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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. hoolaman - I am quite sure in future many aircraft will be flown from the ground as drones. However air-superiority fighters I suspect will be ground-jockeyed for a while before autonomous fighters will evolve because of superior reaction times. As for constraint ... I am guessing that the cockpit gear, plus all the doodads that sense information for the pilot and convert it into a format he can handle add milliions of dollars and weight to the fighter. Less weight, no G-force limitations other than airframe, no desire for self-preservation, surely that gives the robo-Fighter a huge edge. Too huge to be ignored. If the US remains wedded to human pilots for air superiority then it will be a big mistake
  2. Both these are reported on by PhysOrg. I have quoted them in full. But a search on Google on: Endocrinology curcumin Reveals links for my first quoted item -but also curcumin and its effects have been noted fora few years. You may want to see what those articles say - but access to them is tricky from what I have found. I have not seen if Wikipedia is hot on this subject
  3. I cannot recall exactly who here had a unhealthy liver but I thought this was encouraging:
  4. It seems to me that airpower is not being looked at the right way. 1] A country would have to be an idiot or very very large to want any sort of conventional war where the US airpower would be useful. 2] Therefore you use proxy wars/groups to keep stirring the pot if you are pissed off with the US 3] The Boer War was won using concentration camps and wiring the countryside. Now obviously putting your villagers in fortified villages/concentration camps might see politically undesirable - denying the enemy movement though may achieve the same end. As I understand it the Allies can drop vast minefields by air. Gradually palstering the mountains and constricting the villages would be minimal in terms of force loss. Now obviously The Allies would be responsible for advising the denied areas to the local villagers so they do not get injured ..... and after 3 months they can self-destruct. I am not suggesing this is a civilised war, I am not trying to export Western values of womens liberation, or freedom, etc. You say to a tribe that we are going to plaster your hillsides with mines as naughty AlQueada are sneaking around. Now they can stop Al Quaeda and hand them over or live a very constricted lifestyle. Make Afghanistan a forbidden travel zone, eremove all targets and let the Afghanis get on with what they do best. As for future aircraft - they will not have pilots. Pilots are a huge constraint on a planes abilities - and given the cost of including a pilot why bother? I am not saying all pilots will be redundant but certainly air-superiority will not be using air-based pilots. Whats the downside?
  5. http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1893946,00.html How to deal with drugs.
  6. ASL Veteran - did you read the comments on jamming missiles under the video. People there are suggesting 80% of the missiles would be jammed. That alters the risk benefit equation a tad. BD6 - it seems to me the lesson is get in , and get out quick. The problem comes from staying around thinking you are intrinsically better because of western society. The Boer war is perhaps misleading simply because there were no aircraft to do the dirty work.
  7. http://biggeekdaddy.com/humorpages/Humor/BestCardTrick.html Very clever
  8. A nod is a good as a wink to a blind man. However in this case it is explicit though it would be nice to see the whole message. I am glad you were able to come up with that as I had vague recollections that this existed. So American politically appointed ambasssadors and politicos manage to give Sadam the go-ahead. Nice move. But typically I imagine they ignored the State Depatment Arab experts OR the experts they employ are actually mainly Israelis : ) As it is topical I suppose I should say Zionist Israeli as opposed to one of the near 2 million Arab Israelis. http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/opinion/segregation-of-jews-and-arabs-in-2010-israel-is-almost-absolute-1.321728
  9. I disagree with Iraq 1. I think that was a win - BECAUSE - the US was constrained by its Allies from over-reaching itself. Kuwait was freed and Iraq isolated to a reasonable degree and written down as a regional super-power. One has to wonder though at what signals the US had been giving to Saddam that they would be comfortable with him invading Kuwait ... or why they were innocent of his intent. However from a world view and for the people of the USA the limited objectives achieved was a resounding success.
  10. COuld it be that the co-operative model of workers and management in Germany actually has merits over other systems of enterprise? There may be hope - Mullally seems worth his dough -
  11. http://www.comw.org/pda/0201strangevic.html Written in 2002 for grown-ups. It seems to me in both cases, Iraq and Afghanistan, that the pure military objectives could be identified and achieved. The what happens next was a complete failure in any terms you care to make. Beating Afghanistan by bombers on targets was a doable, even after the US and UK forces had gone in - and should have been withdrawn. Find me a successful occupation of Afghanistan ever. Invading Iraq was of course a complete bollocks. However the dismantling of an existing Westernised society and replacing it with religious factionalism takes incompetence of a staggering magnitude. Mafia, Italy might be something from the history books that might have given an intelligent man pause for thought. I am left feeling more than a bit p1ssed at the quality of leadership and execution that has such huge ramifications for the world.
  12. Looking right has to be the best method. the problem is the building blocks CM has , like buildings roads etc, are not very clever. So make what looks good to you on the battlefield. The odds are then it will appeal to players. Incidentally slavish trying for realism is wasted doubly because the pixeltruppen and vehicles have their own modeeling problems in terms of behaviour or capability. Go on create some worlds : ) I have that temptation also but tend to fight battles BTW if you want to have an outlet for your maps PM me.
  13. Well apart from two months when he commanded the MkIII platoon all his AFV experience was StugIII
  14. !! I thought well motivated small armies with relatively primitive weapons have shown that the US army's technology does not win wars. Or am I misunderstanding something? BUT, should there ever be a distinction between "war" and eliminating an "enemy" leader then the US has been batting pretty good since 1945. I mention this because it is an important distinction in what democracies are capable of. The downside is that leaders can take countries into wars that are wrong either through machismo, stupidity, bad analysis, public pressure [orchestrated] and the military industries seeking to make super-profits. Also to be considered is whether another country has orchestrated incidents to ensure problems between its enemies and the US.
  15. ISU-122mm tank killer Mounting a HV tank gun D-25T [L/43] AP,APCBC/T & HE into service early 1944 weight of shot 55lbs *my book claims penetration of 185mm at 1000 metres however the kinetic impact of 55lb of shot travelling at 781m/sec would be something regardless of penetration. Su-122 support armour mounting M-38 [L/23] howitzer. HE wight 47.9lb AP, HEAT, HE into service 1941 *Armoured Firepower by Peter Gudgin " Gun sights were an exception to the general rough finish of Soviet tank components and assemblies, and were designed and finished to a high standard" Page 136 Incidentally the types of ballistic caps are important for armour piercing capabilities which our correspondent has no addressed.
  16. I was astonished at this report. Is this really happening in the US!? It seems astonishing that in a country were unadulterated food is rare that this goes on. Or is factory farming agri-business worried that there products cannot compete in flavour, lack of chemical traces ...
  17. I have broken this up for clarity but not corrected any typos. There seem to be so many assertions open to debate however the one thing that does strike me as a huge hole is the lack of discussion of the importance of angled armour - and that shedding shots by angles is extremely important. * Wittman I thought was a STugIII commander not a tank commander in his early career
  18. http://www.robertharrison.org/icarus/wordpress/28/icarus-ii-launch-1/ I imagine rather like us there is a community of nutters
  19. Interesting to see books in common. I recently picked up a " ..... Swansdown Seat" as it ties in with my historical interests. I have just logged my 1200 the book at librarything though indexing is very rough, i did not get the collections right but - only a further 100 cookery books now I think. http://www.librarything.com/catalog/dieseltaylor This was interesting http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-2281.2006.00397.x/full
  20. cameron is obviously a prick or simply has been hornswoggled.
  21. Georgette Heyer, a Georgian age specialist, wrote some wonderful romances where the hero would offer to mount her, as on a horse of course. As for the Duke's wonderful balls .... I cannot remember what novel or which author it was but the crippled heroine when asked to dance " cast aside her blanket to reveal her crutch". So bold.
  22. I think it should go to a the General Forum ... Revised gender edition Cranky you are a natural. [i will take a guess you will take that as a compliment] I had no idea that you read that sort of novel.!
  23. Two players as the attackers. In fact if they plan at least two minute turns then only one player needs to do moves each turn. As for using the AI for the defence that falls over doesn't it in terms of how it can be played and saved? The actual concept - always tricky. I suggest you go to a club - I am at WeBoB - and pitch the concept. There are normally some souls who want something meaty to play. The reason that biggies generally do not take off and succeed is losing players or the Tournament Director[you] so we always arrange a deputy/assistant. I would always e loathe to join a long term project where one was totally reliant on a single person. As it happens you proposal is tather akin to playing a big scenario with three players so not too lengthy. Incidentally I was musing on PBEMHelper where in trusted mode I have played 60 turn battles in a fortnight or so [botrytisII]. The point I was contemplating was that in that you play two turns an e-mail so if that is added to the mix and the Allied* players alternate their two minute orders .... then it could be very speedy. Curiously I also think it would actually be far more lifelike in that micro-management would be impossible. *German landings are of course possible : ) Most clubs like guys who run successful tournamnets : )
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