane has to go up against the wall in any case MrPengish: as luck would have it - the gods intervened and got shane in the way so that I am still "faithful" to my wife - at least in deed if not in heart, and I have not banged a woman who is not my wife MrPengish: nor did I get shane in the rear - as I was here tending the migration while he betrayed me in a very good way at the hotel MrPengish: all is well that ends well MrPengish: now if this goddam migration would finish so I can get the damn server back up an drunning I could go and get an hour or two of sleep MrPengish: before I have to take my lustable girl back to her car willthiel: whooo, thats a hoot, you have to take her to her car after? MrPengish: she is passed out naked wrapped in a duvet - her car is in the parking lot of the bar where we all met willthiel: good thing you dont have to wash the sheets and clean up the used condoms too MrPengish: that is a good thing MrPengish: yes willthiel: mmmm passed out naked. gotta love that picture MrPengish: oh will if you only knew what this whole scene was doing to me MrPengish: i am out of my mind with jealousy MrPengish: and completely drained from the fear and loathing of the file migration for the whole damn day MrPengish: and I still have more work to do MrPengish: i am damn near to snapping willthiel: sounds like a hunter s thompson book for sure MrPengish: hehe MrPengish: here is a good one - this is what a good goddam system admin I am MrPengish: the very last bits of this file migration are going on right now MrPengish: do you know what I am migrating to my new server? willthiel: drawings, specifications and technical data willthiel: no, I'm not clairvoiyant, i read the cesspool MrPengish: right now the folder that has all of the quarentined viruses that we have caught for the past two years is migrating! I AM ****ING COPYING GODDAM VIRUSES! OH **** ME IN THE HEAD WITH ASPIKE willthiel: ha ha ha aha ahaahahhahahah oh now i need a rest MrPengish: i forgot to delete the folder before I started the process MrPengish: i hate you MrPengish: i hate me more - but I hate you too willthiel: do i smell a Goanna update in the cesspool coming on MrPengish: it reall sucks being this ****ing stupid MrPengish: go ahead MrPengish: I will never go back there again willthiel: no, i meant from you willthiel: how do i hate the lizard king, let me count the ways MrPengish: just copy and past this whole thing from the IM thing and put it on the thread MrPengish: it will be a hoot Or not. Who cares?! it is better than the crap you lot have spilled out the last two months. Just me and the Lizard King havin a yak." I count seven "F" violations, granted I gave ten. For an official word what is the allowed limit? Mine was strictly in jest. I cannot speak for MrPeng yet he seems to be tolerated. I have no problem following the rules as laid out by this board and I hope I can continue to contribute to said board but I do need to know what the limits are... As these have not been posted I can only take a look at previous "acceptable" post and try and do likewise. Humbely your servant..e-mail to follow.
  25. Dear Peng, I am greatly sorry that I have inflamed your nether regions. It would seem the creatures which live there have risen up and are mobbing. So far, oh lord, their response has been predictable; "Loser" "The_Crapt" (A "clever" play on my name) "Dork-a-Donk" (Boy that one stung, I can tell you..in fact I can hardly read these letters thru the veil of tears..sigh) "Sod off" (Some local term having to do with grass I think) One would normally have to travel all the way to a Grade 5 locker room to hear witty verbal responses of this magnitude. I am sure we will be treated to the Army Airbourne Debate Team style shortly; "**** you!" "**** me?! **** you!!" "**** me, **** you?!..No **** you!!" "You and all your ****ing ****ers are all ****ed!!!!" "****!!" And so forth and so on...these are sad days indeed. May I suggest you drink lava or perhaps post a link to an amateur porn site (a amateur gay porn sight for the "ladies" of course) so that their fingers may be occupied elsewhere. Also it may prevent them from breeding. In other news... I had a vexing dream last night; Satan had killed Elvis, For there can be only one King of Rock and Roll, Ol Lucifer stepped out for coffee and cocaine, Me and the boys cut off Elvis's hands, head and feet and hid them in the four corners of reality, So that the Devil couldn't show off his unholy deed, The Prince of Darkness got back around midnight and.. Well let's just say there was some "cryin n the Ghetto" that night... Your Humble Servant [ May 25, 2002, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
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