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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Praetori I have already posted that link on the Forum and mentioned that in realtion to Normandy it is misleading. Interesting to see for sure but houses in Normandy are never as lightly constructed as the target house shown in the film. I also did research on the quality of bricks which do vary widely in density and in hardness. The bricks in the film I suspect are aerated bricks with an open construction to give high insulation value. These are not similar to the bricks used pre-WW2. In any event a single skin brick wall is highly unlikely suitable only for walls and if above say 4-5ft[1.5m] would require buttressing. Flint is a common building material but I have not found anything on flint nodules resistance to rifle calibre weapons but given flint is extremely hard it may be a problem. Flint/chert is 7 on the Mho scale compared to a knife blade which would be about 5.5 so significantly harder. However hardness in itself is not the only requirement to defeat bullets as thickness and other factors need consideration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint There is also the nature of bullet penetration now as opposed to WW2 where armoured bullets which did have the highest possible penetration were being introduced. It did seem odd to me that the most lethal bullet would not be the standard but I suppose the downside is that they are lethal to a much greater range and I can imagine that there may have been concerns about accidental friendly fire.
  2. Interesting to see how all the action centred around the statistics : ) No comment on the eventual clear up, the much more dangerous state than previously advised, and the cancelling of German and Italian nucler plans. Tarq. thank for looking up further data. If there is indeed a spike could it be people being stressed, taking iodine tablets, or is it another factor. From the Chernobyl Wikipedia entry there is an interesting surge in Berlin of Downs syndrom babies nine months after the event. It will be interesting to see if there are any similar hotspots coming up following Fukushima. I did consider stress for this Berlin report but then surely more areas would have reported spikes so a physical cause is feasible even if very unlikely. I am slightly surprised that not one has mentioned that despite this nuclear is a necessary option. I am not a great lover of nuclear but I can see a limited use being necessary. Maggie - I mentioned Bhopal twice here last year, the mention of a few million to solve it was actually meant as a barbed comment. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhopal_disaster http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster
  3. Seems to me this is precisely the same discussion as in the CM*1 series. Panthers do well when the scenario has small maps with no flanking or very large maps that are flattish and limited cover. In RL the kitties were never likely to benefit from these benefits of the scenario. So they had to worry about , flanks, planes, fuel , ammo etc. Best tank of the war for the western front would be the Comet : }
  4. It is kind of interesting that this rocket gets the coverage it does. They made 2.5m rockets in the war so that is actually 30000 [*400] salvoes if we assume half went to the Pacific theatre where heavy bombardment form converted rocket firing LCT's made sense. However it is not clear how many rockets were used by the US Air Force who also used it. So making allowances for what was Stateside , in transit, in depot, with the US Navy, and with the Air Force, the number of times used for massed area bombardment must shrink dramatically. So cost wise and rarity it does seem a tad wrong. Given its max.range was 4 km we can look forward to seeing Calliopes later : ) Details on the delivery systems here http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/ref/TM/PDFs/TM9-394.pdf For context the highest fire rate by artillery during a day in the BoB was 76000+. http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/wwii/usarmy/artillery.aspx
  5. Well perhaps we can forgive BF ..... but hey they are smart guys ... : )
  6. Talking of buildings perhaps it helps to specify whta type you are talking about. Certainly I know of one case where the US were shooting out from the ground floor and later went up to the third floor where a German unit gunned most of them down. As for windows as magnets. My feeling is that you stand away to one side looking obliquely out so bullets coming in at right angles are of little concern. Of course the strength of the building walls is an interest. It is not clear to me how buildings work for small arms fire which seems unduly lethal for troops inside. However I know somewhat reports less casualties the larger the building. Certainly I have used 33 rounds of 75 HE and not knocked down a small block of flats/large house. I always tried to avoif urban combat in the original series as I think game engines struggle with doing house to house fighting adequately.
  7. : ( And you think of all the scenario designers who have made assumptions about trenches and foxholes, and then refined the timings ....
  8. Splendid bit of info. And presumably stopping to fire was the best time to shoot them - and given the success rate of hits to rounds you must wonder.
  9. Compos mentis or possibly men is compost which of course is ultimately true.
  10. I wish I had asked for it... : 0 The instructions I followed closely. I am reasonably confident and thought perhaps a little more hand holding with an explanatory txt file would help. As it happens though the widget appears to run I do wonder how I know if JAva is loaded and not being blocked. I am using win7 I have just added a new file but i still have the odd 100 in my folder.
  11. Wow wicky you sure now how to pick your data! http://www.counterpunch.org/sherman06102011.html Incidentally it may be that there is a monthly repeatable pattern for April- May every year but it is not for me to start that test. Certainly the average rate for the whole US was only up a couple of per cent for the period. But that cuts both ways as the farhter east and south you go in the US may be reporting significantly lower figures. Another possibility is that there are a lot of returned servicemen in the area and that is reflecting a different problem. It may also be a stress-induced response that has caused an upsurge rather than a physical effect. Maggie - I think given the extent of the affected area and the continuing problem even the Bhopal sufferers might feel theres is not that big a problem. After all it only cost a few million dollars to sort it out.
  12. Do you think you can do the remembering of game passwords and the infilling when the file is opened? That really is a cute trick. I have at least 200 CM1 games on my hard drives archive! And when you play tournaments with passwords chosen for you it does mean you can end up with rather a headful. PBEMHELPER is written in .vbs I believe and you can read the code - of course I read but do not understand.
  13. I understand the argument but I did think the game was going for realism so it is a surprise thta the situation has not changed. As to "not a problem in the past" I think, given units could be somewhere within a 20 metre square, then allowances could be made. The idea that I can take my tank down an alley and hit units fairly adjacent but x levels above seems a recipe for unusual happenings. Possibly there may be some sighting restrictions that will make this unlikely to happen in gameplay - and fear of AT assets will stop players being too aggressive. In the example of the bocage hedge being breached it does seem a likely event for Normandy and more than a little rough on players who wait in belief tanks will be unsighted and vulnerable when going nose-up.
  14. Perhaps I did not make it clear enough. In all versions of CM there is only a single file being transferred. And of course , as in CM*1, I could delete and file the files myself every time I dealt with a turn. But as computers are designed for boring repetitive tasks why not use them? I was talking of how much simpler the coding of a utility would be for CM2 as there is no need to split the incoming files to archive for later film playback. And I have a strong feeling that having a utility that fills the correct password into every game, as Helper does, is a useful time saver and means no need to remember or record a password.
  15. Apart from the lack of personal abuse this could almost be a Peng thread. And of course the posters here are compos mentis.
  16. SSGT J. Glad to hear you were on the case. BTW I have just sent you ane-mail via the WeBoB address. I see there is a thread on no elevation restriction on tanks which made me wonder whether town fighting takes on a new dimension. I am not suggesting anything is totally breaking the game BTW.
  17. I have shot my men in the back with a HMG on fixed fire .....so ... and at 37 metres at that. It does seem surprising that elevation is not considered. I would imagine in town fighting tanks with no restriction on elevation are going to be remarkably more effective than they ought. What was the situation in CMSF?
  18. I am fairly sure there are are different strengths of buildings however it may be that it is under HE fire this is accentauted. In a town QB 33 rounds of HE were unable to flatten a block of flats. However rifle and HMG fire on the troops can seem excessive in some buildings for quick casualties. I have done some investigation on penetrations in RL but not within the game. Deploying on a bridge ... well there are bridges and bridges as you will appreciate. For small bridges I imagine it would be lunacy, not even accounting for troops getting frisky if someone blocks an important escape/advance route.
  19. It is not with any great pleasure that I post this article. We had quite e lenghty discussion from both pro and anti sides. The argument included statistics showing how benign atomic power had been in the 50 years of its use as a power source compared to more traditional forms:
  20. But he wasn't a general! : ) Seriously general cannot rule out the exception so until there is a stack more data the case remains moot. However it is a known bug with tank crews that is being addressed. I do wonder if the ballsyness is actually a reflection of the CM:SF code were being taken a prisoner for the US troops was not a good option. But as I never played CM:SF I have no idea as to the fanaticism of the troops.
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