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Everything posted by Marlow

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: I give them 2-3 turns max, at which time I will have completely and utterly turned your right flank. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Speaking of turned flanks, I am reminded of another of Cpt. Croda's battles, where his flank is being turned, marinated, tenderized with a mallet, and slowly cooked over a mesquite fire. ------------------ We are fierce historical inaccuracers - PawBroon
  2. More on the Abrams and why more complicated and more capable is not always less reliable: "During the Gulf War only 18 Abrams tanks were taken out of service due to battle damage: nine were permanent losses, and another nine suffered repairable damage, mostly from mines. Not a single Abrams crewman was lost in the conflict. There were few reports of mechanical failure. US armor commanders maintained an unprecedented 90% operational readiness for their Abrams Main Battle Tanks." from http://www.fas.org
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: I'm not sure I'm following this whole "Shermans were more reliable than Tigers, therefore better" argument. Perhaps someone who's more up on modern arms can tell us this: how much time does an Abrams spend in maintenance compared to time in the field? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Contrary to fears raised by early critics, the Abrams has proven surprisingly reliable for a modern AFV (less maintenance time than an M-60 IIRC). This despite, and in some cases because of (e.g. on board diagnostics) its high tech systems. Almost forgot, the Sherman had one real advantage, the Abrams is a fuel hog. The Army had to mount a major logistics deep in Iraqi territory during Desert Storm in no small part because of the Abrams fuel demand. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-13-2000).]
  4. Hiram, You got time to yak, write bad poetry, and blow up Lose-to-Peng's tanks, send me my turn already! ------------------ We are fierce historical inaccuracers - PawBroon
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Poor Mensch! Mensch has obviously reached an important stage in his life when one gets all teary, sensitive to inner feelings and where the emotions run turmoil! Denizens of the pool....today Mensch has become a man...today, Mensch reached Puberty! Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That or menopause. ------------------ We are fierce historical inaccuracers - PawBroon
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Has anyone tried www.dictionary.com ? it showed me that I am a gutsherr <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> From www.dictionary.com: Word of the Day for Tuesday December 12, 2000: coruscate \KOR-uh-skayt\, intransitive verb: 1. To give off or reflect bright beams or flashes of light; to sparkle. 2. To exhibit brilliant, sparkling technique or style. A word that obviously has no applicability to any of you. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-12-2000).]
  7. Should be interesting to see if the medium brigade concept and the LAV-III survive should Bush win the election. He has stated that his administration would place less emphasis on military operations other than war (i.e. the type of low intensity operations for which the LAV-III is best suited).
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Hmm - if I am a cynical monocle-wearing Prussian aristocrat officer (let's think Erich von Stroheim for a second, shall we) - <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> More like Von Stueben. He liked little boys, didn't he? ------------------ We are fierce historical inaccuracers - PawBroon
  9. Update time, and I'd like to thank all of my current victims for making my initial foray into the wonderful world of PBEM painless through your woefully inadequate play. - Winning (or at least not losing) in all games. Croda - One Mark IV away from a mop-up operation. My inner Croda has been completely exorcised, and banished to the smoking pit of hell from whence it came. The rest of Croda's troops to follow soon. PeterNZ - Old Tommai was doing a pretty good job, until the last two turns: "Attention to orders: The Secretary of the Army and the President of the United States hereby award the Silver Star to Cpl. Iam SheepSlayer for valor above and beyond the call of duty. On the night of March 12, 1945, in action against the Hun Bastards, Cpl. SheepSlayer, a bazooka gunner in Echo Co., 3/335, 85th Div. did, in the face of withering enemy fire, engage and destroy two (soon to be three) enemy armored vehicles in the space of two minutes time. By his valor and expert marksmanship, Cpl. SheepSlayer turned the tide of the battle, and saved the digital lives of countless American soldiers." JDmorse - Still sparing in the fog; Morse is minus one Mark IV. Told you that Hellcat Commander was fine Lawyer boy. Jshaddorf - Its called fire and maneuver, not charge into Bastard Shandorf's guns because he is bored. With regard to my "obvious bound points" A train steaming down the tracks is obvious, but that doesn't help the car stalled in the crossing. If its so obvious, do something about it (other than your pathetic arty. interdiction, which only managed to annoy my heroic Yanks). Nijis - Been away for a while, I hope the shock of coming back to the shellacking he is getting in our game isn't too much for his feeble little brain. A beautiful site to behold: an entire infantry company attacking one platoon from two directions at less than 40 meters, while two American tanks are lined up for the kill like ducks in a shooting gallery. Hiram - Shelling his lads in the woods. About all so far. Ol' poxy haided dalem - Early in the game, but victory of the righteous is assured. I should draw first blood: his Mark II is about go BOOM. DKNY - Waiting for his attack is like waiting for Heinz catsup to pour out of the bottle, but it will be worth it when crush his troops like ripe tomatoes. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: Cowards...all of you..nothing but cowards. Your kind really makes me sick. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'll take some of that action, but only if its against the old, fat, drug addled Elvis with disco collars. Send me your worst. ------------------ …Elvis is everywhere, Elvis is everything, Elvis is everybody, Elvis is still the King… - S. Roper & M. Nixon
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: WHERE THE HELL ARE THE FRENCH?! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF: If'n ya ganna prrrance aboot the 'Pool lak some mincey wee sporan sniffer, ya could at least mak an effort tae learn the local language - Australian. A "bickie" as a "biscuit", ya semi-lingual spotty arrsed herring rubber. An' Ah knoo that tae you, thet's lackely tae be somethin' thet looks lak a scone. But it's nae a bloody scone, at's a bloody biscuit, lak a "cookie". Ya twat. Af'n Ah found tha likes o' yoo Jimmy slitherin' aboot mah garden, Ah'd thrrrash ye wi' mah straw brroom an' dreeve ye slimey carcass intae mah garden hose fer refuge. Then Ah'd tie the ends off and dunk tha bit wi' yoo inside into a wee vat o' boilin water - sae the air heats oop and tha pressure burrsts ye ear drums, bulges ye eyes oot o' ya poxy haid, an' causes ye lungs tae burst oot through ye spotty bottom. An' then Ah'd pierrrce tha hose wi' mah trusty pen knife, tae squirrt ye yellow bile an' boiled giblets inta the water, creatin' a stanky version o' egg drop soup, which Ah'd feed tae mah scrawny cat. Ah'd then shoot mah cat......(Ah thank ye kin see wheer this un's headin', oot tae the rose bushes...). Oh by tha way...sod off. MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastard<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No wonder old Longshanks had such problems with you Scottish bastards, he was laughing to hard. I'm stll wiping away tears. An' don ya be thrrrrash'n ol poxy haided dalem aboot tae mooch ya gimpy Celtic bastarrrd. It's nae bloody sporrrt'n to beat up'n ah brrrrick brrrrained sod tha mah wee bairn in his nappies coud trrrrounce.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune: I demand satisfaction. I choose..........Pawbroom to fight you in the scenario I just created with French troops trying to capture a town. pawbroom, make Marlow plaw the Free French and help yourself to wiping him all over the map. I want my young squire spanked severely. [sit down Bauhaus] Now back to ducking Morse .... Rune Commander Army of the Porcupine <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Brave Sir Rune, I stand in gape-jawed disbelief that you would send a proxy to do what is rightly your job. Part of the responsibility of being a k-niggit to a squire is the occasional harsh reminder of our proper place in life. That you would welsh on this sacred duty, and send another in your place … oh, the shame, the shame. Also, even if you are going to chicken out from beating me personally, I would expect that, as Chicagoan, someone from me own former home town, you would send someone other than a Frog to do the job. I mean, is there suddenly a lack of et'nics on the sout side? I would thing a Pole, I-talian, Irish, or even (God help me) a Greek would be a more appropriate choice given your geography. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-07-2000).]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: The earth groans in disgust at my presence <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yer too bleed'n ugly to be me shelia, go try Croda. Or better yet, here's a bickie, now sod off ya bugger. ------------------ Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, we love you amen. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-07-2000).]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: I can see here you have time for yer new shelia, DKNY.....hey got to work in the local patois........ <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Roight. Will do mate. 'Ere thet DKNY, from now on, yer me shelia. ------------------ Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, we love you amen.
  15. Hiccup. Excuse me. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-07-2000).]
  16. Morse, Sent it days ago. Maybe the chad is clogging your inbox. I'll send it again whenever I happen to get around to it.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Marlow, Pick a sig and stick with it. Its like standing in Time Square and reading the advertisements with you. Who is your sponsor? The Cesspool will now take a twenty second time out and fire Norv Turner Mooohahahaha oh, now that was funny <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That would be rune. But its sort of like being sponsored by an Easter Island statue - He's been here forever, kind of imposing in a cartoonish sort of way, doesn't say much, and his head is as thick as … well, rock. Oh, Missed your monday morning euphoria this week. Tenn. 15, Eagles 13, thats kind of funny too. ------------------ ... but he does have possibilities as the Western Marketing Manager of Evil. - Rune
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DVN-UK: I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN ANY OF HIS TROOPS and I'm scared. Someone please hold my hand before I wet myself. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DKNY, You mangy git, the only movement I've seen so far is the rattling of a few lonely neurons inside the hollow space between your ears. The only thing I am worried about is having my brave lads fall asleep at their posts from boredom. Should I manage to stay awake (or even if not, as consciousness is optional in giving you the thrashing that you richly deserve), I will thump you between your vacant eyes with your own leg, and then beat you about the face and neck with a spoiled-milk-boiled goldfish. Now go away son, you bother me. ------------------ GRIM REAPER: Be quiet! Englishmen, you're all so ****ing pompous, and none of you have got any balls.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: Nevertheless, bad luck won't hold me back for tormenting your corpses with little pokers before feeding them to ravening men. PeterNZ <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I thought it was the sheep that you tormented with your little poker. ------------------ Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan … I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December seventh, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: I'm reminded of Mace and his propensity to kiss Kitty's Ass. At first, I felt sorry for the sorry little fellow. But I understood that he really wanted to be a woman and chose Kitty as his mentor. Oh well. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Alrighty then, A little singy-songy for Macie girl cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers. I put on women's clothing, And hang around in bars. I chop down trees, I wear high heels, Suspenders and a bra. I wish I'd been a girlie Just like my dear papa. ------------------ Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan … I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December seventh, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire."
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: My brain is far to small to actually think up anything that might pass for even a feeble attempt at a witty remark, so I am just going to type randomly on my keyboard like drug addicted monkey Thanks!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Alright Dale Evans, enough of your Masterbates like "posting for pure annoyance" crap. Your desiccated brain has apparently sunk lower funtional level than ever. This guano stinks even more than your previous mindless posts of gooey garbage. You must be one of those extra dense dalems that rides to school on the short school bus. One question, did you ever master the complex tasks of tying your shoes or wiping your ass? Your digital diarrhea would cause a maggot on a rotting corpse to gag. I can see that the only way to shut the clenched brown sphincter that passes for your mouth is to stuff it full of the dissected remains of your pathetic forces after I crush you beneath the treads of my tanks like Northwestern ran over the Wolverines on the Gridiron. While it may not seem cricket to beat the stuffing out of the mentally handicapped, you've become such a leach on the general well being of the 'Pool and fragile ecology of the Schloss Peng, that your extermination will be a public service. The file will be on the way tonight Ann Arbor boy. I hates dalems. ------------------ We are fierce historical inaccuracers - PawBroon [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-06-2000).]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DVN-UK: I hesitated, took a long hard look at the pinprick of distant light that is the exit from this fetid pool of filth, took one last deep breath of the sweet air that manages to penetrate to this outer level,sighed and plunged back down into the gloom... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DKNY-UK, Welcome my esteemed opponent to the Schloss Peng. Do so hope you enjoy a nice stay. Before we start in earnest, let me suggest a nice night's sleep at the local hotel, Le 'Pool (Foder's gives it -5 stars) After you are well rested, we can begin with the lessons, taught by an internationally recognized faculty, utilizing only the latest shock therapy training techniques. Lesson one: GROW A PAIR!!! I'm the only Bastard here that you have a game with, and you haven't insulted, berated, or otherwise demeaned me even once! Not even one little snide comment. Instead we have this little "Hmmm, this cesspool is awful nice in a dank and smelly kind of way, I think I'll stay and frolic in the mists and roll in the fungus." This despite the Abrahamic warning from Kurtz-a-chai not to look back. Well, if you decide to stick it out, TAUNT SOMEONE DAMN IT!!! That Impotent old bastard Peng has more taut in his thingy than you've had taunt in any post so far. Lesson two: GROW A PAIR!!! See Above. Lesson three: Insulting the weak. The Mutha Beautiful Thread (genuflecting) has no mercy. Prey upon the weak and easy targets: Lawyers, French, etc… Day four: Do not talk to the animals. There are occasional posters here, Masterbates, Rob/none, and others whose name shall not be mentioned for fear of dirtying my keyboard by typing their names. These noxious entities are to be avoided at all costs. To even respond to their inane posts is to invite more of the same. While these little pissants are, in truth, no more than an annoyance (in the pool, forum, and in the world as a whole), we should do what we can to keep the vermin to a minimum. After you can post a taunt that can blister the paint off the walls, then you will be ready Grasshopper. Till then, you are most cordially invited to GET THE HELL OUT. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: I shall observe your future progress with much interest... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, and stay away from Kurtz-a-chai, his predilection for youngsters is showing again. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: Umm, that's my supposedly earless dog, not MarloThomases. And if you're done spreading peanut butter on yourself for him to lick off, then click 'go' and send me your turn. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Damn strait. Cruda, you'll need to be more careful with Dalelama's mutt's ears. When I'm done with you, you'll need them to stitch on in place of the ones I'm in the process of slowly removing from your sorry head. You may want to save the dog's nuts as well so that you can sew those on as well to assure that you'll have something to lick on those cold, lonely, middle PA nights. The spoiled-milk-boiled goldfish bites. If all is right with the world, the file I sent last night should, for all practical purposes, spell the end of the Crodatruppen. So, coming soon to a sideshow near you: Hurry, Hurry, Hurry, see the amazing, the incredible, Croda, the dog eared boy. Watch as this freak of nature amazes you with his ability to lick his ass. Laugh at the incoherent gibberish, gawk at the slack jawed face, stand in awe of the tactical incompetence, spit in his face, kick his groin. Admission only one thin dime, hurry, hurry, hurry … ------------------ We are fierce historical inaccuracers - PawBroon [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-06-2000).]
  23. Shandorf!!! (Slap across the face) Do you here me Shandorf (Slap … Slap) What the hell are you doing, talking to the animals. If you throw the monkey's **** back at him, you only encourage him. Better just to let him play in peace with his own doodoo. So, for you: GRIM REAPER: Shut up! Shut up, you American. You always talk, you Americans. You talk and you talk and say 'let me tell you something' and 'I just wanna say this'. Well, you're dead now, so shut up!
  24. A man of culture and taste. I could tell by your choice of opponents. My latest CM music has been Mozart's Requiem. BTW, Ceebee is too modest. It was a good, tough fight, with not much left on either side, and a fair bit of luck was involved.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Bugger off, he's one of ours, now. … Claw your way back toward daylight, laddie, sans Marlow, and be glad nothing worse happens to you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My dear Kurtz-a-chai, Thank you ever so kindly for showing little old DVN to the door, you presumptuous pile of decomposing monkey vomit, but I can show my own victims out. Better yet, give them a shove into the pool, so that when they leave, they will be shunned by polite society, and relegated to a sad, lonely existence on the edge of civilization because of the unique irremovable smell. "Out, damned stench! out, I say!-- One; two; why, then 'tis time to do't ;--Hell is murky!--Fie, my lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?--Yet who would have thought the old 'pool to have had so much stink in it? … Here's the smell of the Cess still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!" And the time is fast approaching that I will deal with you, oh lyrical one. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> We may hate him, deride him, piss upon him from a very great height, and laugh about him, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I remember these and other words, which while welcoming in a strange Peng thread way, deserve utter annihilation as their only just reward. Such words are not forgotten, but ferment in the deepest pits of the mind like that bit of Thanksgiving day turkey that gets stuck between your molars, or the leftover stuffing that sits on the low shelf of the fridge until it grows fuzzy eats the dog. My dark thoughts turn to the ultimate purpose of my journey up the Schloss Peng (and for those of you who don't like these little delusional plot elements intruding upon your taunting … Tough ****). You and your little poetry and sing-song and your little mamby-pamby mincing dances through the forest glen with wittle bunnies and birdies. The day is coming when I will reach the source of the Peng, and chop you into fine bits. Then you will be rendered into gelatin, chilled with diced pears, and served to senior citizens in Iowa along with meatloaf and creamy gravy and green beans as a part of some meals-on-wheels program. Or perhaps you can serve your role in keeping out the tourists in a somewhat different fashion. I envision a scene much like that on the road to the castle of Vladd, with your body impaled upon a pole set deep in the ground outside the entrance to the 'pool. The twisted visages on your face telling the story of your last moments, and serve as a warning to all that this is not a happy place where the sun shines, and the birds flutter in the trees and sing joyful songs all the day long. But rather that the inhabitants of this dark place are grumpy, and prey upon the weak willed, and tactically inept to feed their monstrous appetites. ------------------ We are fierce historical inaccuracers - PawBroon [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-05-2000).]
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