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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/ One of the WeBoB boys : ) Great site.
  2. WeBoB has toyed with various htings like this over the years. It is important that if it is long-term there is a deputy organiser, and people have a "name" that they will wsh to keep clean and not drop out. Unfortunately RL can screw most things. I think there is a team event due to start where the players have a core unit and they get given assets for the missions in the series.
  3. This BBC item actually reveals how much was actually secret: Given the audit trial one might also have thought that unusual use patterns might be logged for the sake of normal security. !
  4. Soemthing which I have read about over the last few decades and suspected to be true has now even scientific proof. Incidentally though not mentioned in the article I also think chanting and reciting religious texts may also have a slighter effect. http://www.alternet.org/story/149288/why_listening_to_music_makes_you_smarter and just how far music acts with the whole brain
  5. Great Stuff BD6 OK so what are the ATR's hoping for!!! Great graphic representation. And presumably they did this for all Axis tanks? URC Nice to see figures on obscuration. A really big problem for hte better Allied guns. I do wonder if in game turns this does the Germans down a bit. Certainly Fireflies etc fire at vanilla SHerman rates despite the known lesse fire rate.
  6. I have to own to being unconvinced that cheap travel by air is a good thing. I do wryly consider whether these projected future numbers account for many people refusing to fly because of the pat-downs etc, and cattle class conditions that now go with flying. Of course getting diseases around the world quicker is probably beneficial. The benefits to the countries like Dominica where the natives can see the massive number of tourists through the gates/fences of the holiday compounds is doubly educational. And flying will save having to video conference* or have agents overseas. *Provided you do not mind being eavesdropped on by national security agencies. Kraft have moved the HQ of a recently acquired major brand to Switzerland to save some significant tax - previously paid to HM government. I have no doubt we will see a future were all HQ's will be domiciled in Switzerland, the Cayman Islans or Wyoming with executives jetting in and out.
  7. http://www.physorg.com/news/2010-12-cornstarch-gulf-agony-sooner.html Opportunity missed? Incidentally Tony Heyward would be more aware than most punters on the risks attached to oil drilling - subsequent reports have shown that there have been a couple of near misses in the last year or so. And I daresay they have a risk arm who can roughly calculate the "what-if" costs. BP is a disaster magnet because it has low safety concerns and high profit wishes.
  8. ME - is too stupid for democracy Well at least a first past the post system riddled with pork. VAB - I agree the government especially is not to be trusted. The relevance to Fox was the finding that people reject what is not already in their mind-set. However the research did not explore the possibility of education. Educating people not to accept assertions without proof, educating them to lies dammed lies and statistics, educating them to what happens in other democracies. I wonder how much coverage there was in the US that an elected UK MP is being forced to stand-down and the election re-run because he lied about his opponent. Shocking stuff. But I would submit a very significant action. Lying is not right.
  9. Get them young and they are yours for life .... with exceptions of Battlefront readers http://www.alternet.org/story/149262/are_we_too_dumb_for_democracy_the_logic_behind_self-delusion?page=entire To be honest I fear society is - unless action is taken to shape how news is provided, and even then. : (
  10. Good piece Vark. I do have a quibble in that decimate originally meant reduce by a tenth, now it is used widely but not everyone is sure how much decimate actually means - in fact it may mean to some that a tenth is left. In your example that is probably correct. : ) I try to steer clear of it because of this vagueness and in your example wipe-out or obliterate might be closer. I have not carried out the necessar tests yet.! : )
  11. Amusing. Nice to hear some of the grand old names of wargaming. Another deliberate asymetric game was called Seastrke. Both sides chose a card and the forces and the objective the force was tailored to were read. One side might have a slight objective like nail two patrol boats and the other side might have take out two AA sites and the HQ, or sink a cruiser. Played on the floor with cut-out counters it was always a tricky one to play. But a very clever system. Possibly I still have my copy. http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/7590/seastrike
  12. Oops those drug companies may have slipped up again. Mercks may have been a little bit wrong. And to be impotent at 26 is a real, well - kick in the goolies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/12040303
  13. Not that I am allowed to listen in the UK .... copyright grounds. I do very much like the idea of the enacting chamber and the reducing chamber.
  14. http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/articles/monitoring-america/ It is an interesting article, and for US citizens they can look into their State to see what is happening. I hate to sound negative but it seems that everyone is jumping through hoops to get money, and the way like in the defence industry, is to talk up the threat. The only other thought that occurs is what is making the Muslims so mad at America. and its Allies [ some of them].
  15. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/editorials/la-ed-foxnews-20101217,0,6952663.story oo er!
  16. ASL - surely we are not talking about agendas? Is that piece on the tennesee ACLU a true representation of the letter or a manipulative selection and lies. I have no problem with a program representing a viewpoint provided it does not misrepresent what the subject has actually said. Honest dealing is the basis of a discussion.
  17. Bear in mind the official [theoretical] 30 rounds per minute for a Sherman 75. How fast a gun fires and its effectiveness at aiming tend to be two different things. Unfortunately BF did not model this sort of behaviour into the game. Giving area fire at a large building at 500 metres would surely be a higher fire rate than shooting at a tank at 1000m. .... oh well
  18. Lt. - Astonishing. I would have thought that was indefensible. Perhaps it is, so you reach for the concept of Freedom of the press no matter how crass the action. I agree with your right not to watch anything you do not wish to see. The nub seems to be you seem to think that if somebody in the media lies then that is Freedom of the Press. Or perhaps you are suggesting that any attempt to punish reporters or the media from lying is a bad thing. That Joe Public has the time or inclination to check that there news service is not lying, and if they catch on the perpetrators will in some way be punished. Dream on. Free press/Lying - it is possible that lying does not have to occur. And unless some action is taken to root out that abuse the notion of Freedom of the Press then things can only get worse. Now perhaps there may be a start on Ignobles for the Press in the US. Interesting to see the coverage that might get. Still if its International with an awards ceremony in Sweden then the US will have a good chance for awards competing even against othe Free presses in democracies. http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2007/04/24/halberstam_press/ PS. Is bad Press a political discussion or a moral one?
  19. http://www.youtube.com/user/LiberalViewer That is probably the most sickening thing I have ever watched. I regard honesty in broadcasting as a duty. If the situation in the US is such that there is no body with oversight on malevolent "broadcating" what hope is there for America! Surely this requires a law suit? But I would prefer a system where the presenters/writers are banned from the media for a year and the station placed on warning. Misrepresenting in such a blatant manner is the most disgusting and destructive thing broadcasting can do to a society.
  20. Thats quite interesting. Marks for your stance : ) Now I need to work out what the site does!!! : ) Can I do dumping a girlfriend?
  21. Nice rant here on the end of the US empire. Some interesting gems http://www.alternet.org/culture/149136/america%3A_why_r_your_peeps_so_dum/?page=entire
  22. Can PBEMhelper be adapted for CM:SF?, or in my case for CM:Normandy when it arrives.
  23. The media almost certainly has a bias - the point is how far should the bias be constrained by honesty. All Govts like to have their message conveyed - and it helps if your guys control the media. So resisting domination by news groups is important. It is interesting to consider if there were a Wikileaks organisation distributing fliers in Europe and America in 1930's onwards whether Hitler would have tried some of the stunts he did. Seems unlikely. At the time of the Richstag fire all of the accused Communists bar the fall guy were found not guilty - which suggests that at that time there was hope for German society. Of course having taken extra power because of the attack the Nazi party did not give it back.
  24. A little more flesh on the matter - Its interesting to consider how Fox would deal with leaks. Publish if they were on their agenda and suppress if they were against. ut then a network which is a paid mouthpiece for big business and the establish,ment is not above lying either I suspect. I wonder if anyone has looked at their coverage slant on the big drug companies ,, and their fines.
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