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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Thanks for the link Stalin The Yahagi had a radar that could be used for fire control so perhaps this was what Hara was suggesting made for use effectively of timed fuses . Incidentally at the top of page 69 of the Fischer reports one radar system as weighing 3,500 tons, approximately. Which seems excessive and rather detracts from ones faith in the report - I mean honestly how can they say approximately Given the education of the time in radars I could well understand that 99.998% of the IJN would only have the vaguest idea what was actually happening with radars and how it interacted with FCS. ANd given translation and cultural differences I could quite easily accept a misunderstanding as being the cause of this VT claim.
  2. The reason I quoted the article on radar previously was in part because of the huge problems revealed in Japanese "electronics" manufacture. The lengthy piece on VT development in the US reveals the problems with development and usage. Taking both of these into account, and the single source for their use, the likelihood of Naval VT being true looks miniscule. JK does mention the proximity fused gun as being a bad translation however if this was a radar being used in conjunction with gun firing orders - using the Type 32 or possibly a trial Type 33, or Type 42 radar - then it is effectively a proximity gun if it is already got timed shells in the breech. I can see interviewers who are au fait with modern VT leaping to a conclusion in this case. However if we take into account gun control radar existed, timed shells existed, then a credible answer may exist. Alternatively the man wa going senile but I think why not explore what was possible .. : )
  3. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Divorce-lawyers-Facebook-tops-apf-97414753.html?x=0 May be worth checking that any on-line activities are favourable to "your" side, and hte converse for the spouse. : )
  4. I was just browsing the Encyclopedia. And as an attitude of mind ....
  5. I now have 9 unique books out of 71 : ) Childish of me but what the heck. As for the time taken, compared to to buying duplicate books it is a small price to pay. Partuicularly if you can use a application to check when browsing book shops [second hand of course] I see some of mine have been scanned, much as I like the concept of scanned info some of them are buggers to read. I am re-writing gradually an Allied post-war report on Japan available as scans from a couple of sites so that is is legible [and searchable]
  6. NerdTests .com go on I know you want to know
  7. You should have mentioned it earlier!!!! I have added it to my sig - though undecided as to whether I ought to add the direct link ** George Blackburn you rate very highly, as do others at Amazon. I have searcheed my local library system and he is not even listed as an author!! : ( Or at my adjacent library system!!!
  8. I have come across this site: http://www.librarything.com and, given I can upload and download and speedily enter my books will be using it fully. As I and my friends are getting to the stage of running out of shelf space AND duplicating book purchases in the military field [and terry pratchett novels] At least with our miltitary sections on-line borrowing might be easier. And rather than a Google spreadsheet where I have to enter all the details just using an ISBN number works most of the time. And of course you can read the reviews. Vital Statistics Members 1,187,999 Books cataloged 55,294,111 Tags added 68,171,977 Unique works 5,620,103 Reviews 1,158,893 Works reviewed 424,560 I have to own up to having 3 unique books out of the 50 odd added so far. And to show it in action you can view the progress so far. My friend added 200 military books in an afternoon. http://www.librarything.com/catalog/dieseltaylor
  9. Taken from here it is interesting because of the pithy comments on each source:http://pwencycl.kgbudge.com/ A very exhaustive site by Kent Budge who is a computational physicist with a weakness for weiner dogs and a strong interest in the history of the Second World War, particularly the Pacific Theater. It would be nice if his site were better known and frequented
  10. http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq96-1.htm Interesting to see in this lengthy article the development and problems with VT. Particularly storage. This site is very interesting. http://pwencycl.kgbudge.com/A/n/Antiaircraft.htm I do wonder if there may have been confusion with AA rockets in the mix - they could have been on timers. The logistics shows how defeated the Japanese were
  11. http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq96-1.htm Interesting to see in this lengthy article the development and problems with VT. Particularly storage.
  12. Funnily enough my wife favours the "does" version. However as she in to business jargon I say that proves my point : ). The shorter DO is better than DOES. SHe always writes too lengthily for my taste. She maintains that does always applies to a couple.HAh! The couple do want their children to go to college. The couple does want their children to go to college oooh icky speech I actually have a finer shading - to my mind DO is asking if they have children together. DOES in this instance could also be asking if between them they have had children which may be had with other partners. So in fact I am reading something from DO that is not explicit.!!!
  13. Coo That Is Neat. ACTUALLY ITS EVEN MORE DISRUPTIVE OF FAST READING TO HAVE ALL WORDS CAPITALISED. I WOULD LIKE TO SAY QUALITY WILL OUT BUT i am not actually convinced in my own case that i can wiilingly read large amounts of text in a difficult format. i view it as a courtesy to your reader to write in an easy to read manner. thoughts in paragraphs etc and so on. i think it may be that subconciously i take the view if the writer cannot be bothered to observe the niceties of writing legibly i cannot be arsed to read it.
  14. Thomm, just struck me that it goes: Does he have children Do they have children Do the couple have children So it seems if more than one is involved it is "do" rather than "does". I only mention it as your English is normally excellent. I accept it just may have been a slip of the fingers : )
  15. Funnily enough the New Scientist is writing of things that were poopoohed at the time. Perhaps the most unknown was the discovery of bacteria as the cause of gastric ulcers which ran into a storm of opposition when proposed in scientific papers in 1980's and was resolved around 1985. Amusing to think of the two long-forgotten German scientista who had suggested it in 1875. Do not take this as support for any ideas that may have been floated in this thread because I have actually read very little of it. I just wanted to make the point that just because something is not current or disappears it does not mean it was wrong.
  16. URC - I do find your lack of capitals at the start of sentences most off-putting. The full stop is relatively small but tied to an initial capital it works well for people who read English quickly. I don't like to ignore posts but time is limited and if a writer makes reading trickier than it ought to be then it will be less likely to be read.
  17. JonS- Thank you for those kind words. Of course I know what is going on but then I do not waste my time on anything I think uninteresting or too bogus. As for calling another poster a credulous , as far as I know there is nothing that I have posted saying what I believe of JK's. I therefore suggest you are gullible to believe that I believe. : ) As for attacking virulently and repeatedly someones posts that could be ignored, and people who find your antics offensive, then that reflects on you. I reserve my scorn for bigger problems like religion and bogus science being peddled in the mainstream media. However if it is necessary for your mental state to spend so much time on an unimportant thread in an unimportant forum please feel free to continue. I am charitable to all on the board : )
  18. Thomm your Google foo is not good. I have not bothered posting the full text on how to make it .. MYROL (Methyl nitrate) Myrol was developed as a substitute explosive by the Germans at the end of WWII. Myrol is one of the most brisant explosives known. Prior to this application it was considered inferior to other explosives due to it's poor storage stability. This instability was due to early manufacture processes and their tendency to leave acidity in the final product. The process developed by the Germans in the latter part of the war when explosives were in short supply and stretching agents and substitute explosives were used. This manufacture process was a distillation from the nitration acids instead of the nitroglycerin type nitration used earlier. This explosive requires only methanol alcohol and nitric and sulfuric acids. Also required is the nitric acid still from the nitric acid section of this publication. With simple manufacture and easily acquired ingredients this is a very attractive choice. Methyl nitrate is less shock sensitive than nitroglycerin or nitroglycol but is slightly less sensitive to friction. MANUFACTURE-
  19. http://wheelof.com/whitney/whitneyCarol.swf
  20. JonS- We have been here before Jon. I do not like you descending to abuse so if you cannot bring yourself to ignore the posts then at least just register one dose of disbelief and stop adding to the derailment of the thread. JK has good info and not so good. I prefer to be able to pick out what I want and not to have forum members hounded in my thread. Or in fact in any thread.
  21. Your help should be limited to finding someone else to do the assistance unless you think the husband deserves a divorce - even then it is wiser to distance oneself. The husband will otherwise hold you responsible and who knows how that would play out. You do not mention if your wife is aware of the situation and what her view is, or would be. That is a major consideration.
  22. And at the end of day - luck. Villers-Bocage and the Tiger sheds a track, the gearbox breaks. It is the knife edge of daring success and looking a total prat sat in the middle of an enemy brigade. Experience will tell you that the odds of a Tiger breaking down or other immobilisation factor and its a willingness to take the calculated risk that can lead to extreme resullts. Interesting to conjecture the factor of bloodlust, mental breakdown of self-preservation, acceptance of likely death at some stage in advance, - in the exploits that create the extremes. I do wonder if the Wagnerian legends contributed to a fighting to the death
  23. I cannot recall the exact details and lack the time at this moment to find the section but Overy[1980] slates Germany for them deciding on a very generous aluminium allocation per aircraft, more thn either the US or the UK. This lead to stockpiles at the many firms involved which could be diverted for other uses. He also slates the lack of usage of the car firms where Volkswagen and Adam Opel were under-utilised. Apparently the giant Opel firm had very long drawn out negotiations prior to contracts and produced only a fraction of what it was capable of to the army AND the air force. When it finally got involved its lengthy change for tooling lead it to be ready to produce an obsolescent plane. It therefore had to start re-tooling again.!!! I will look out for Tooze. Thanks.
  24. Mainly I have been revisiting Animusic - which always imprsses the hell out of me or more complex http://www.youtube.com/wa...zgY0&feature=related or for drummers how they construct a "set" and some music GENIUS Mainly I have been revisiting Animusic - which always imprsses the hell out of me or more complex http://www.youtube.com/wa...zgY0&feature=related or for drummers how they construct a "set" and some music GENIUS Visit www.animusic.com if you're interested in watching this amazing Animusic video, along with seven, fourteen, or more other Animusic videos, with much better picture and sound quality on DVD. Animusic is a computer animation company specializing in the visualization of MIDI-based music. This is a computer generated video showing three drumming robots playing an increasing array of percussion instruments. All of the robots and instruments are attached to parts of a giant gyroscope. There are 4 drum kits. 1st drum kit with: 04 snare drums 04 bass drums 02 hi-hats 10 tom tom drums 08 zap and buzz synthesized drums 08 cymbals 2nd drum kit with: 03 hi-hats 02 cowbells 02 woodblocks 04 timbales 04 bongo drums 08 tom tom drums 10 cymbals 3rd drum kit with: 04 gongs 08 bass drums 08 snare drums 16 cymbals 52 tom tom drums 4th drum kit with: 08 wood-shelled maracas 08 metal-shelled maracas
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