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Everything posted by Vadr

  1. I have successfully completed my move to the Boonies and have Internet access via satellite(WhooHoo! It sucks!). My opponents in Sec 2-1 should expect moves from me tonight, or no later than tomorrow.
  2. Hi all, I've been out of touch for a few days, but I'm happy to report that Internet via Satellite seems to work OK (if you can stand 2500 ms ping times). Having read the recent postings, I'd like to say two things: 1) - I did not rush the armor forward because it was late in the game. I rushed the armor forward because the opportunity presented itself late in the game. Hell, I would have welcomed 5, 6 even 10 more turns in the battle. I would have brought up all of my infantry and the rest of my armor, perhaps a few MGs. On turn 20, it was 2 PzIVs and 1 Pz III vs what I estimate to be two platoons of 1942 (Molotov-equipped)Soviet infantry for control of the flags/bridge. Is that a one-sided battle? Anyone? 2) - Now I'll be honest: I would not have taken that bridge in this way in a CMBO battle. Even given the fact that I thought I had enough force committed to where it wasn't "a flakwagon and some trucks" situation. I thought this was one of the Major improvements in CMBB? In CMBO I grab the bridge on turn 20 and na-nha-na-nha-na. In CMBB, I might have to hold that bridge for 7 turns(!) with 3 tanks vs 2 platoons infantry? Doesn't that increase my risk in such a manuever? Anyway, thanks very much for all the commentary, it's made for most interesting and informative reading. Most appreciated.
  3. Peng hisself writ: ...and you err by even bringing attention to the fact. The worthless amoeba has already left, with naught a sob, and yet....and yet...you seek to do what? Punt the thread? See your name in bold? By drawing further attention it's mutterings... Heed my words You waffeling ninnys, Peng hisself has been bought off! (not altogether surprising) Stand with the Justicar and against Storytellers, Devils, and Purveyors of Fish! Edited because I gosh-darn well can! [ January 18, 2003, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]
  4. Gaylord Focker twitted: I have T-34s, you Twit, and None shall stand against me (sorta like the losers currently bugging the Justicar). Keep charging, I wish to slay you the more. Note: You (and the rest of ya') will likely not hear from me Monday and Tuesday next. Please offer the requisite sacrifices beforehand, or patiently await thy doom as a result of thine actions.
  5. Die Justicar decreed: [Mole] Oh, it will be my pleeaaazzzuurre [/mole] In fact, Lord Champion I have been cogitating on the role of the Storyteller in the present farce this very eve and so have a wealth of material at hand. I shall post the directed missive on the 'morrow, as it is my birthday (yes, I know you don't give a hoot) and I am, at present, more than a little inebriated. I can probably work out a nice, motivating and inspiring anthem as well. I will begin research immediately...err...in the morning (hung-over). To those who would Stand against the Sacred Traditions of the Cess*, I say to you: Sod Orf, Maggots! *I'm not sure what all those are yet, but if you stand in opposition to them, I'm agin' ya. See Old Joe for clarification of my position.
  6. It will be my pleasure Madam...(also, it'll make a nice break from the Stables, I am nothing if not appreciative) The rest of you wanna-be apple-polishers; take Notes!
  7. Of course I shall be more proficient, as befits a servant of the Shavian House. I am available to hold towels, refill glasses, help with hard-to-reach places, etc. At your whim Lady...
  8. {bows deeply} You wrong me Lady. I speak of cowardice, and of nothing else (not there there's anything wrong with that). __________________________ Vadr Impaled upon the spear of innuendo, first to fall in the fight
  9. The Justicar trumpeted: See! Thas 'xactly what I been Sayin'! Never fear noble Champion, I stand with {behind} you with the Terrible Triple-Tined Trident of the Shavian House and I'm not afraid to use. I got a bag of horse chips for that Meek fella too. ______________________ Vadr If you guys don't have this all worked out by Wednesday, I'll put these various pretenders in their places myself. I mean, if they can't defeat a lowly Serf...
  10. I read the briefings for both sides. I could not find any mention of what those asterisks denote. Vadr
  11. SP-Der Manstein Kommt is a static operation. Probably one of the best maps I've ever seen. Lots of subtle nuances in it. You really have to pay attention to get the most out of it, but you can get a lot out of it if you do. Vadr
  12. Boo_Radley pronounced: Well you got that right (not a difficult thing to get right, mind you). In place The First, the Olde Farts allow the palace to be overrun with SSN gypsies while The Justicar is absent. Place The Second; same senile, weak, unimaginative Ancient Sticks in The Mud trot out some pretender I've barely heard of and crown the toothless sod King of the MBT! Well all hail her ladyship Lord Meek (not). When will you people start taking responsibility for your own actions? Eh? Hmmm...? Clean up your own messes (The stables of House Shavian not applicable, dat's my yob)? Stop hiding behind these pretenders and sound off like ya gotta pair ! In closing: Wimps Place The Fifth: Our learned Justicar has decreed: So count me in on that fight. Stand Back rascally varlets, lest I smite thee with the terrible, triple-tined, trident of the Shavian Stables! _______________________ Vadr I'll fling horse manure at you as well, and boogers too if you force me! Edited to remind Qbert I haven't forgotten him... [ January 17, 2003, 06:57 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]
  13. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I really appreciate it I concur. I used two PZ IVs and a PZ IIIJ. I was bringing up 2 more PZ IIIs and another PZ IV and a platoon of Pioneers in support. True, but the briefings for this operation don't include point totals, it's just described as 'huge'. I've never had the time to sit down and do all that math anyway. Lindan thanks for the offer, but the opponent is an old friend and I've no desire to rub salt in the wound. For the same reason, I won't post his name here. I just wanted to put my version of events before the court of public opinion and get some feedback. Maybe I'll send him here to read if the subject ever comes up again. I'll make it up to you Nidan1. After we finish our current gamey battle we'll do 'Der Manstein Kommt' followed by 'Failure on the Aksai'. You can have either side, but you play the same side through both Operations... Cheers all Vadr
  14. I recently had an opponent throw up his hands and quit a game on me because he thought I did something gamey. Now, that offended me some, because I don't think I'm a gamey player (Peng matches notwithstanding). Here's the situation: We are near the end of battle two of the Stalingrad Pack Operation "Der Manstein Kommt". I am playing Axis and have 6 tanks and a reinforced company of infantry. My objective is to seize a bridge over the Aksai river to relieve Stalingrad. The battle goes in my favor. I suffer heavy casualties among the half-tracks but not many among the infantry and none in my armor. By turn 18 or so, my armor and infantry are in the outskirts of the village. I've killed about 8 Russian AT weapons and I'm not taking AT fire from anywhere. Haven't seen any Russian tanks all day. I can tell he doesn't have much infantry left in the village, and 1942 Soviet infantry isn't equipped with a lot of homogenous AT capability anyway. My infantry will never make the bridge by probable end of battle because they are all exhausted/tired from the advance. So, I elect to try to take the bridge by a Coup de Main. I send 3 tanks down the main road in travelling overwatch at high speed. 1 tank about 100m in advance of the other two. I figure if I hit a mine or start taking fire with the lead tank, I can stop the other two short. As it turns out, my opponent does have two platoons of infantry back by the bridge, but of course the armor drives right through them with no harm. By turn 20, my 3 tanks are sitting unmolested on the far side of the bridge among the victory flags. The battle ended up lasting until turn 23. Because of the argument which ensued, neither of us did any more moving, but I felt sure I could have gotten the rest of my armor and at least some of my infantry up to support the bridgehead. My opponent felt these tactics gamey in the extreme, while I looked on them as a calculated risk based on battlefield intelligence. I didn't think he had anything left which could hurt my armor. As it turns out, I was right. Had I been wrong, I would have lost 1 tank. Had I been *really* wrong, I would have lost all 3. I realise you all only have one side of the story (I told my opponent all this). What do you think? Vadr
  15. Delta Dalem scribbled: Send me a turn, you Git ____________________ Vadr Spank a hippie
  16. Die Justicar spake thusly: Despite the awe in which I hold you (urggh), I remind you once more that you are becoming senile, or at least inattentive. I am moving, I am playing in a tournament, I spent last weekend painting and I'm chasing two kids and a frazzled wife around. I don't have time this week to spend hours watching MrSpkr cry in his beer (no matter how pleasant the prospect) nor to pay much attention to this mutual innuendo society being created by the elder Seanachai and the possibly unbalanced Berlichtingen (have you seen that Tutu?). Nevertheless (Wake UP back there!) I have had the time to continue my games with Delta Dalem. Gaylord and Nidan1 (whom I'm boring to death). I am, of course, winning all of them handily despite the sheer, unadulterated gaminess of the aforementioned Twits. As soon as I finish these, I'll begin spanking eggburt. _______________________ Vadr Deeds, not words
  17. Someone needs to buy MrSpkr a drink or 8. He's becoming morose in his despair... _____________________ Vadr There's nothing a bottle of good Scotch won't cure
  18. Mike pointed out: Yeah Gaylord Focker is using that one on me right now. ...And before you start Lord Git, the fact that I picked the scenario has nothing to do with it! thhppfffttt I am busy, but you weak shadows of your ancient selves ought not grow overconfident now that you've managed to run off one of the SSN's. The rest of us are made of stronger stuff (proved in the bowling alley). I shall return to torment you all again (especially you Berli) and that swiftly. ______________________ Vadr Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...
  19. I have sent a setup to CPT T, and have been briefed on and eagerly await same from Frontovik. Vadr
  20. Had an interesting experience I thought I'd relate while playing "Der Manstein Kommt" from the Stalingrad Pack (which has a great map, btw). Near the end of battle 2, one of my Mk IV's is charging down the road under "fast" orders and spooks a Soviet Jeep from cover. The Jeep turns toward the tank, and the two meet left front track of tank to radiator of Jeep. Exactly head-on. Surprisingly, the Jeep just sort of gets shoved aside off to the left and drives down the road a little way. I'm not sure it rates reporting as a "bug", but I thought I'd mention it. Given the situation depicted visually on the screen I would have expected the tank to just roll up over the Jeep and crush it. Instead, the two acted as if they were two tanks just bumping into one another. Anyway, I felt deprived by not crushing the jeep in classic Hollywood style. Vadr
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