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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. I was trying to understand why CMSF had not the utilities, and in some respects is under-developed if CMBN is its successor system. And amount of messages, [not threads], may indicate players attention to a game. I chose not to use threads as I agree it is the least scientific of the possibile ways to measure activity. AFAIR CMSF was even buggier than CMBN appears to be so thread count was never going to be that useful. Its not a matter of League/Union but trying to understand why things are the way they are. There appear to be rough edges with CMBN which are being patched but I wonder what the beta-testers did find but that also left so much to be done in v1.01. IF you were a manager and a division introduced a product with this degree of "completeness" after having a beta version running for 4 years you would be miffed. And as for customer documentation to ship with the product the design was a "surprise". It is extremely easy to be picky and "wise" after the event but there is a germ of truth and that is what has to be looked at to see in each area if it were avoidable, could have been done better, would a fresh pair of eyes helped, or it just had to that way.
  2. Well given my 88mm flak nailed two tank" commanders" in the same tank in a minute despite it being behind a railway embankment it does see able to aim high. No ground was hurt in the 48 second battle.
  3. Well if you believed that the enemy took no prisoners .... which is a possilbe belief and in some cases not wide of the mark during parts of the campaign. You belonged to the Hitler Jugend. However before we say it is broke ... There might be an argument that in RL under continual fire he has no opportunity to surrender. However I cannot conceive how you could call a ceasefire for the relevant US troops within the game engine.
  4. Ironbar Some of us comprehend what is written on first reading : ). The US developing yet another British idea certainly is a tribute to the UK genuis. That tactically there was no urgent call for it and it was more a PR exercise to show that the US was technically advanced even if it could not develop and deliver the biggest bombs I still believe - but everyone can believe whar they want. As for Eisenhower I think he was a very good choice. And you must know I have no problems with the US soldiery - the political system maybe, the late arrival to major wars and early arrival for non-wars I blame on politicians. And my view on the governance of the USA is one of deep sadness. : )
  5. With the debasement of the currency we will need all the small change we can get. Who wants wads of notes?
  6. Plenty of proof that raids on rocket launch sites were not as effective when done by high level bombers. The reason the Americans needed something was PR as for the Limeys to have something so superior and the Americans nothing was not a slight to go unpassed. AND to have a rocket device was much more hi-tech. There was no urgent battle need for such a weapon. As for the production rate of the big bombs I am sure if there had been sufficient targets to make the effort worth it then more effort could have been made to produce them more quickly.
  7. Gunnergoz 100% - and that includes Austrlaians : ) PS I thought the Dutch notes were very good.
  8. Nice to see that medical malpractice suits are being capped however from the detail it is not clear whether there will be a corresponding drop in insurance rates for doctors and fees for patients. SOmehow I begin ot have doubts .... The real fun part was the last item: http://www.tennessean.com/article/20110619/NEWS01/306190079/Week-Review-GM-invest-Spring-Hill Well it is if you believe in nominative determinism : )
  9. Magpie Oz I think there is a certain illogicality here, there is no mention of numbers, time frame, and imbalance. And to say diversity is always a good thing is, well, Anyhting that includes a definitive always is, I find, almost always wrong. There is research that shows people are nervous of strangers, and in this I mean colour/racial traits. This is not prejudice in the sense of a conscious act it is a very fundamental part of human wiring rather like instinctive reactions to snakes and spiders. Once you learn better it is not such a problem. On a more conscious level there is the not surprising thought that the more people that come into your area the more likely there will be pressure for work, food and shelter. Very high in mankinds priority of needs. For rich folk in London the effects in Rochdale or any other town where a high number of immigrants settle are of little interest and of no importance. And I have no doubt the same applies amongst the elites of any country. They do not mix with the common people to any great extent and have the ability to move if they wish. Though politicians will appreciate the voting possibilities for most people change is not actually that welcome. We are simple animals. I am a fan of diversity but it has to occur at a speed where the incumbent population is not too stressed and that the incomers can be assimilated reasonably into the host countries ethos. To be fair if I were an Australian mining corporation big-wig faced with serious manpower shortages I would be leaning heavily on the Government/politicians to relax any quotas - or at least enforce laxly what is in place. But then I would also be wealthy and living in an area far too expensive for an immigrant to afford. : )
  10. Given the programme can calculate lines of sight from square to square if the fence were "semi-human" then surely the game engine could simply not show physical changes if they were out of sight? We don't see enemy troops dying from mortar burst deep in enemy territory OK there is a processing overhead but surely not huge. Possibly it is accomplished through the engine - it must already be calculating which squares are in sight to do a check for troops - it simply does not need to show physical happenings for areas out of sight.
  11. Well the file handling in CM*2 is infinitely simpler than CM*1 so in the 4 years since CMSF has been available I am astonished that no one addressed the issue. It seems quite inconceivable that so many people wished to repeatedly type in passwords, track who owed who a file, and move old files to folders when there was an example of what could be done in PBEMHelper given the right scripting. With the CM WW2 players arriving I expect a more rigorous, educated, practical, and helpful forum.! : ) PS I wondered how popular CMSF had been exactly, and I see 202,000 posts in 4 years whereas CMBN has 50,000 showing less than a month after release. PSS There are 108 apparent Peng threads in CMSF each of around 300 postings so you can knock off 30,000 probably. Of course there may be mentions of the game in their but it will probably be accidental : )
  12. You are kidding me? You mean you can here and "see" a fence being destroyed but you cannot here the tank engine. Am I understanding this correctly?
  13. Given Steve's stated opinion of anecdote as a basis for game modelling this quote should surely be classed in the notable for rarity class. Compare it to Patton's letter regarding his belief it is a short range weapon. In any event it is a notable that the target is not a tank but an SPG [with a turret?] of some type, and that the bazooka crew were firing surely from an enclosed space, and with the benefit of presumably of an extra 25ft of height. The observation that the Germans and Finns noticed in 1944 that the troops would fire too early surely must have some rider as to whether it was trained troops or the dregs now needed. Perhaps there are links so this can be explored? I certainly know the US troops were given assurances it could be used out to 250yds but I am very sure scuttlebutt shortly afterwards would have said it was a really dumb idea. After all the knowledge that a Sherman was the equal of a Panther did not survive very long
  14. You will have great fame in your own lifetime : ) Thinks a - a famous Belgian!!! That will make 4
  15. I was wondering how other people managed. I am playing four PBEM games and Windows 7 is quite handy with saving the file direct to the main folder but I am finding it a tad confusing with 9-10 turns a day. This is where I think I have not replied and re-do and send the move. An irritation. The other one is the build up in my saved games folder when I have to scroll through all my played games. Now of course I could manually remove the turns after I have played them. However anyone familiar with PBEMHelper knows that this is exactly what it sorted out for you. Tracked the turns filed the used files etc. And after probably CM*1 5000 moves I have grown to expect this sort of utility. Which brings me to the question why this was never sorted out by those who played CMSF... I suppose the answer is probably that all the players were solitary types so file handling was of no interest. In case it helps the moving sequenes in CM*1 were far more complicated than in CM*2 so is anyone gifted enough to write a utility that does what PBEMHelper did so brilliantly. File type recognised by utility Places file in folder and removes preceding numbered file into archive folder On sending utility records newly generated number and files sent file in archive folder An interface showing live file name and number, date, and whether it is was incoming or outgoing. Compared to PBEMHelper it is incredibly simple. After all that does a dozen different games, auto-loading files, sending from wihtin utility etc.
  16. A hard limit need not be a simplistic range limit. It might take into account% hit chance, and a disincentive for shooting head on. When to shoot: Therefore side on tank target 50 yds- x yards +20% to base level Rear on +30% Head on - 25% Moving fast -10% Stationary +20% Immobilised +30% Supporting troops nearby +20% And likelihood to shoot tails off with range - along with hit chance
  17. Its not new changes in the UK. I wrote months before the game was released about the way it operated. And that is why I ordered three games at once as it saved £16.00 in handling fees if still getting caught for the tax of £30. I suspect within an hours drive of me there are at least a dozen players who paid full whack for the game , then full VAT and the £8 handling feee. Jowever the amount borders on the two small to get really worked up about but sufficient to be irritating, What is daft is the manual - being printed matter is VAT free. And I bet a pound to the penny it was the most expensive part of the special edition. BTW I still wish to know whose smart idea it was for the colour scheme for the manual. I always think people should get the full credit for ideas which arouse so much feeling.
  18. The 1991 winner rebuilt and at full chat. Luvverly. Lots of film of it taken and posted.
  19. Coming from the civilisation of Florence , and Italy, to the US. : ) Still we all travel differently. You sure have an amzing schedule if it is less than three weeks. As a tourist my thing about the US is to avoid the tourist traps and go for the scenery, but then that is how I travel in France also. If you use TripAdvisor- as for Phildelphia it leads to these: You might like statues so there is the Rodin museum - the largest collection outside of Paris. The Morris Arboretum seems good. You can go around an 1892 battleship ..... Apparently 240 different attractions in Philidelphia itself. But for me I think I would look at this site first http://www.trails.com/toptrails.aspx?area=14397
  20. Excellent work. Who knows we may actually get to the bottom of all these parts of the game eventually. Though I am beginning to think there will be a patch 1.02 also.
  21. Remember the shock in Cm*1. That always seemed fine to me. I have not played a huge amount with armour/vehicles so I do rely on what others have been saying. But is there a similar state to shock - not panic but simply momentarily stupified. As for BF and reality I applaud their work. However a suspcion crosses my mind that soft measurements - as in crew might be off. And the deletion of casualties in an instant might be one side of this. Two bodies falling on the gunner, plus the optics going, and the actually shock to the tank. I think they abstract the bodies and there is no calcualtion of what is happening in the turret. Now if that is true I am not going to throw a huge wobbly. But they may need to think of adjusting accuracy where fatalities have just occurred inside a tank.
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