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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by The_Capt

  1. I have made women faint, I have made men lose control of their bowels, Please to meet you can you guess my name... But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game... Oh ya I also post the "Once whenever I feel like it Lurker" which may have brought a smile to a face or two.
  2. OK I'll start right off and say I am not a tech type. I will not be fiddling with power or refresh rates, intalling Russian software drivers some guy found in a dark back alley of the internet from a guy with greasy hair and breath like Satan's armpits. So that being said, I am looking at purchasing a new system. My old one is just shy of being made a Heritage Computer by the government, plus the coal I have to use to heat up the steam is not "environmentally friendly" apparently. Now I am looking at buying a Dell 8200, 1.8 Ghz (roughly 8 times faster than old Pete) running Windows XP (I still hate Bill Gates on basic principals but by all accounts this OS works) and one of those hyper-light speed-more wattage than an aircraft carrier-smack my ass and call me Shirley, Nvida Geforce cards. Now rumour for us in the outer darkness of the tech "know" is that XP and Nvida have recognized that CM will eventually dominate their marketplaces. (Yup people will just buy CM instead of a new computer or graphics card, hell it almost happened to me.) And have conspired to ensure that CMBO is damn near unplayable with this unholy combination. So my questions is ( yes I do have one). Is this true and what (if anything) can be done about it?
  3. Well have played four fo the seven games now (two complete) and I have a few comments. Wild Bill you are a lying SOB!!!! You say British Attack in the briefing but what I get is; British Attack, Meeting Engagement British Defence I am not sure what the hell is going on now. Seriously, can you and your crew give us some insight on how you designed these things? I mean they are extremely finely balanced. Do you have a formula or something?
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patrik: Allied: Daimler, looks cool wasp, sets things on fire assault boat, the only one you desperatly need or don't need at all German. Puma, looks cool SPW 251/16, sets things on fire If tanks are allowed Allied: Churchill crocodile, realy sets things on fire German: Wirbelwind, infantry be gone<hr></blockquote> Is it just me or does this lad seem a little fixated on something? Favorite Vehicle AVRE, not because it is particularly useful but c'mon you can't beat that gun for coolness. Favorite unit. Red Devils, cool look and not to bad in the firepower department.
  5. Hey Treeburst, Do we have any scenarios which have been entirely completed? Getting curious to see how everybody is doing.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ogadai: Do not slight the memory of President for Life, Field-Marshal, Idi Amin Dada, MC, VC and Bar, marksman badges! Can anyone guess which of the above awards/decorations/titles/honorifics, Idi Amin was genuinely awarded/won on the field of battle? Extra points if they can also indentify the leader of the regime which proved instrumental in his toppling? BTW, at last report, Idi Amin Dada was living in Riyad with his extensive family. He apparently attempted in the mid-1990's to immigrate to the US to become a professional ten-pin bowling player. The charges of cannibalism were made by the regime which toppled him and which was from a rival tribe, so I'd take them with a big pinch of salt.<hr></blockquote> And a healthy slathering of BBQ sauce!!!
  7. Heh ya I saw John's quote before, it is a classic. Well I would say the response has been pretty thin so far...hmm makes me wonder what those damn monkeys are up to... OK so I'll chmage the conditions. Let's look for the all time stupidest quote ever posted on the forum. Now I realize there a line up of smart guys who may be foolish enough to see this as an opportunity to take a shot at the ol Capt. Be forewarned I am a horrible force of nature when raised to anger...Fear me for I am your God!!!! Wow that probably shuld have come out in public, never mind. OK I'll start "Do those tracers come in different colours?"
  8. OK Ladies I am back for another installment. Been awhile but better late than Red I always say!! "What ya been up to there Capt?" I hear ya say. Well let's just say BUSY and leave it at that. I have had time to have some wonderful arguments with the Outer Freaks in the General Forum. Freaks, Geeks and Rednecks..my, oh my. "So just what sort of penetrating piece fo work are you going to bless us with this time" I hear you say. Well nothing actually... Yup you heard me. I am not going to spout off on CMBB, BTS, The skin cleansing effects of drooling or the art of "off hand" self stimulation. No instead I think I am going hunting for the collective wisdom from the forum. Yup, a mile wide and an inch deep I have no doubt. "I learned everything I need to from Road Warrior" OK here is the deal... This is a thread which is looking for the single coolest CM related (Allah keep me from the General Forum and the Ratmen who live there!!) quote. I have seen more than few in the sig columns and quite a few in actual posts themselves. I am looking for the witty, poignant and insane. Take your time and talk amongst yourself. Now the quote can be any which has been seen on the Forum or in a PBEM game which you have had. And needs to be a statement about CM. "When I first saw the demo, I got so excited my left nut exploded" "CM saved me from drugs and crime." Please share and give back to the community. Long, short, whatever. We are looking for the Quote of Quotes. The Top quote will be embossed in the opening credits of CMBB during the opening movie. No really...well ok we can lobby the lads to put it in there. They will probably say "No" (just like they do on just about everything, grumble, mumble) but we can try. OK don't be shy. It has been said that 1000 monkey with 1000 typewriters will eventually produce Shakespeare. Well we've got more monkeys than that on this forum so let's see what we can come up with. I'll start -Combat Mission boots up. "Holy Crap!!!!" Now you. [ 11-16-2001: Message edited by: The_Capt ]</p>
  9. Gentleman, Please a little patience with Ms Warchest. She is a newbie. As such she has not had time to become properly addicted to CM. If your system does not operate CM1 the answer is blindingly simple.... Make sure to disconnect your monitor and speakers first. You will need a permit for the fire. Oh ya, try and recycle, earth love and all that.
  10. Hey Treeburst, Yup that is me. Try wmiron@guigne.com I guess some ISP servers can't talk to mine due to internet anti-spamming protocols. You will get a bounce if the one you route thru doesn't have the same protocols as mine. I sent you a game startup request and a couple of results. I will have one AAR ready in the next few days.
  11. Hey Treeburst, Have you changed e-mail addresses. I sent you a "start-up" request a couple of days ago and no reply.
  12. Are these costs for Regular troops. It should be scaleable for all experience levels. Otherwise it is a good idea.
  13. Don't you guys have a Veterans Affairs department. They keep all of the service records of Veterans here in Canada. I also know that England has a similar dept. I had an NCO write them to get replacement medals which were awarded to his father and they sent them along with his dads pay records and release papers. [ 10-11-2001: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  14. OK, When these little bastards work they really work!! I just played a PBEM movie turn where a PzF 100 took out an Elite Super Pershing at 80m. Do we have any penetration data on these little guys? If some one can tell me how, I'll post a screenshot.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: So don't read it then. Let's act our age.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes "let's". Words to live by.
  16. OH MY GOD...!! 304 POSTS WHAT A WASTE!!
  17. Well JasonC does bring up some good points and all could be valid additions to the game. The question still stands as to whether the work to do these changes/additions will equal a gain in playability. Again realistic engineering would complicate the game greatly and frustrate many to the point that they may just turn it off.
  18. Michael, I am not in Cow Town but you can do me a favour and tell Capt Heth to drop me an e-mail. Tell him "Chief" asked and I was starting to think he had dropped off the face of the earth.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Hey, did I ever claim to not be a git? I will add a serious reply as well. My Squad Leader buddies always complained about the level of abstraction - and my pat answers about it "all being factored in" did not sit well with them. I suppose they went on to be members of what we now call the "twitch crowd." Different people like different types of games; that's really all there is to it. Doesn't make them any more or any less than anyone else. Now, personally, I LIKE the degree of abstraction in CM, and I would HATE a truly realistic wargame - think the Holodeck on Star Trek. I was on exercise over the weekend as a member of an infantry company headquarters. You know what? I saw nothing, knew nothing of what was going on, was cold, tired and hungry and had no clue where I was. I loved it, of course, but it was totally different from playing CM... My weekend in the field [ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I would like to say that Cpl Dorosh looks like the model of what an OCs driver should be. I am sure he is working hard and will be quickly moved to the esteemed position of Regimental Canteen Queen. Seriously, Michael, Next time you see Capt Heth, tell him to send me an e-mail. I havn't heard from him in about 5 yrs. Just tell him "Chief" is looking for him. [ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  20. I vote full blackout at least until everyone has all played a scenario.
  21. Ok I just have to comment on this, "What is the role of Engineers in CM?" Well it is whatever you want it to be. If you want to put out realistic minefields, you can. You just have to stop looking at your purchase points and instead go with a realistic OOB. You can breach minefields in CM and bunker busting/house demolition is also possible. In a QB engineers and obstacles rarely get used because they are too expensive for the terrain they cover. If obstacles don't get used neither do the engineers. "How much should engineers be included". Well I think that question is just too loaded and filled with unknowns to be answered easily. I personally think there is room for a bit more but if you modeled total realism, you would have a game which I believe wouldn't be much fun for the majority of casual players. So the gains made, for the effort expended would probably be quite small if a positive at all. I think there is room for removing wire, AT Ditching, Fascines, Dragons Teeth and Crater Groups and Pre-Dug veh positions. I think existing obstacles need to be a lot (read 50%) cheaper and then the players can decide amongst themselves to restrict the use (A The_Capt's Rules for Engineer Play most definitely). But I am a professional military Engineer and know how to use these elements. An average player may be put off by the added complexity and a loss in the fun factor will be felt. As an example, I have played games very cautiously, using proper recce techniques and ensuring the enemy locations and movements are covered. It makes for a very slow game. For this I have been accused of being "not fun". Totally realistic but "not fun". Well the reality is that "realistic is often not fun". In a ME you may hold back and recce out the enemy, decide his forces are too well placed and wait for back up to put in an assault. Very realistic but one hell of a boring game. I think everybody needs to remember that this is a game. You may be the best CM player in history but you are absolutely deluding yourself if you believe you could actually command a Bn in Combat based on that fact alone. CM is so far removed from reality that it is in fact a "Game". One can use elements from CM to teach lessons to professionals but playing it alone will not put amateurs into the big leagues. So total realism has to be tempered with the gaming asset in mind.
  22. Hmm well I am not sure about the victory level, except to say if you had split squads and your morale was down, his victory level goes up. As to backing up...well it is called TacAI I think. It is the brain the computer puts into the head of each unit. Your HT saw it was about to face off against a AFV with a 37mm Gun and didn't stand a chance, so self preservation kicked in and it backed up. You will see the same with tanks if they are facing off with a far superior tank. They will even pop smoke to cover their retreat. As to the mortars (I think you meant 81mm), If your opponent has "on board" mortar teams and they has a direct line of sight, you will see them dropping on your head very quickly. BTS has gone a long way into making a realistic behaving AI. Some (well many) may argue the minutia and anybody can point out an instance where they were screaming at the screen but this game is leagues ahead of the pack in this regard.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook: BTW, I think that Brian is correct about the inability of CM foot engineers to remove wire/roadblock obstacles. Rather, it's only minefields that can be "attacked" & removed by engineer units who are carrying demo charges. Or has anyone else here seen otherwise?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I woul dhave to disagree with this. The use of the Bangalore Torpedoe was seen in WWII and after. It is man portable when broken into sections and can remove the wire so that "not every" squad that runs thru gets the time delay. In my opinion the wire shoul be removed much in the same way as minefields in CM but should be harder to cross and cause a longer delay when a squad tries to do so. As it stands now it is about 60 secs. In reality a decent wire obstacle will really slow you down, hit morale and cause loss of cohesion in a fighting squad.
  24. Hey Steve, I have a suggestion which may be a really good idea. Why don't you guys release a version of CM, or better yet a scenario pack which centres around "special operations" in WWII. There are alot of games out there which cover this theme and the interest in a tactical version could be quite high. It could include coding for bridge demolitions and scaling cliffs et al. It could also include "what if" scenarios where flail tanks could be used in an assault. Just an idea but I would pay a few bucks for it.
  25. Thanks Seanachai, I guess that was my free Peng Bump. I actually have nothing against your crowd. I figure they are like a lost tribe of cannibals from "Ol Days" when CM was naught but a sexual fantasy. You guy hang out on your Island and wait for some unexpecting explorer to show up...then you eat him. Now I believe in live and let live, so long as you painted devils stay on the island. Otherwise I'll start loading the Blunderbuss. Fionn makes some very good points. But I think there is one more factor..Luck. A good player has the ability to skew odds in his favour. Some do it instinctively and others know some "tricks". But the result is the same, in any given action the have a better chance of winning. As to "better players" well I do agree that if they are smart they will tailor their style and not show all of their tricks. I also believe that style is a character trait and you can't hide everything.
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