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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Excellent video with some excellent touchs. A good intro to the game if yuo only have a few minutes to interest a potential recruit.
  2. Emar. The maps are beautiful and I can see that your expertise is there rather than the play balance side. Whenever you next have a biggy let me see the game and you can have my 2 cents worth on the fighting side of it. : ) That of course is distinct from the historicity of the forces - we have to face that CMAK cannot accomodate satisfactorily a straight force conversion. Funnily enough the invasion map would be great to fight along the length - is it possible to split out the maps?
  3. Denwad I have all my games in folders.... courtesy of PBEMHelper. It then allows me to play all my films in that folder by pressing a single key at anytime in the movie to go onwards or backwards to the next movie .... happens in seconds : )
  4. Emar I tend to keep my sent messages for such eventualities! I can well understand the time spent on the map - they are all beautiful. Can you send me the up-dated file? I a not sure my opponent will want to start again but we will see. One thing I think is important and probably still so in the revised version is that the forces should not move between battles as it provides unreal flexibility in an operation running on very short time scales ....
  5. It is indeed tragic when so much effort is lost and all the Admiral's good work undone. I know little of the web sie of life but it does strike me whether we , the community , has the power to back-up or mirror these important sites. I have 2-3 redundant computers sitting here and web-space I am not using - it does seem that something should be possible...?
  6. Dorosh If you read the paragraph as a whole you will note I referred to new members in the previous sentence. This being the only other sentence in the paragraph I had hoped there would be a connection between the two. I like to tie my ideas into paragraphs. Incidentally I am sure you meant to type "for whom". I add this in case any of the non-native English speakers who frequent the board felt something was not quite right with your query.
  7. I am on Game 4 of the original - can you advise me of the tweaks so that I can adjust my perceptions of the operation. I am playing the Germans against someone claiming to be human. TIA
  8. I hate to be boring but I had not seen the article posted by War. Admittedly I only look at the forum two or three times a day so I can only assume it must have been buried in some 15 page epic I decided not to read. And for any members who have joined recently it is nice to have the info. The sarky comments probably could have been better left unsaid so the topic went to obscurity more quickly - and left a pleasanter impression of the forum.
  9. Napoleonic Mod heaven for those inclined and virtually unlimited scenarios. And for grogs! nice to take some from their comfort zone
  10. Nice ideas for a noobie : ) No. Really some of thoe sound easily do-able - and all of them are good.
  11. Thanks . Nice idea. Particularly as some balanced games are so boringly designed to be fair that you wish for some hairy game for sheer fun.
  12. I am a little bemused that the Germans are thought to be naive as to Western capabilities. Experience in North Africa and Italy must have already provided evidence that despite lousy tanks and inept commanders the Allies kept winning. The artillery had been very effective in NA, the Tigers HAD died, Allied air supremacy over France was a given. They may have hoped to drive the Allies into the sea but naval and air superiority had already been evidenced and would be ten times more powerful so close to Allied bases. To decide your best chance was an early assault on the invaders did not make it a winning strategy just the best of a poor set of options.
  13. I have seen a game in which a PIAT crew potted two Tigers ............. win some, lose some
  14. Inff I think you accidentally added a "w" to no in your headers : )
  15. Beren I would love to tell your community of all the freak results I have seen and have happened for me. However you do not say which community you play in so perhaps we have to post here. I am sure there has been a thread on freaky, but believable, results before on these forums. I have killed a Sherman 76 with a 1% chance and a shrek. I have killed a Stug with a 3% chance of a hit with a 6pdr at 1454metres. I have killed a 85mm T34 with a FlammpanzerII and many other oddities. I have had tank miss another tank twice which was side on at 114 metres .. neither was moving. I suppose they complain when they are lucky. My friend had lost a platoon of Tigers to a group of Stalin's. Left with a sole green Tiger it proceeded to kill all 5 Stalins - with crack crews, by itself! Another player killed 3 M10's with one shot when the centre M10 blew-up damaging the adjacent M10's.Flukes happen. If they read enough war books they will know that odd things happen - all the time all over the battlefield. The first Tiger captured was abandoned as a 6pdr shell jammed the turret ring --- flukey but it happened. Whilst you can ditch your current playmates it sounds like they simply do not know enough about WWII : )
  16. Peter X "And expecting players never to glimpse at the Scenario Editor before beginning a match is a pipe dream." I am somewhat distressed by your assumption. You obviously play with some unsavoury characters or are unduly suspicious. I have never looked in the Scenario Editor before a game.
  17. I have a neighbour who was in the Royal Marine commandos as was his father. He tells that at the D Day landings the RSM lead a section that slipped ashore early. They were going up the beach from a ravine when they were amnushed and told to drop the weapons. So an hour after landing they were in a truck going to Germany as POW's. Anyway the RSM ends up at a camp run by the German Army and the CO says to him that he likes to run an easy-going camp but every so often the bastards from the Gestapo come down to check the camp. At that time the guards will be brutal and it will be nasty but only to impress the visitors. When he got back to the UK he was 28lbs heavier than when he invaded. : ) Anyway he thinks the Sten sucked and maintains he could not re-cock a PIAT by himself! When I get the time I will get more WW2 stuff from him.
  18. Good News. Main computer up and running as it is late and I am knackered I will respond to all turns first thing tomorrow --- about 7a.m. : )
  19. Group 7 Regret to inform you I have just lost my main computer to a power out-tage!!!!!. I am unlikely to get it mended until the beginning of next week as I am out tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday. Either mobo or processor fried : ( I may be able to rig something up Monday with another computer!
  20. perhaps if you provide details of the HMG's and the carrier and what month we can test it out.
  21. I am the Nazi at Naz : ) and sent of my first turn to Stickywicket 2 days ago - which probably explains RL collapsing on him : ). I have yet to recieve turns on other two where I am the Allies - I suspect expectation is going to be the high point of my gaming experience and it will be downhill from here! All good fun though : )
  22. I thought in the thread I had mentioned the road wheels being a problem on Tigers in that they were good for catching boulders small trees and frozen snow - not necessarily all at once of course, and the re-design leading to other problems. Furthermore "In the spirit of boggedness and to help those who chose the boggier tanks I have just completed a 30 minute test - in wet. Stug III Green - two out of three immobilised Stug III Crack - none immobilised Stug IV Crack - none immobilised Tiger II Crack - one out of four Tiger II Green - two out of four It seemed that the crack crews would bog but extricate themselves. The III had the heaviest PSI and the IV the lightest. The IV's had one bog only whilst the crack Tigers had three - excluding the fatal one. BFC fix it or sumfink - better crews unfairly benefit!!!! BTW the TigerI was known for getting ice,rocks and other obstacles caught in its interleaved track wheels jamming the tracks - slightly improved design for the TigerII from the rock point of view but the new design had a twisting motion on the tracks. They both suffered from freezing snow gumming the tracks."
  23. Somewhere there is an enormous thread on tanks breakingdown so perhaps a search under bogging will be of help to you. Some tanks are more prone to bogging and I think the thread covers this and also what effective crew quality has : ) It also expands on what causes tanks to break down - just calling it bogging is perhaps a little misleading as there are other reasons for it to stop moving. I would say 1 in 6 a little arbitrary unless your rules allow you to move at 90% of top speed also : )
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